Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

The Fellowship reunited

I awoke the next morning, to find a bright light streaming on my face, from a nearby window. I could see the outline of someone sitting on my bed, and I couldn’t really tell who it was. “Hey…” I heard a familiar voice say. I squinted my eyes to try and see the person.

“Anna…”I heard the person say. I blinked a few times so my eyes could adjust. My face lit up, when I saw who was sitting there.

“Legolas!” I said, brightly.

“Morning, love…” He said, as he sat closer to me.

“What happened?”

“You don’t remember ?” He asked me. I shook my head.

“You just risked your life to save all the other Races of Middle Earth…” My eyes widened.

“I…I…did? How?”

“You knew that Sauron needed the Silmarils to bring back Morgoth, so you destroyed them, but you almost destroyed yourself as well…The necklace that Theodred had left you, saved you. It contained the last Silmaril to save you Anna…”

I smiled, before drifting off to sleep.

“Get some sleep love…” I heard Legolas say as he kissed my forehead, and once again darkness overcame me.

The next morning, I awoke, and I got dressed. I saw Legolas waiting outside my room, and he took my hand, and we walked to Frodo’s recovery room. Inside, I already saw Merry and Pippin, and Gimli.

“Go…he wants to see you…” I stepped inside Frodo’s room, and as soon as his gaze hit me, his small face lit up.

“Anna!” He cried. I couldn’t take it anymore. I ran over to his bed, and he threw his tiny arms around me. I held him close, not wanting any more harm to come to him. I felt Merry and Pippin join in on the hug, and I laughed. It was basically a dog pile of Hobbits on me. Aragorn entered the room, and I looked up to see someone lingering by the door. I broke away from them, and I knelt in front of Sam.

“Sam…you were just as brave as Frodo out there. Thank you…” I said as I kissed him on the forehead. I stood up, and Legolas took my hand.

“They missed you, Anna…” He whispered in my ear. “I know, I missed as much as they did…” I said, as I gazed out at my family.

The next few days, went by in a blur, and now, it was time for Aragorn’s coronation. I got dressed, and walked out of my bedroom door to find Legolas waiting for me. He stared at me for a moment, and I blushed, and I turned my gaze to the floor. He placed his finger on my chin, and I looked into his eyes. They were sparkling with love and awe.

“Don’t be shy love, you look beautiful…” I smiled,

“Le hannon, Legolas…” I said.

“Le ier creoso, Anneliese…” And he took my hand, and we walked towards the citadel.

The citadel was packed with people, and I held onto Legolas’ hand, and I watched as Gandalf placed a crown upon the kneeling Aragorn’s head. Legolas and I were standing in the front of all the people.

“Now comes the days of the King…May they be blessed.” Aragorn stood, and he addressed the crowd. “This day does not belong to one man but to all. Let us together rebuild this world…One that we may share in the days of peace…” Everyone began to applaud for our King Elessar. A few feet away from where I was standing, I could see Eowyn and Faramir, holding hands. I guess I will be related to Faramir after all.

“Et Earello Edorenna utulien. Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn’ Ambar- Metta…” Aragorn sang. *Out of the Great Sea to Middle Earth I am come. In this place I will abide, and my heirs, unto the ending of the world.* Aragorn walked down towards us. He placed a hand on Legolas’ right shoulder, and Legolas bowed his head. He turned to me, and I gave him a bow. He placed a hand on my shoulder, causing me to look up.

“You bow to no one, Anna…What you did for Middle- Earth…is beyond what anyone else would have ever done…We bow to you, Queen Anneliese of the Noldor…” He said, adding a small bow of his head.

“None of that…” I said, as Legolas and I stepped aside to reveal Lord Elrond and Arwen. Aragorn’s face lit up, and he began to walk towards Arwen, and she met him in the middle, and she looked at the ground. Aragorn lifted her chin, and kissed her. Everyone clapped and cheered. Arwen and Aragorn walked further down, and Arwen grabbed my hand, and she pulled Legolas and I in tow.

We saw the 4 Hobbits bow before them. “My friends, You bow to no one…” Aragorn said. Aragorn, Arwen, Legolas, me, and the rest of the crowd bowed towards the 4 Hobbits…