I Know It's Hurting You, but It's Killing Me

Chapter 1

I drug me feet along the sidewalk as i walked back home. I was hoping my parents were gone, or my dad at least.

To say they don't like me was probably an understatement. They hate me. Loathe me. If i said one thing to my mom without her saying something to me first, she would start yelling at me. My dad on the other hand, would probably hit me. He's always been that way, and my mom did nothing to stop it.

School isn't as bad as my so called home. Sure I get bullied, but it's not to an extreme. I've got a few friends, Jordan, Hannah, Ashley, and Brandon. Hannah is a grade younger than the rest of us, but she should be in our grade. I have one class with Jordan and Brandon, which is Biology, and I have three classes with Ashley, which is English, History, and Biology with Jordan and Brandon.

If my parents weren't home then I'd be able to go to a party with Ashley. If they were home, then I'd have to make them dinner, do laundry, and a bunch of other shit they are too lazy to do themselves. My mom didn't really care what I did when my father isn't around, but when he is around she's totally different. I haven't had a normal conversation with either of my parents for almost 5 years.

While I was walking down the street, 4 guys started running in my direction. I stepped out of the way and the tall one with blonde spiked up hair smiled at me.

"Get back here Matt!" He yelled, taking off again.

I shook it off and continued walking. Relief washed over me when my parents' cars were gone. I ran inside the house and up to me room. i pulled out a nice pair of jeans, a Metallica shirt, and my not-so worn out converse. I changed quickly and went into my bathroom. I turned on my straightener and ran it through my hair quickly. I applied mascara and grabbed my phone before running back out of the house and down the street to Ashley's. I hope my parents don't return tonight.
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Hey c; New story, it's short but I have so much to do. Bleh. The next chapter will be longer. I promise. tell me what you think.