Status: up and at 'em

First Timers

First day, new friends

Charlie's POV

- Jake, do you know a band called The Maine? - he looks up from his phone.
- Why do you ask? - I tell him what happened earlier.
- They are cool dudes, sweet music, independent and all. Are you interested in him? - smile and wrap my arms around his shoulders.
- Don't you worry, Jakey! You're the only drummer in my life! - he smiles and hugs my waist.

Out of nowhere, Mark and Nate come running and yelling 'Group Hug', squeezing Jake and I, but mainly me because even with heels and at 5"7 those boys are taller than me, Jake is 6" while Mark and Nate are 6"2.

Soon people start to arrive for the event and music starts to be plaed, we walk around the place. Nate's got an arm aroung my shoulders and my arms are drapped around his waist. The boys are a little overprotective of me but they are kind of in their right once I tend to get a lot of attention from other boys and a whole lot of broken hearts. The four of us stroll around merch tents and stages, checking out some friends and new bands.

Time flies by and we go over to the Hurley stage, the band that played before us, Tonight Alive, came out and we greated them. Before I knew it Jake was helping me with the in-ears and I was getting on the stage.

- Hello Warped! We're A Little Bit Longer and we are so excited to be here! - we start to play our 12-songs-set.

Midshow I can spot Pat and a few other boys with him. This, and playng the staples center which I haven't done yet, is everything I ever asked for. By the time I got out of the backstage, the crowd was smaller, mostly people waiting for the next band or just passing byers, so it wasn't hard to find Pat.

- Hey Patty Pat, these are my family, my band, my boys. - Jake, Nate and Mark shake hands with them.
- And these are my gay friends, John, Kennedy, Garrett and Jared whom are in my band and Alex and Jack whom are from All Time Low. - I even knew some of them, Alex and Jack from an event.

I shake their hands, some get a bit lost on my boobs. The boys start talking among themselves and I end up in a deep discussion with Garrett and Pat on who's better: Vampires or Zombies. While Garrett explains how fast the epidemy would spreas, I feel a pair of eyes on me. I look up and find John's, I think it's John at least, green eyes locked on me until he sees that I've noticed, he goes back to his conversation with Nate and Jared about guitars.

To my left, Jack is freaking out because he just found out Mark is our bassist and he's gushing out on how cool is that because of Blink-182's bassist, Mark. It's rather cute and I do love Blink.
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Charlotte's outfit -