Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

Finding out a little bit of my past

Re-cap from the last chapter: A craban(singular version of crebain) flew right by me. I held my breath. "Aistaraina..stay completely still.." Legolas whispered to me. Thinking quickly, I pulled my cloak over my head. A few crebain flew right by me. My cloak was'nt camoflaging with the background. I was frozen on the spot.
Whenever the crebain find what they are looking for, they squawk. Which is what I was waiting for. I held my breath, but the crebain just flew over us. They didn't see me. Why? "Anneliese..are you okay? Why didn't the crebain see you?" Legolas asked, sounding confused. I was just as confused as he was. I was entranced by what had happened."Anneliese?! Anneliese where are you?!" Boromir yelled. I pulled my cloak off and I found Boromir staring at me. He jumped. "Where did you come from?" He asked. I was puzzled. "I was standing infront of you the entire time. Even during the time that the crebain flew over us.." Sam gasped. "And they didn't see you?" Frodo asked. I shook my head. Aragorn smirked. "Can I get a better look at your cloak, Anneliese?" I nodded. He walked over to me, and examined my cloak. After a couple seconds, he began to laugh. "I guess there's more to you Anneliese than meets the eye.." "What do you mean?""I asked. "Who gave you this cloak?" Aragorn asked. "My father left it to me." I said. "Well, be very lucky..this cloak shields the wearer from everything that is around them. Another thing, only those who have done very noble, or if they are of noble birth. Only people of that stature were given such a kingly gift" "Which explains why Boromir couldn't see me, until I took the cloak off.." I thought aloud. Aragorn nodded. Just then, Legolas climbed out of the bush, our hands a little ways apart from each other. Boromir glared at Legolas. I was confused.
I walked over to him. "What was that about?" I asked, alittle angrily. "I don't know what you're talking about Anneliese.." "You know pretty damn well what I mean. Why did you glare at Legolas?" I snapped. "Why do you think I glared at him? Maybe I was glaring at you.." "I know pretty damn well that you weren't glaring at me. He unlike you Boromir, was trying to save me. I'll ask you again..Why did you glare at him?" "Never mind.." I turned to walk away. "Just forget about it Aistaraina.." As soon as he said my true name, I quickly turned back around. "Never.Ever. Call. Me.Aistaraina.Ever.Again." I said, coldly. He walked away from me. I was angered and confused with Boromir. He never acted like this.
"Our passage south is being watched.." Gandalf said, abit ticked off. I didn't blame him, I was pretty ticked off too. "We must for the pass of Caradhras.." He said, looking up at the nearby mountain that loomed menacingly over us. I sighed. I hated the cold weather