Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

Hope for her

*Legolas’ Point of View*
We all looked to see the Tower that held the Eye of Sauron crumble, and fall into nothing. I began to look around for Anna, but I could not find her anywhere. I saw Aragorn, and I walked over to him. “Have you seen Anna?” I asked him. His eyes clouded with worry.

“Now that I think about it, I haven’t seen her since the Troll…” We both searched for her.

“Anna! Anna!” Aragorn and I called, and we got no response. I was beginning to lose hope; Aragorn clapped his hand on my shoulder.

“Do not fret my friend .Anna is strong, and smart… I bet she’s fine…” He said, but I could hear the uncertainty in his voice. We continued calling her name, until we heard Pippin shout her name, his voice was full of pain, and by the way he called it, we knew something was wrong.

“Anneliese!” We heard him call. Aragorn and I looked at each other for a moment, before we took off, following where Pippin’s voice came from. We found him and Merry kneeling by a body. Anna!

“Anneliese!” I shouted, as Aragorn and I ran over to her. I knelt beside her, and Aragorn stood with his hands on Merry and Pippin’s shoulders. I noticed that she had one of her hands clenched in a fist. I gently pried her hand open, to reveal the shards of gems in her fist, with blood all over them, and her……engagement ring?! I took the ring form her hand, and I placed it in my pocket.

“Why won’t she wake?” Pippin asked.

“Because she has done to this to herself…” Gandalf explained.

“Anna would not do this to herself…” I argued.

“What Anna carried did this to her…” We all exchanged confused glances.

“What Anna carried in her, Sauron wanted desperately, and if he succeeded all of Middle Earth would be doomed. What Sauron wanted from her, was so that he could bring back Morgoth, the First Dark Lord, and Sauron’s master. Besides getting the Ring back, Sauron needed Anna for what she carried so that she could bring back Morgoth…”

“Anna would have done no such thing, she would have died rather than bring him back, I am sure…” I said.

“You are right Legolas. For that is what she chose to do. When she destroyed the Silmarils, because they had been in her blood for a long time, they have become a part of her now. Since she destroyed them, she destroyed herself…” Gandalf said.

“Isn’t there anything that can bring her back?” I asked, panic and sadness in my voice.

“There is one other way, she would need to have another Silmaril in her blood, since she destroyed all three of them, there are none left, and if there were any left, she would need a shard from the previous ones, to make it work.” I thought about it for a moment, before realising something.

“She didn’t destroy all of them…” I said, aloud. Everyone turned to look at me.

“What are you talking about, there were three.” Gandalf said.

“Her necklace…” I pulled her necklace from her tunic, and there plain as day, was the last Silmaril.

“Who gave that necklace to her?” Gandalf asked.

“She thinks that it was Theodred…” Gandalf smiled.

“I think that Anneliese’s cousin may have just saved her life…” I tore the gem from the necklace, and I crushed it in my hand, and I found a stray piece of the crushed Silmaril in her hand, and I poured them into her mouth. Come on please work! I thought when we brought her back to Minas Tirith…