Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

The Palantir

Nothing very interesting happened for the rest of the day. But that evening, Legolas and I were heading back to our room, when suddenly I froze. Something was here. Something evil. I dug my nails into Legolas’ arm, unknowingly, whatever it was, and it was driving me mad.

“Anna, what is i…“ He said, before he stopped, he knew what I was sensing. We both glanced at each other, before we took off for the room where Gandalf, Merry, and Pippin were sharing. I spotted Aragorn ahead of us, taking a stroll, completely unaware of what was going on.

“Aragorn!” Legolas shouted. “The Hobbits! Aragorn started running off towards the room, and he reached it before we did, and he burst in, with Legolas and I hot at his heels. I saw Pippin grasping a crystal ball. I gasped when I saw the Palantir, and it was glowing orange, and I knew it was the Eye of Sauron.

“Pippin!” I screamed. Aragorn had grabbed Pippin, and he fell to the floor motionless. “Aragorn!” I shouted. Legolas grasped Aragorn’s shoulders, and he dropped the Palantir, and it rolled across the floor. Gandalf was about to throw his cloak over top of it, but it rolled over to me.

‘Ah…Anneliese. Finally I can talk to you. Personally. As you may already know, you have something that I want…’

Everyone went silent to listen. As it continued to talk to me, I backed away from it, until it back me into a corner, with my back against that wall.

‘You won’t get them…’ I said, firmly.

An eerie evil laugh echoed through the room. ‘You think you know pain. You think you know something as simple and sweet as pain…Let them see…Let them all see why you are so important…’

A pain tore through my arm, and I screamed. I dropped to my knees, and I saw what he meant. The cuts on my arms, glowed a fiery orange, and it burned through the dress sleeve. All could see the fiery words, and they began to bleed, heavily. My blood! They had the shards of the Silmarils in them. As soon as the drops of blood hit the floor, they began to form. My blood sparkled, as the shards were lit up by the light coming from the Palantir.

They began to form, the shape of……a Silmaril. He began to laugh, as the Silmaril, began to slide towards the Palantir.

“No!” I shouted. I reached forward, and I snatched up the Silmaril. He growled, and it lunged forward. I screamed, as Gandalf’s grey cloak was cast over it. The Palantir dropped to the floor, with a thud! Everyone turned to look at me.


Was all I could say, before I got to my feet, and I ran out of the room, with tears streaming down my face.