Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

End of pain

Dark black blood splattered onto my face and my armor as I slashed off yet, another Orcs head. The Silmaril shards in my blood began to sharpen, and they began to scratch the inside of me, but I tried to ignore the feeling. I looked down at the dead carcass before I was attacked by another. “Are you alright back there, love?” I heard Legolas ask, who was fighting back to back with. I winced, as I stuck my sword through another Orcs chest.

“Everything is fine for now. How about you?” I threw over my shoulder.

“Yes, I’m alright…” He said, hesitantly. “Where’s Aragorn? He was with us, wasn’t he?” I turned around quickly, panic bouncing in my mind. Where was he? Mere moments ago, the three of us were fighting back to back, along with Gimli, now he was gone. Gimli was gone as well, but he had said that he was going to help out Merry and Pippin, but Aragorn had not said anything. He just disappeared. That’s when I heard it. A familiar blood curdling roar. I slowly turned around, and about 40 metres in front of me, I could see the back of Aragorn’s head, but it wasn't that, which scared me. It was the giant troll, which stood in front of Aragorn, which was towering over him, with a very gruesome looking sword.

“Aragorn!” I called over the cries of battle, and I slashed my way towards him, with Legolas behind me. “ARAGORN!” I shouted once more.

My heart jumped to my throat, as the troll managed to trap Aragorn under its foot. I cut down the Orcs faster, when I saw the Troll try to bring his sword down on him. Aragorn narrowly dodged the sword, and if only he could draw his own- but it was gripped hard in his hand, which unfortunately was trapped underneath the Troll’s foot. He dodged the next blow, which thankfully just brushed against his arm. I noticed that the Troll seemed to notice what Aragorn was doing, and he pressed his foot down on him, so that more of his upper body was covered. Aragorn desperately tried to move, but this time, there was no escape for him. The Troll was about to bring his blade down on him, ending his life.

“NO!” I cried out. I grabbed my bow from my back, and I shot the Troll in the left eye, hoping to move his attention away from Aragorn. It did, but now, it lunged at me. I dodged out of the way, and it swung at me. I ducked, but it managed to clip me slightly on the arm. I tore a strip off my cloak, and I tied it tightly around my wound. At this point in time, my blood was not going to fall to the ground, unless I needed it to.

“ANNA!” I heard Legolas shout. I turned around to see the Troll with his hand raised, it was too late for me to do anything. Its fist struck me across my body, and I was air borne. I landed on my side, and I groaned in pain. Just then, a familiar yet equally terrifying sound echoed through the air.

“NAZGUL!” I cried. On top of each of them, was a Ringwraith. Two landed in front of me, swords drawn. I knew that I did not stand a chance against the both of them. I felt a searing hot flash of pain, and I fell to my knees. I looked to my arm, to see the where the Troll managed to clip, began to bleed heavily. Shards of the Silmaril began to fall to the ground, and they began to form the gems.

The Ringwraithes crept closer. I knew what I had to do; it was just that I was afraid to do it. I waited until all three gems formed. I took them in my hands, and I crushed them. The Ringwraithes screamed, and they turned and ran. I managed to keep my eyes open long enough to see the great tower that held the Eye of Sauron crumble, and fall into nothing. I smiled, knowing that what we had all came to do, was done.

My head hit the earth, my eyes closed for the last time, and darkness fell around me…