Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target


“Frodo has passed beyond my sight…” Gandalf said. “The darkness is deepening…”

“If Sauron had the Ring, we would know it…” Aragorn said.

“It’s only a matter of time; he had suffered a defeat, yes… But behind the walls of Mordor, our enemy is regrouping.”

“Let him stay there. Let him rot! Why should we care?” Gimli said. I narrowed my eyes at him, for I did not know if he was speaking of Frodo, or of Sauron.

“Because ten thousand Orcs now stand between Frodo and Mount Doom……I’ve sent him to his death…” Gandalf sighed.

“No.” Aragorn said, “There is still hope for Frodo. He needs time and a safe passage across the plains of Gorgoroth. We can give him that.”

“How?” Gimli asked.

“Draw out Sauron’s armies…” I said, quickly. “Empty his lands. We gather our full strength and march on the Black Gate…” I continued.

Gimli coughed on the pipe he was smoking. Eomer stepped forward from where he was, standing, and he was now standing next to Legolas and I. I heard that Théoden had been killed in the battle of Pelennor Fields, and now Eowyn and Eomer were the rulers of Rohan. I had no time to grieve over Uncle, that would be for later.

“We cannot achieve victory through strength of arms…” Eomer said.

“Not for ourselves…” Aragorn began.

“But we can give Frodo his chance if we keep Sauron’s Eye fixed upon us. Keep him blind to all else that moves…” I finished for him.

“A diversion…” Legolas said, and I nodded.

“Sauron will suspect a trap. He will not take the bait.” Gandalf said.

“Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?” Gimli asked.

“What are we waiting for? We have survived impossible odds before. Why must we not take this chance as well? We have taken chances before, and we have done impossible things.” I said.

“It is true…” Legolas said.

“We can do it one last time…” I said.

It was agreed that we would embark for Mordor in the morning. Dread and death was seeping into my bones as I looked onto the sunset from my room. It may be the last sunset I had looked on. Dread was in the air for we going up ten thousand, we may have no chance against the armies of Mordor. Death was in the air, as I remembered of my Uncle’s death. With my elbows on the railing of the balcony, I covered my eyes with my hands and sobbed. I heard someone come up behind me, and I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind. I didn’t even acknowledge him.

“Anna…” He said his voice full of sadness. “……I am sorry about Théoden…” He trailed off. I turned around in his arms, and I lay my head on his chest, and I sighed.

“What’s wrong, love?” He asked me.

“…We are going to die before we even do get married…” I said, trailing off. I wanted to tell Legolas that I was the Queen of the Noldor, but I was not sure on how he would take it. I was going to have to tell him eventually. I walked out of his circle of arms, and I walked into my room, and I sat on my bed.

“Anna. Are you alright?” Legolas asked me, with concern in his voice, as he knelt in front of me.

“Do you remember about you asking me what the General meant?” He nodded.

“Well…I…Um…I have to tell you something. Something that may or may not change your mind about this…” I said, about the engagement.

“Anna, it does not matter what you will tell me, we will marry, it does not matter what you tell me…” I smiled. “I’m a Queen!” I blurted out. He nodded.

“Anna, love, you have to speak a bit slower…” I sighed.

“I am a Queen of the Noldor. I am the Lady of Nargothrond…My father until of late was King of Nargothrond. I am his daughter, and the only one who can take the throne. I have to be this…But at the same time I do not want to be this…” I said. He nodded, and he took my hands in his own.

“You would make a wonderful Queen…” He said to me. I smiled, but tears still leaked from my eyes. He cupped my face with his hand, and he thumbed my tears away.

“Why is everything so complicated now, when I in love?” I complained. He smiled.

“Love is complicated, love…”

“I know…” I said, sleepily. He stood up, and he lay me down on my bed. I felt him lay down beside me, and he wrapped his arms around my waist, and he held me like that, for the rest of the night, for it may the last time that he does…