Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

Crebain from Dunland

A few more days have slowly passed, we stopped for a break. We were rested on a hillside dotted with rocks. Sam was cooking. Boromir was teaching Merry and Pippin how to swordfight, with Frodo and I watching. Aragorn was sitting alittle way from us, smoking, Gandalf was talking to Gimli as Legolas was watching the horizon for any upcoming threats. Just then, Boromir accidently cut Pippin's hand, and Pippin yelped. I gasped. "Sorry!" Boromir said. Suddenly, Merry and Pippin began attacking Boromir. "For the Shire!" Merry shouted, as he and Pippin tackled Boromir to the ground. I laughed. Frodo smiled. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something black in the sky. Standing up, I ran over beside Legolas to gewt a better view of the black cloudlike thing. "What is that?" I asked, abit scared at what it might be. "Nothing, it's just a whisp of clouds." Gimli said, harshly. "That's impossible, it's moving to fast to be a whisp of clouds.." I retorted. "It's moving fast...Against the wind..." Boromir said, sounding alarmed. "Crebain from Dunland!" Legolas cried. "Hide!!" Aragorn yelled.
I turned to run, but my cloak got stuck on a nearby bush. "Anneliese, what are you doing? Hide!" Legolas called, from the bush. "I can't! I'm stuck!" I began to panic, Legolas tried his best to untangle my black and green cloak without tearing it. He was unsuccessful, the crebain were getting closer. In a matter of mere seconds, they would be right above us. A few seconds later, the crebain were above me. I was still out in the open. "Legolas..." I whimpered. Trying to calm me down, he took hold of my hand. A craban(singular version of crebain) flew right by me. I held my breath. "Aistaraina..stay completely still.." Legolas whispered to me. Thinking quickly, I pulled my cloak over my head. A few crebain flew right by me. My cloak wasn't camoflaging with the background. I was frozen on the spot............