Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

You Saw?

I ran into my room, and I slammed the door, and I sank down behind it, my knees against my chest. A knock at the door, startled me.

“Anna…” Legolas said, gently. I stood up away from the door, and I walked onto the balcony. I heard the door open, and I heard Legolas walk in, and stand a little way away from me.

“Anna…” He said, gently. My head was in my hands, as my sobs continued. He walked up behind me, and he wrapped his arms around me. I turned around to face him, my hands away from my face.

“Did you see?” I asked in a quiet voice. He didn’t say anything, and I knew that they did see.


I buried my head in his chest.

“What’s wrong, love?” He asked me.

“You all saw?” I asked.

“None of you were supposed to now, yet. You all had to find out when you all were ready…” I sobbed.

“Shh…love…” He said, comforting.

“I have to leave…” He took my shoulders, and he held me at a distance.

“Anna what are you talking about?”

“I have to leave; you all are in danger here, because of me…I can’t put them all through that again…” I said, as I looked at the ground.

“I’ll go with you…” He said to me.

“No…I just lost my father, I can’t lose you now…”

“But, Anna…”

“No! Legolas, please stay! Please! I cannot afford to lose anyone else right now! Please! Stay here!” I pleaded, and I broke down into tears. He brought me into the room, and he sat me down, and he knelt down in front of me.

“Anna, listen to me. Whatever you saw in that Palantir…I know that it has nothing to do with me, but whatever has to do with you, it has to with me…” I gave him a confused look.

“Get some sleep love, you’ve had an eventful day…” He kissed me, before he climbed into his own bed, and he fell asleep.

A few hours later, I woke up, and it was still dark out. I packed a bag, and I walked out onto the balcony, and I jumped down. I landed silently on the ground, and I took off for the stables. I found Amariel, and I put my finger to my lips hushing her. She understood, I saddled her, and I rode into the night. To Gondor….