Rebel Yell


The flight to L.A was long and tiring we had to stay awake for the flight as when we arrive it will be late evening. We arrive back at Ashley’s apartment after a long cab drive. He shuffles unlocking the white front door we all stumble in drained and aching from the flight. “Aurélie room is in here.” Ash says dozily opening a white door to reveal a room painted light pink with a batman duvet cover with fairy lights. A small doll house sat in the corner as well as many other toys. I look up at him confused “Sammi and Juliet.” He smiles explaining. Aurélie just stand there wide eyed gawping before running in and jumping on her bed squealing “I love it, I love dada.” Making us all giggle through our tiredness. “Say thank you to daddy.” I tell her smiling. She stops bouncing running over to Ash’s leg flinging her arms round them “Thank you dada, thank you, thank you.” She repeats excitedly before running back in. “You’re welcome sweetie.” He says while holding back yawn. We both allow her to explore her new bedroom before bed.

Ash provides me with a little tour of his apartment. To the left of the hallway is where the bedroom and bathroom are. To the right there is the kitchen diner and living room. All furnished very nicely I might add. I sigh sitting myself down on Ashley’s cream couch only to sense something fluffy and soft sweep across my back frightening me. Ashley just chuckles at me as I jolt of the couch “Forgot to add I have two dogs, are you both okay with dogs?” he asks worry spreading across his cute face. I nod stroking a white little fluff ball. “He’s cute.” I say looking over at Ash who was leaning against the doorframe watching me with a soppy grin upon his face. “Not as cute as my fiancé though.” He adds making me blush deeply. “Really?” I ask looking up to where he was standing. He chuckles “Yes, Scar you’re beautiful.” He strolls over kneeling down in front of me leaning in brushing his lips against mine making them tingle with wanting. I gently kiss his thins lips he returns the gesture. “Later, “I murmur against his lips making him groan in disappointment “I need to get Aurélie to bed.” “I’ll go.” He sighs standing back up. “No, I will.” I shove the remote control into one of his hands and walk off in the direction of Aurélie’s bedroom.

I march into her room to discover her sitting playing with her dollhouse. She rotates her little head
round to see me “Hi Mummy.” She chatters quietly still playing. I stroll over sitting on her soft bed observing her play contently. “This is you,” she declares grasping a doll with blonde hair in her small hand. “This is dada and me.” She continues on presenting me the dolls before turning back round. “Does dada love me?” she blurts out startling me. “Of course he does, he loves you more than anything in the universe.” I soothe her as she timidly clambers onto my knees. “He can’t though.” She utters tears flooding her sapphire eyes. “Why doesn’t he sweetie?” I ask holding her against my chest stroking her back gently to calm her. “I’m scared if you have a baby you’ll love them more than me.” She reveals blubbering. “No never, you’re our little princess.” I state wiping the tears of her angelic face. Just then Ash emerges at the door. “Is that why you don’t want any brothers or sisters?” Ash asks delicately sitting down on the bed close to us. Aurélie nods slightly. “You’ll always be mummy and mine little princess even if we do have a baby just means we have more princesses and prince’s to spoil with our love.” He assures her pecking her cheek. “I’d like a sister or little brother to play with.” she thinks out loud making me flush while Ash chuckles grinning. “We’ll see Aurélie.” Ash tells her poking her nose softly before removing her PJ’s off the dresser I leave them to have some Daddy and Aurélie time before bed.

I lay on the couch relaxing while flicking through channels embarrassment nipping at my cheeks turn them a nice shade of Scarlett I’m sure. Ash shuffles uncomfortably through the doorway a short while later “She’s asleep.” He announces flopping down on the couch relaxing his arm tightly around me as he sits beside me. “I’m sorry.” I mumble looking away not bearing to meet his gaze. “For what?” he chuckles deeply confusion trickling off his words. “What Aurélie said…thinks.” I stutter looking back at him not knowing what to say or how he feels about the whole situation. “Scar,” he breathes deeply staring at me with an inquisitive expression “I don’t mind I love her and you I’m sure this situation is confusing for her, As for kids I’d like to have kids with you.” He whispers quietly the last bit a blush materializing on his perfectly formed cheeks. “I wish I could adopt her.” He ponders aloud peering up at the ceiling before rushing off in the direction of the kitchen leaving me confused. Kids? Marriage? Has he hit his head?

I sigh heavily walking off towards our bedroom changing into this and slipping into the warmth of Ashley’s black sheets that still smelt of him. I smile as I drift off to sleep feeling safe in his company.

I blink my eyes open only to see Ashley’s dark chocolate eyes staring back his fingertips caressing my cheek moving on to my hair running his fingers through it. I smile leaning in to kiss him only to be hit by a familiar nauseous feeling swirling in my gut threatening to spew over at any moment. I throw the covers back scarpering to the bathroom a burning sensation attacking my throat. Ashley run in a few minutes later wide eyed his face filled with worry as I cradle the toilet. He sighs walking over scrapping my hair out the way into a messy bun. “You know, when I said I wanted kids…” he started but quickly cut off by me. “Shut up Ash, it’s not even funny.” I voice seconds later my guts meeting the toilet. “Fuck sake.” I groan.

I wobble back to my feet Ashley hoists me up clutching me in his strong arms. He startles me as he lifts me off my unsteady feet into his arms “Bed.” He orders me as he carefully rushes me through back to our bedroom. Laying me down in the warmth of the bed tucking me in. “Get some rest, I’ll get Aurélie up and got get a pregnancy test.” He tells me as he yanks on some jeans. “It’s probably just an upset tummy Ash.” I exclaim. He stares over at me “Maybe, but still.” He shouts back as he strolls out the bedroom door on his way to get Aurélie up.

I flicker my eyes open to a rustling noise “I got it.” A deep voice announces cheerily. “Mmm.” I groan rolling over only to hear chuckling. I squeal as I feel myself being slowly lifted of the bed. I blink as light floods my weary before my eyesight restores itself to find Ashley holding me. “Do the pregnancy test.” He whines excitably. I sigh as he sets to my feet before leaving me to it. I wait anxiously sitting there on the cold hard toilet seat. I groan getting up to open the door to find Ash stood outside waiting anxiously. He dashes in as we both watch the little stick tell our future. Just then it reveals our future. No more kids. Negative. I sigh rubbing my forehead I look over at Ash disappointment clearly shows. “One day Ash, one day.” I tell him stroking his back gently as I leave the bathroom.

I flop down on the bed concealing my face in the soft pillow only to find tears dripping onto the pillow below. Did I really want a baby that much? I sigh in despair rolling on to my back peering up the ceiling.