I Have a Sister?

Ch. 11 Mall Time & Meeting Sammi.

We got to the mall pretty fast. I guess Andy lives just a few minutes away from the mall, which really surprises me, I thought it would be Ashley who lived close to a mall.
Well, anyways, we got out and went inside. This was a pretty big mall.
And guess what store we went to first?
Yerp, Hot Topic.

I got 3 bands shirts, 2 pairs of ripped jeans, and a whole bunch of bracelets, headbands, belts, etc. I like shopping, alright? I went to go pay but, of course, Andy paid for me. He looked back at me and smiled, if we weren’t in public I’d be flipping him off so I’ll just flip him off mentally. (:
And by the way I was looking at him, I’m pretty sure he got the message. “Love you too, Azy.” he told me while handing me my bags. “You suck.” I told him. He chuckled and kissed my head.
“Can I pay at the next store, please?” I asked as we walked out of Hot Topic. He sighed and nodded, ”Fiineeee..” “Thank you.” I smiled.


3 hours of nonstop shopping.

e.e And Andy paid for half of it. ‘Let me be a gentleman Azlyn’. Pfft, give me a break. I put my bags into the trunk then got into the front seat. “What now?” I asked while buckling in. “Home, I’m tired.” Andy said as he drove out of the parking lot. I nodded and went on my phone and started texting Ty.
I guess Ty’s mom was getting remarried, cool beans ^_^

I smiled at one text. “What are you smiling about?” Andy asked, looking over at me. “Ty’s mom asked me to be a bridesmaid.” I smiled, texting away on my phone. “Cool, that means you need a dress right?” he asked. I nodded. “I can get my own…” I said. “Why don’t you have Sammi help you? I know how much you wanna meet her.” he told me. I blushed a little, he wasn’t lying. Sammi Doll is actually a pretty big inspiration to me, besides BVB and OM&M. “Could you ask her?” I asked.
He nodded. “Of course, I’ll text her once we get home.” he told me. I smiled and thanked him, returning to texting on my phone.

We pulled into the drive way and got out, and of course, Andy got my bags for me. I smiled and walked into the house once he unlocked it, I closed the door after him.
I took my jacket off…big mistake.

My arms were exposed, hundreds of cuts out in the open. I haven’t had my arms out in front of people in years due to them. The shame and regret it gave me.
Andy glanced and sighed, blinking back tears. I bit my lip. “I’ll take my bags upstairs…thank you for carrying them in.” I said, picking up the bags and rushing up to my room.
A knock came from my door. “Azlyn, open the door please.” Andy asked. I moved slowly over to the door and opened it, I was immediately pulled into a hug. I hugged back as Andy pet my hair. “I’m not disappointed in you for doing that, Azlyn. It just hurts to see that you went through so much that you were pushed to do that.” he said while I was still in his embrace. I sighed and nodded.
He kissed the top of my head and we let go of each other. “Dinner will be ready in an hour, Jinxx and Sammi are coming over.” he said. I smiled big and nodded. He chuckled and left my room, closing the door.
I went to my closet and started looking for an outfit. I know I didn’t need to change but I wanna look good for Sammi. .___.
She’s one of my inspirations! I have to look good!

I picked out this:

Oh, and I do wear glasses. I just wear contacts outside of home.
I walked downstairs and saw Andy in the kitchen. He looked at me and smiled. “You wear glasses?” he asked. I nodded shyly. “I wear contacts outside of home.” I told him, sitting down at the counter. He nodded. “Jinxx and Sammi should be here in 15 minutes, I’m making lasagna.” he told me. “I would never have guess that the great Andy Biersack liked to cook.” I said giggling. He rolled his eyes and kept cooking.

15 minutes passed and Andy was already done with cooking. I took the liberty of setting the table because I’m a good child. (:
Haha, I’m kidding…kinda.

Anyways, I heard the doorbell ring. “I’LL GET IT!!” I yelled, running over to the door. I opened the door and smiled. “Hey guys.” I opened the door a little more, inviting them in. They walked in and I hugged Jinxx. “Sammi, this is Azlyn. Azlyn, this is Sammi.” Jinxx said. I smiled and held out my hand to shake her hand, but instead I was pulled into a big hug. I giggled and hugged back. “I’ve heard so much about you, I’m so glad to finally meet you.” she told me after we let go. I blushed lightly. “Same for you, you’re a really big inspiration to me.” I told her smiling.
She smiled back and Andy walked over, hugging them both.
“Let’s eat, shall we?” Andy said, gesturing over to the table.
We walked over to the table and started eating.

Sammi is so cool :D
Her and I talked for a long time about the most random of things. We talked especially about photography. I love taking pictures.
She even gave me some tips, which was very nice of her.
“Sammi, Azlyn is wondering if you would take her to get a dress. She’s a bridesmaid in a wedding that’s coming up soon.” Andy asked Sammi.
She smiled big and nodded. “We’re going to have soooo much fun!” she said to me still smiling.
I smiled back.

Who knew being Andy’s sister could be so much fun?