Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

The Walls of Moria and the Watcher of the Water

All I saw was black.., until I smelt something. I felt myself being carried. "I can walk now.." I said, aruptly. Whoever was carring me jumped, I smiled in relief to find out that Legolas was carrying me. He smiled, and set me down. "Where are we?" I asked. "We're on our way to Moria.." A voice said, from behind me. I turned around to see Aragorn. He gave me a smile, but there was a small look of fear in his eyes. "Mani raika,Aragorn?" (What's wrong, Aragorn?) I asked him. "Lye sha wanwa lle Aistaraina."(We almost lost you, Aistaraina) He replied. I smiled, knowing that the Fellowship cared about one another. "Amin Tereva."(I am fine.) I smiled, he returned it. "The walls of Moria.." Gimli said, excitedly. I turned my gaze to the rock wall we were walking towards, it was a bridge that was carved out of the side of the mountain. Part of it was more of a waterfall than a mountain, It looked beautiful. "'s beautiful.." I gasped. Gimli beamed. "Not bad for the Dwarfs though.." I joked. Gimli laughed. "You'd be surprised lassie, at what the Dwarfs can do.." "Yeah, you've got that right,that's for sure.." I smiled. I turned to see Legolas smiling at me. "What?" I asked, smiling. "You are very easy to get along with.." He smiled. I felt myself blush. "Le hannon, Legolas..." I smiled. "Lle ier creoso, Anneliese.." He returned my smile. My attention then turned to Gandalf, who had stopped at a smooth part of the mountain, his hand moving from side to side. "Let's see.." He began to murmur to himself. "Ithinldin." he muttered thoughtfully. "It mirrors in starlight and moonlight." He said, looking up at the moon. Just then, a door appeared in the slab of rock. In the arch of the door were Elven words.
"It reads, The doors of Durin. Lord of Moria. Speak friend, and enter.." Gandalf explained. "What do you suppose that means?" Merry asked, thoughtfully. "It's simple, if you're a friend, you speak the password and the doors will open.." Gandalf explained to Merry. He placed his staff against the door, and enchanted in a form of Elvish that I didn't understand. He gave a sigh, and he tried several different phrases, but we all knew that we were going to be here for a while. While Gandalf was doing this, Merry and Pippin began throwing stones into the water, Pippin was about to throw another stone, but quicker than sight Aragorn caught his hand that was going to throw the stone and sadi to him, "Do not disturb the water.." Aragorn said, gently yet firmly. The water began to stir, I saw this and a shiver went through me. I don't scare easy, but there was something about what was living in the water that frightend me. Legolas saw this, and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I nodded him my thanks. He smiled. "Oh,it's useless.." I heard Gandalf say, as I saw him throw down his staff down on the rocks. He sat down beside Frodo, and sighed. Frodo stood up, and examined the door. "It's a riddle.." He said, I walked over beside him, I also examined the door. I broke out in a smile. He was right! "What's the elvish word for friend?" Frodo asked. "Mellon.." I responded. At my word, the door opened. I put my hand on Frodo's shoulder. ""Good work, Frodo.." I smiled. I walked into the mine, with Frodo beside me. We walked into the mine, with nothing but the moonlight as our light. Until Gandalf placed a crown shaped stone on the top of his staff. "This my friends is the home my cousin,Balin. And they call it a mine." Gimli continued. "A mine!"
Boromir looked around. "This is no mine.." He said, darkly. "It's a tomb.." I looked down, and saw a rotting corpse at my feet. I gasped and I began to back up until I reached the 4 Hobbits, who had also found a rotting corpse by their feet. I saw dead bodies everywhere. "No...." Gimli whimpered, as he ran to one of the nearby carcasses. "No!" He howled, that bounced off the walls. Legolas beant down to one of the carcasses, and plucked the arrow that was embedded in its skull. "Goblins!" He hissed, throwing the arrow to the ground. He grabbed an arrow from his own quiver and fit it on his bows string. Aragorn and Boromir unsheated their swords. "We make for the Gap of Rohan. We never should have come here.." He said, his voice still dark. Quicker than sight, I walked behind the Hobbits, guiding them out of the mine. "Now get out of here. Get out!" I couldn't agree with him more. Just then, a slimy tentacle slipped its way and grabbed Frodo's leg. It began pulling him into the water.

I turned around when I heard Frodo yelling. I unsheathed my sword, and sliced at the tentacle. Instead of letting go, another tentacle slipped out of the water and wrapped leg. It began pulling both Frodo and I into the water. I gave a scream, that made Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, and Gandlaf whip around. "Strider!" Sam yelled. Aragorn ran to the opening, with the rest of the Fellowship at his heels. The tentacles let both Frodo and I go, we were both struggling to get up the shore. Just then, about 9 more tentacles shot out of the water, hitting the Hobbits, and Aragorn every way. Then the tentacles grabbed Frodo and I again, and held us high in the air. Frodo screamed in fear.

Aragorn and Boromir had waded into the water, and began slashing at the creature. Legolas shot at the tentacle, that was bringing Frodo higher. All of a sudden, I saw a sight that scared me the most. I let out a bloodcurdling scream, which caused Boromir, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf, Merry, Pippin, and Sam to look up. The creature had shown its head, and it was slowly lowering Frodo and I into its jaws...