Sacrifice Gone By

'Do You Feel Better Now? As She Falls TO The Ground.'

I stepped into Dad's office and flopped onto the huge chesterfield sofa. Dad's 'guards' filed out of the room in a single file line, followed by Jay.

Dad sat down behind his big oak desk and nodded towards George and Jordan, who also exited the room.

"What did you need to tell me?" I asked, sitting up a little but still lounging. If it was anyone else lounging on my Dad's sofa, they'd be dead.

Dad sighed and pulled out a newspaper clipping, placing it down on the desk so that I could see it. I read over the text quickly. Great. So Truth was out of jail then.


"You don't want me no more, is that it?" Truth said through gritted teeth, turning away from the hole he'd just punched in the plasterboard.

This would've been so much easier if I was scared of him, maybe then Dad's guys would've gotten involved like Dad had planned.

But no, I had to be stubborn as ever and tell them to wait.

"Yah, pretty much." I replied sarcastically, taking a sip of my drink.

I'd been dating Truth for nearly a year, but he was way too clingy for me. So, I'd decided to dump him.

Only, I wasn't very nice about it, and he had a temper. A very very bad one. Ah well, I could handle it.

He glared at me, clenching and un-clenching his fists by his side. "Well that's too bad." He spat, stepping towards me and grasping my arms in a vice-like grip. I didn't flinch even though his fingers were digging into my skin.

"Oh really?" I smirked, but I was getting a little worried now. I knew how he could get.

I remembered that time he beat a guy nearly to death just because he bumped into me. Truth was always so jealous, and it looked like if he couldn't have me, no-one could.

"Yep." He said, smiling and popping the P.

I wasn't prepared for what happened next. Something collided with the side of my head, hitting me in the temple and causing me to fall down and black out for a few seconds.

When I regained my vision, Truth was standing over me with a crowbar in his left hand.

"Sorry." He shrugged, twirling the crowbar once and bringing it down hard on my stomach. I let out a groan and clutched my stomach.

The crowbar hit me again and I choked, spitting blood. Truth dropped the weapon and knelt down next to my head, balling his hand into a fist.

A twisted smile flitted across his face as his fist connected with my temple, making my head smack against the floor with a 'thud' sound.

My vision blurred and the last thing I saw was the outline of Truth picking up the crowbar.


I rubbed at my temple as I relived the memory, then sighed and looked at my father. He looked tired and perplexed, but tried for a smile.

He sighed and clasped his fingers together on the desk.

"I don't suppose he's gonna leave me the hell alone?" I asked, grimacing. Dad just shook his head solemnly.

"I have to assign you a protector." He said. "I know your pride gets in the way sometimes, you take after me on that at least." He chuckled slightly and I smiled.

"But I'm not risking him getting to you again, not when he has revenge on his mind." He explained. I just nodded.

There was no point arguing with my father when it came to my safety.

"Who?" I asked. Dad thought for a second, trying to choose the right person to keep me happy.

"I'll get Jorel to watch you at night." Dad decided. "You're friends with Katyana, aren't you?" He asked.

I smiled. Katyana used to babysit me when I was about ten and she was sixteen. We used to tell each other everything, we were practically best friends.

We hadn't spoken much lately; she started dating Jordan five years ago and we had drifted apart.

"Katyana and Angel can alternate days to watch you." Dad said. I nodded and stood up to leave.

"Marnie?" Dad asked when I reached the door. I turned backt o look at him. "Don't go out alone."
♠ ♠ ♠
Yep. So, Truth is in this story. Yah. Big plans.

Next chapter will be boring, fillerish drabble, but it has to be there, so sorry in advance.

Title credit: Face Down - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

Thank you to my lovely Recs:
BB Demon
Ha Ha Harley Quinn

And my lovely comments from:
Ha Ha Harley Quinn

But not AoifeNiamh_666 Cause you're mean.

Ciao guys! :3