Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

Minas Tirith

I only allowed a few hours rest, for I wanted to reach Gondor before Gandalf did. Amarië seemed very grateful for the rests as much as I did. I did feel bad for leaving Legolas, Aragorn, Gimli, and Merry. But, it had to be done, I couldn’t bear to see them go through anything that didn’t have to do with them. Speaking of that, what did Legolas mean when he said, “…but whatever has to do with you, it has to with me…” What was he trying to say? I ignored that question, and I rode on.

A few days later, I crested a large hill, and I saw Osgiliath to my left, and Minas Tirith to my right. I angled Amariel towards Minas Tirith, and I gazed at my home, I then remembered something, the last person, I had seen before leaving Minas Tirith was Boromir, and Faramir. My thoughts strayed for a few moments, before I heard hoof beats behind me. I turned Amariel around, to see Shadowfax galloping towards me, carrying Gandalf and Pippin on his back. They skidded to a stop.

“Le ab-dollen…” *You’re late* I said, to Gandalf, who gave me a questioning look. “I did what was right…”

Gandalf nodded at me. “You’re early…”

I smirked. I turned to Pippin.

“Hi, Pippin…” I said to him.

“Hello, Anna…” He said, with a melancholy look on his face. I turned to Gandalf.

“Let us make our presence known, shall we?” I asked. I took Amariel into a comfortable gliding canter, and soon enough, Shadowfax was shoulder to shoulder with Amariel. We reached the gates of Minas Tirith, and we found them to be tightly shut. I looked up to see the guards staring down at us.

“Who goes there?” They called down to us.

“Anneliese…” I called up to them.

“Remove your hood, so that we may see that you are who you claim to be…” Another called down. I sighed, and I removed my hood.

The guards exchanged a few words, then one gave the word for the gates to be opened. We rode swiftly through Minas Tirith, and to the citadel. We dismounted our horses, and we started to walk towards the throne room, where Denethor sat. I looked up the White Tree, it seemed familiar, yet it felt distant and foreign to me.

“It’s the tree…” Pippin said.

“Gandalf. Gandalf!”

“Yes, the White Tree of Gondor. The tree of the king. Lord Denethor, however is not king. He is only but a steward, caretaker of the throne.”

“But do not tell him that, he believes that he is the king…” I said, under my breath. Gandalf turned to Pippin.

“Now listen carefully, Pippin, Lord Denethor is Boromir’s father. To give him news of his beloved son’s death would be most unwise… And do not mention Frodo or the Ring…… And say nothing of Aragorn either… In fact, it may be best if you don’t speak at all, Peregrin Took…” Pippin nodded.

“Um…Gandalf…” I said.

“Yes, Anna?”

“Um…Denethor doesn’t exactly…Love me…come to think of it…he doesn’t even like me. Oh hell, he hates me!” Gandalf just sighed, and he started climbing the stairs before us. I stopped him.

“Thing is, I do not think that I should go in there…” I said.

“Come on…” He said to me.

“Alright…” I said. As we walked up to the doors of the throne room, two guards opened the doors for us. Gandalf walked in, with Pippin in front of me, with my hands on his shoulders.

“Hail Denethor, son of Ecthelion, lord and steward of Gondor.” Gandalf said. My eyes widened, for Denethor was holding the horn of Gondor, the one that Boromir was carrying with him when he died. The one that we sent off the waterfall with him. “I come with tidings in this dark hour, and with council…” Gandalf said.

“Perhaps you come to explain this…” Denethor said, as he raised the horn slightly, and I saw that it had split down the middle. My mind flashed back, and I forced myself to hold back tears.

“Perhaps you come to tell me why my son is dead…” Denethor said. I just looked to the floor.

“Boromir died to save us…” Pippin said, suddenly. “My kinsmen and me. He fell defending us from many foes.”

“Pippin!” Gandalf said, harshly.

“Don’t!” I hissed. Pippin walked forward quickly, and knelt before Denethor.

“I offer you my service, such as it is…In payment of this debt…” Pippin said.

“Get up!” Gandalf said, and he knocked Pippin with his staff, and he got to his feet. I lunged forward, and I dragged him over to me, and I held him in place.

“My lord, there will be a time to grieve over Boromir, but it is not now. War is coming. The enemy is on your doorstep. As steward, you are charged with the defense of this city. Where are Gondor’s armies? You still have friends. You are not alone in this fight. Send word to Théoden of Rohan. Light the beacons.”

“You think you are wise, Mithrandir. Yet for all your subtleties, you have not wisdom. Do you think that the eyes of the White Tower are blind? I have seen more than you know. With your left hand, you would use me as a shield against Mordor, and with your right you’d seek to supplant me. I know who rides with Théoden of Rohan. Oh, yes. Word has reached my ears of this Aragorn son of Arathorn… And I tell you this now; I will not bow to this Ranger from the north… Last of a ragged house long bear fit of lordship…”

“Authority is not given to you to deny the return of the king, steward.” Gandalf said. Denethor stood up, angrily from the throne.

“The rule of Gondor is mine, and no other’s!” Denethor said. Gandalf turned and started walking from the throne room. “Come.” He said to Pippin and I.

“You!” I heard Denethor shout. I turned around, and I saw Denethor stalking over to me.

“You are the one responsible for my son’s death!”

“I…” Was all that came out of my mouth, he was right.

“Why did you come back, and not him!?” He yelled angrily, at me. I stood my ground, as he leaned close to my face. He began to back away from me, and I was confused. I looked down, and I saw that my Dragon Rider’s necklace was now on top of my cloak. I turned and glared at him.

“You are responsible for his death!” He yelled once again. I turned on my heels, and I ran.

That night, I leant my elbows on the railing of the balcony, of my room. I propped my chin on my palms. Tears falling silently from my eyes. It felt different to be wearing a dress from here. I missed everyone, and I was starting to regret leaving everyone. I was still trying to figure out what Legolas was trying to tell me.

“Milady…” I heard a gentle voice say from behind me. I whipped around, and I clapped my hand over my mouth.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Missed you too…” He said. I ran over to him, and I clasped my hands around his neck.

“Why did you come here?”

“Because I knew, this is where you would be…”

“No, why did you come? I told you to stay.”

“Back at Rohan, I was going to tell you something in the morning, but you had gone before I could…”

“What was that?”

“Anneliese…I want to ask you something.” I nodded. He knelt down in front of me, and he pulled out a small box, and he opened it to reveal, a beautiful silver ring.

“Anneliese, le no an-uir nin?” He asked. *Anneliese, will you be mine forever?” I stood there, stunned for a few seconds, and I saw worry come to Legolas’ eyes.

“Mae! Mae!” I said, happily. *Yes! Yes!* I smiled. He stood up, and he placed the ring on my finger.

I threw my arms around him, and he kissed me.

Right now, even though I had just lost my father a few days ago, right now, I felt like the happiest person in the world....