I Have a Sister?

Ch. 1 The Concert

(Azlyn’s POV)

“Come on Azy, we’re gonna be late!” Ty yelled at me from downstairs. I was trying to get ready and look my best for this concert, guys just don’t understand do they? Well, this concert is a Black Veil Brides concert and I have to look my best. Why? Well, one of the band members is brother.
Andy Biersack.
Yep, that’s right! He’s MY brother! Let’s rewind back a little, shall we?

I’m adopted. My real parents are Chris and Amy Biersack, I don’t remember them of course, I was only 1 week old when they gave me away. All I remembered, which is weird, is a boy with black hair and sparkling blue eyes. Any guess on who that is? Yep, it was Andy. My adoptive parents don’t give a crap about me to be honest. That’s why I got a lip ring when I was barely 11, they don’t care about what I do or who I hang out with. And it really doesn’t bother me, crazy right? Let’s go back to the present now.

“I’m coming!” I yelled back, trying to get a shoe on. “We have to get in line for good seats!” Ty yelled back.

Oh yeah, I forgot. Ty is my best friend, we’ve been friends since the 3rd grade. Cool right?

I finished putting on my shoe and ran downstairs, falling and slipping at the end. “Are you ok??” Ty asked, kneeling down besides me and helping me up. “Yeah, I’m fine. You know how clumsy I am.” I said, brushing my pants off a little. Ty laughed and went over to the door and opened it. “After you.” he smiled. I laughed and went out the door,” Thank you my good sir.” I told him. He smiled and closed the door behind him and locking it.
Ty’s mom, Christine, was waiting in her car for us. We walked up and Ty, of course, called shot gun before me. “I’m older than you so I can get in front.” Ty teased. Ty’s 15, I’m barely turning 14 in three days. I stuck my tongue out at him and buckled in.


“Thanks Mrs. Ramirez!” I shouted at she drove away. Ty and I walked to the line and both of our jaws dropped.
This line was HUGE. Holy crap! “Good thing we have VIP passes, right?” Ty said, holding up two VIP passes. I gasped,” Ty! You didn’t!” He smiled and nodded,” I want you to meet your brother, Azlyn. It’s been 3 years since you’ve found out, it’s time to meet him.” He put the necklace on me and put his on him.” I just don’t wanna ruin his career, Ty..” I said as I pulled my hair out from the string and fixed it. “ You won’t now c’mon, let’s go.” Ty said, grabbing my hand and walking to the entrance with me.

We showed our passes to the guards and they let us in, and to be honest, I was nervous. So incredibly nervous. Ty looked down at me, he’s 6’ft. No joke, he’s a giant!
“You ok Azy?” he asked. “I’m just really nervous, that’s all….” I said. He held my hand tight and walked me to the stage that they were practicing on.

“Ok guys, take 5 and we’ll keep continuing.” Andy said into the microphone. I stopped in my tracks. There he is, my brother. “Come on Azy.” Ty whispered to me, tugging at my hand a little. I slowly nodded my head and we walked over to CC. “Hey!” CC said, hugging each other us. “Ok, you have passes. Thank god, last show these girls snuck in and…yeah..” he said with a smile. Ty and I laughed then CC looked at me very closely. “Hmm…you remind me of someone.” He said, poking my cheeks.
Ty smiled big and I shot him the ‘Shut the hell up’ look, he just smiled bigger. I’m kicking his a-
“JAKE.” CC yelled. Jake came over with a cigarette in his hand, “What’s up CC?” “ This chick, doesn’t she remind you of someone?” CC asked. Jake studied me a little bit and then his eyes went big. “ SHE LOOKS LIKE ANDY!” Jake exclaimed.
Well, I do I guess. I mean I have black hair, blue eyes, and a lip ring.

“I heard my name.” a deep, familiar voice spoke.
Dear lord..
Andy walked up from behind Jake and looked at me. “Hmm, she does look like me. Awesome.” he smiled at me. I smiled back and CC hugged me tight. “SHE’S MY BEST FRIEND. I CALL IT.” Ty and I laughed as Jake and CC were arguing over who was gonna be my best friend, it was quite interesting. Andy waved me over towards him and Ty and I walked over to him. “I’m sorry about them, they’re the ‘special’ people of the band.” he said, laughing at the end. “Yep, I kinda caught onto that.” I said.

We just talked for a long time, and let me tell you, my brother is the most awesome person alive. Seriously, he is! After a while, Ashley joined in our conversation. “So, who is this sexy lady?” he asked, looking at me. I blushed and everyone started laughing. “ What’s your name?” he asked. “Yeah, what is your name?” Andy asked.
“I’m Azlyn and this,” I pointed to Ty,” Is Ty.”
“I’ve never heard of that name, it’s very pretty though.” Ashley said. I blushed, “Thank you, it’s African actually.”
“That’s cool.” Ashley smiled. I smiled back then Jon came out and told the guys that the show started in 5 minutes. “Well, you guys can stay backstage.” Andy said, fixing his hair a bit. “What? I thought these passes were only good for before and after show meetings.” I said.
“Well, you guys are cool. You can stay and maybe we can hang out after.” he smiled. He ran on to stage and the show began. “We’re gonna hang out with Black Veil Brides!” Ty said happily, jumping a bit. “Dude, calm down. You’ll have to call your mom first.” I told him. He nodded and pulled out his phone and walked over to the other room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading!

Stay Strong.
Stay Beautiful.
Stay YOU.

- Alex