Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

Drinking Game!

“Tonight, we remember those who gave their blood to defend this country…” Théoden said, “Hail the victorious dead!”

“Hail!” Everyone echoed, and we raised our mugs. Mostly everyone then took a sip of ale. As for me, I never really did care for ale, so I left my cup alone. Legolas, who was sitting next to me, took a hesitant drink as well, and he set his cup down, with a look of disgust on his face. I smiled; Gimli on the other hand, tilted his mug back, and emptied it without pausing for a single breath. He slammed his mug down on the table, and he let out a loud burp. I winced.

“You disgust me Gimli…” I said.

“HA! You hardly drank any!”

“Why would I ever wish to?” I asked.

“It’s good!”

“Ha. It was absolutely disgusting…” I said.

“I second that…” Legolas added.

“Eh…Shows how much elves know!” Gimli said. I rolled my eyes at him. Just then, a merry tune struck up. Legolas stood up, and he stood in front of me. I looked up at him, with a smile.

“Would you care for a dance Milady?” He said, with his hand out stretched to me. I laughed.

“I can’t dance…” I said, sheepishly.

“Of course you can. Come on…It’ll be fun, Anna…” I smiled, and I took his out stretched hand. He brought me into the middle of the dance floor, and he placed one hand on my waist. I smiled, and we danced for what seemed like hours, but we stopped for the sake of my side. We sat down on a bench, our fingers intertwined.

“That, was probably the most fun, I have in a long time. Thank you so much, Legolas.” He smiled at me, as he gave me a gentle kiss.

“My pleasure Milady…” I blushed. Just then, Gimli stalked over to us.

“I challenge you to a contest! A game!” We both looked at each other, but we both stood up, and we followed him, to where a table was set up with mugs of ale spread out, where Eomer was standing.

“No pauses, no spills…” Eomer said.

“And no regurgitation.” Gimli said.

“So, it’s a drinking game?” Legolas asked, “And what exactly is the point?”

“Last one standing wins!!” Gimli said, gleefully. I rolled my eyes at Gimli, and I gave him a disgusted look.

“I think I’m going to pass on that…” I said.

“I expected that as much.” I glared at him.

“I will do it…” Legolas said. I looked over at him, with a look of surprise on my face.

“Are you sure about this Legolas?” I asked him.

“No, but I’m not about to let a Dwarf beat me.” Legolas said, sure of himself.

“Win for the both of us…” I smiled, and he nodded. I pulled up a chair, and I sat down and watched Gimli and Legolas drink mug after mug. Suddenly, Legolas looked down at his hand, and he rubbed his thumb against his fingertips.

“I feel something…” He said. “A slight tingling in my fingertips. I think it’s effecting me!” I looked up at him, in alarm, and I looked to Eomer, who was looking at him, with the same look of alarm.

“HA!” Gimli exclaimed, “He can’t even hold his liquor!” With that, his chair fell back, and he passed out. Legolas, Eomer, and I glanced over at him, and Legolas turned to Eomer and I.

“Game over.” I smiled, and I wrapped my arms around him. I dozed off at some point, and I felt a pair of arms carry me to a room, and lay me on a bed. I cracked my eye open slightly, to see Legolas. I smiled.

“Get some sleep love…” He bent down, and he kissed me quickly.

“I’m on the other bed, if you need me…”

I smiled, and my eyes closed.

The next morning, I felt the warmth of the sun on my face. I cracked my eyes open, and I saw Legolas sitting on the edge of his bed. “Morning love…” I rolled over on my bed, and I pulled the pillow over my head. I hate mornings! Just then, I felt arms slide under me, and pick me up. My eyes opened immediately.

“No! Legolas!” I squealed.

“Time to get up, Anna!” I heard Legolas’ voice ring through my ears.

“Legolas, put me down!” I squealed. I hate being woken up, but I couldn’t stay mad at him. He still held me in his arms, and he set me down on his bed. His face leaning over mine. I swatted his arm.

“Why did you wake me up?” I asked him.

“It was morning, and it was time for you to wake up. “ I groaned.

“I hate mornings…” He laughed.

“I can tell…” I frowned at him. He bent down and he gave me a kiss. I smiled.

“Morning love…” He said to me, as he touched my face.
