Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

Taking the Boats

Aragorn stood on the riverbank, with his sword drawn. I stood on his left, with my sword in hand. Legolas stood to my left, with two daggers in hand. Gimli stood on Aragorn’s right, with his axe raised high in the air. “In order to have come this far so fast, they must have been paddling for at least one and a half days nonstop…” Aragorn explained.

“Sounds exhausting……they’ll be wanting a rest soon…” I said, and they nodded in agreement. We made our way down the mountain, with the General showing us a hidden path that led to the riverbank. Now we stood on the damp earth, with the entire Dead Army, behind us, invisible.

“What was the General talking about before?” Legolas asked me, Aragorn and Gimli turned to me, expectantly.

“Nothing...It's not important right now...".

I turned back to the riverbank. Aragorn was right. A few minutes later, the giant boats started to turn, and they headed towards us.

“Get ready…” Aragorn whispered to us. The boats kept sailing, their flags fluttering in the wind, with the seal of Mordor, which was the Great Eye of Sauron, emblazoned on them. It wasn't very long before; part of Sauron’s army had reached us. Some of them, we could see very clearly were Orcs. But there were some other creatures that we hadn’t seen before- they resembled men, except for the fact that they had six fingers on each hand, and they were painted in red and black, in a pattern that made them look even more terrifying, with white lines separating the black and red colors, and some of them had yellow dots around their eyes. I wasn't even sure if it was paint, or if it was their real skin color, but they obviously didn’t seem to care. They all carried long, broadswords, and their archers stood at the top of the boat, and their bows were longer than their own height, and their arrows were twice as thick as our own.

There was a terrible scraping noise as the boats reached land, and then all went silent. One of the
creatures that looked like a painted man climbed off the biggest boat, and he silently walked towards Aragorn, as he drew his long, dreadful looking sword, and he was taking long, strides. He stopped when he was about a meter away from Aragorn. “What is your business here?” He asked in a deep and menacing voice. Aragorn took a step back, and he raised his sword a little higher.

“I need transport to Gondor…” Aragorn replied. The creature looked over at me, and he gave me a creepy smile.

“If you are willing to pay a pretty fee…” He growled.

I narrowed my eyes at him, “Not on your life…” I hissed.

“Well…” The man with six fingers replied, “You won’t be coming with us…” With that, he attempted to plunge his broadsword into Aragorn’s heart, but he was too slow.

Aragorn quickly blocked the blow, and flicked his sword down, pushing the man’s sword down as well, “Oh no…” Aragorn continued, “We won’t need to be coming with you…” And before the painted man could figure out what Aragorn meant, he plunged his blade into the painted man’s heart, and within seconds, he dropped to the ground, dead.

The rest of the men and Orcs, yelled in fury. They raised their weapons high in the air, and they began yelling and shouting. “I SAID,” Aragorn shouted over the racket, “WE WON’T NEED TO BE COMING WITH YOU!” It took them a little while to understand, the real meaning of the words to sink in. Their angry yells and shouts turned into uncontrollable laughter, and I thought that their sides were going to split, but we held our ground, and I heard shouts thrown here and there.

“HAH! They’ll NEVER win!”

“Them FOUR? Against US?”

“Who do they THINK they ARE?”

But we still held our ground, weapons ready. And after what seemed like years, Aragorn brandished his sword again, and he let out the order. “NOW! CHARGE!” At first, only the four of us ran forward, and Sauron’s army was still jeering with laughter. But we knew better, a few seconds after, the front line soldiers of the Dead Army were no longer invisible. They charged as well, along with the General, who was as green as ever. Then the second line appeared, and then the next, and the next, and the next…

The jeers and shouts of laughter were immediately drowned, as if the river itself had swallowed them up. Their mocking expressions turned to faces of fear, shock and disbelief. Even if they did manage to fight us off, they were NO match whatsoever for the Dead Army. In a mere few hours, the whole army lay dead at our feet. Bodies were sprawled on the riverbank, and others were being washed away by the river. Our spirits high at our triumph, we took over the boats, and we started to sail to Gondor