Rebel Yell

Guitars and Rock stars.

“Well that was certainly interesting.” I say while plopping myself down on Ash’s hotel bed. “It sure was!” Ash chuckles sitting himself down beside me on the bed. Just at that moment the hotel door swung open and in charged the rest of bvb. “

Hi Ash,” Andy said then looked over at me with a startled look “We’re interrupting ergh” He shifted his feet awkwardly while staring at the others who were looking around awkwardly. “Oh you’re not, don’t worry,” I smiled at them trying to ease the awkwardness “I’m Scar and you guys are BVB introductions over?” I laughed. “I think so” Ash smirked while the others laughed. “They sure are, hey a BVB fan you did well Ash!” CC chirped. “Hey, I never said I was a fan,” I tut while shaking my head “though then I would be lying.” I confessed. “No lying” Ash tapped me on the nose with his finger. “Yes daddy.” I rolled my eyes at him making the others laugh. “I like this relationship going on here,” Jinxx pointed between me and Ash “I approve!”

“Let’s go shopping or somethin’ I’m bored as hell!” Ash exclaims while falling back on the bed dramatically. “Alright!” we all agree.

A short drive later the boys in the car they hired and me and Ash on his motorcycle we all arrive at the shopping centre. “What shop then?” Andy asks while bouncing on his feet. “You choose batman!” I smile nervously. “BATMAN?” Andy squeals “I love her; she’s my favourite sorry guys.” He announced walking over picking me and swinging me round in his arms. “No, no batman put me down!” I wail begging to be put down. I hate heights. “Ashley, help me.” I whine. “Andy put the poor girl down.” Ashley demands with a tint of anger in his voice I could swear.

The others were too busy laughing at our utter silliness to bother helping. Andy quickly set me to my feet where the dizziness quickly set in sending me crashing in to Ash us both landing on the floor in oomph sending the others into hysterical laughter. “Ow!” Ash groans in pain from the impact. “Sorry.” I whisper while blood quickly found its way to my cheeks. I quickly pick myself up and lend a hand to ash that was lying on the floor. “Thanks,” he mumbles while grabbing my hand to help himself up to his feet only inches from me “Don’t worry Scar.” He smiles I couldn’t help but stare into his liquid brown eyes only to find him staring back.

A few moments later Jinxx coughs awkwardly. “Now I hate to be interrupting a moment here but how about the music shop over there.” Jinxx says pointing a store with racks of CDS and instruments on show. “Sure.” We all chirp and head of in the direction of the store.

As soon as we walk through the door of the store I feel finger intertwining with mine I look down and see Ash’s strong hand holding my small childlike hand. Ashley Purdy is holding my damn hand I thought to myself while internally squealing. I was quickly dragged away from my thoughts by Ash dragging me through the store towards the guitars near the back. Ash swiftly removes his hand from mine and picks up one of the fancier designed guitars and starts playing a few chords. “You play anything?” Ash asks cocking his head to the side with a curious look spread across his face. “No,” I sigh watching him play the guitar “I’d like to though just never have the time or anyone to teach me.” I smile weakly at him. I’d love to play honestly it was my dream. “You have me now,” he smiles while pulling me in between him and the guitar. I could feel his breath on my neck and his warm body against me behind his arm quickly wrap round showing me how to hold the guitar “There we go.” He whispers encouragingly into my ear sending tingles through my body. A small blush rushing to my cheeks making me even more nervous about being this close to him. He doesn’t seem to notice and soon helps me play a couple of chords showing me how with his hands guiding me. Like a musician guiding the musically blind. I keep messing up but he didn’t seem to mind just encourages me gently. He’s actually a sweet heart.

A short while later I went to put down the guitar only to have smoothly taken by Ashley. “I think you’ll be needing this,” He smile widely “Hey Jake dude, you’ve got some competition over here!” he shouts to Jake who was looking at some old rock roll classics the other end of the store. I blush deeply as people turn to stare at me and Ash. “You don’t have to Ash it’s a lot of money.” I mumble unsure of myself I was just a girl he’d met why was he doing this for me? He’d forget about me soon and my bad guitar skills and return to L.A. I sigh loudly enough for Ash to hear apparently he steps closer towards me staring at me with a worried look. “Yes, it is but I’d do anything for a pretty girl like you.” He whispers the pecks me on the tip of nose and begins to walk off. I swear I hear him mutter anything in the world but who knows it’s a busy store so I shrug it off. He’s a rock star anyway.

I watch him as he pays for my guitar and a hello kitty key chain for himself. I kept feeling him glancing over at me, he was smiling. I could feel myself falling for him yet I’d only known him hours. How stupid am I? He’s a damn rock star with a busy life. I’m just an average girl from the UK. “Come on Scar, pull yourself together.” I mutter to myself.

He’s just another rock star.