Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

You look more and more like your mother everyday

The next few days, nothing interesting happened. We both decided that when this was all over, and Aragorn was king, we would announce our engagement. One morning, while Gandalf was patrolling the castle, he turned around and he hurried to Denethor in panic. Legolas and I followed him. An attack was coming. Was Gondor ready? Maybe, even though the army of Orcs that Gandalf had seen was unusually small, but I was sure that this only a tiny portion of Sauron’s full army.

Gandalf ordered Legolas and I to ride back to Rohan to spread the message to them. We slung our bows over our shoulders, and we took off for the stables. We used the horses that Legolas used to get to Gondor, and we rode off quickly, so that the Orcs could not see us. We rode quickly, but in silence. When we neared Rohan, I saw in the distance, a group of tents. Rohan tents, and I could see Aragorn in the distance. He saw us, and he turned to leave. He may go tell the King, and they may think that we are intruders.

“Aragorn! Aragorn!” I cried. He stopped in his tracks, and he turned to see us. A grin appeared on his face, and we rode up to him. I jumped off the horse, and I ran over to him, and I hugged him.

“What are you two doing here?” I heard Théoden say to us. I broke apart from Aragorn, as Legolas dismounted off the horse.

“We were sent from Gondor…We were sent to Rohan to tell you that Gondor is in need of aid…” I said, Legolas nodded in agreement. Théoden gazed at the both of us thoughtfully for a few moments.

“Gandalf sent you, didn’t he?” He asked. I nodded.

“Very well then, you’ll be staying with us…”

“Thank you, Uncle…” Before he turned and left, I ran over to him, and I wrapped my arms around him.

“I have missed you Uncle…” I said, before letting go of him. He smiled, as he held me by my shoulder’s, at a distance.

“You look more and more like your mother everyday…” He said to me, as he touched my cheek, lovingly. I smiled, and he turned and left. Aragorn then led us to his tent.

A few days later, I saw Aragorn staring out away from the camp, towards the towering, mountains to the side.

“Where do those mountains lead to?” I heard Aragorn ask Eomer, who had just joined him.

“Those?” Eomer said. “Oh, you wouldn’t want to go in there, Haven’t you heard the tale? Back then, when the war was still going on- the one that turned Sauron into just an eye- Rohan was in desperate need of Gondor’s aid, but the King was too cowardly to send his troops out to battle. So Rohan banished them- cast a spell on them that turned them to ghosts, making them live forever, not freeing them when they are meant to be freed, and forgiven for their wrongdoing. If rumors are true- that is where the Dead Army lives and hides…”

At that, I heard a ghostly voice whisper my name, and Aragorn’s as well…