Sacrifice Gone By

Ain't It Fun? Living In The Real World

I rubbed my eyes with my fists as I woke up. I glanced at the clock, groaned and rolled out of bed. I stumbled over to the closet, glancing at my open doorway.
"Why is my door open again?" I muttered, marching to the door to slam it. As I reached for the door handle, something on the floor caught my eye. I bent down to pick it up. It was a note. As I unfolded it, my bravery wavered. This could only be trouble.
Marnie. Hope you’ve had a nice life, enjoy it while it lasts.
“What the hell?” I wondered aloud.
“Everything ok?” Jay asked as he closed his door. I snapped my head up to look at him.
“Oh, yeah.” I replied, stuffing the note into my pocket. He smiled and nodded.
“Your dad wants to see you, by the way.” He said. I shut my door and began to follow Jay to my dad’s office.

We walked in silence, I could tell that what happened with Matt was bothering him, but he didn’t say anything. We turned the corner and Jay knocked sharply on my dad’s office door.
“Come in.” We entered and I took a seat in front of my father. Jay joined the rest of his goons who stood along the wall.
“There’s been a change of plans.” My father told me, skipping the small talk. “Someone broke into the house last night.” I thought about the note. Could it have been Truth?
“I’m afraid what you fear is correct. Our cameras caught Truth sneaking around outside your bedroom.” I gulped.
“What does this mean?” I asked, ready for my dad to tell me the elaborate plan he had for my safety. He sighed.
“You’re not going to like it.” He replied. I groaned. “I’ve assembled a small team of people to take you to a safe house. You will have two of my best men stay with you to keep you safe.” His eyes flickered to east-side’s finest, all lined up against the wall.
“I’ve chosen George and Jay to accompany you.” I rolled my eyes. “I know you don’t like this Marnie, but I can’t allow you to get hurt.” He rose from his chair and I followed suit. “What have I always taught you?”
“Family is everything.” I answered, nodding. My father smiled.
“Go pack your things. You leave immediately.” He instructed.


“You ready?” Jay asked as he knocked on my door. I straightened up, scanning the room for any last items I might have missed.
“Just need to grab my bow and I’ll be set.” I said, moving towards the door.
“I got it.” George’s voice boomed from behind Jay. “Let’s go, the sooner we get you out of here, the better.” He said, giving my bedroom window a side glance.
Jay grabbed my cases off the bed and we all made our way through the house. At the back door, my father stopped us. “Be safe, my Marnie.” He said, pulling me into a hug and kissing my hair.
“I will dad. Don’t worry about me, I was taught by the best.” I chuckled. He smiled at me.
“That doesn’t mean you should get yourself in trouble.” He said. “Just lay low.”


“We’re here.” George said from the driver’s seat of the car. I turned my face up to get a look at the ‘safe-house’. It didn’t look very safe to me. It was a simple terraced house, which looked like it could use a lick of paint here and there.
We all trudged inside. It was worse on the inside.
“I’d have thought my dad would have chosen something better.” I muttered, not thinking anyone would hear me. George barged past, making his way into the living room with the bags.
“He didn’t think anyone would look for you here.” He said over his shoulder. I rolled my eyes as I followed him into the room.

“So,” I started, flopping onto the beat up sofa. “What’s the plan? Lay low and listen to you two tell bedtime stories?” I giggled to myself.
Jay flopped down next to me. “Nope.” He beamed at me, as if he knew something I didn’t. I straightened up, giving him a sideways glance as I turned my attention to George.
“So what is the plan exactly?” I asked suspiciously. Jay elbowed me in the ribs playfully, still grinning.
“You’re not going to like it.” He sang. I gave him a small slap on the shoulder.
“Your father thought you should blend in with the rest of the community,” George started, “and by community, I don’t mean operations.” I narrowed my eyes.
“So?” I asked, urging him to continue. He looked perplexed, as if not sure how I would take the information.
“So,” He started, sitting in a chair across the room, “you and Jay are going to high school like normal seventeen-year-olds.” My eyes widened with horror as Jay pointed in my face and laughed aloud.
“Hell no!” I yelled, standing. “I will not, you can’t make me!” Jay could hardly contain his laughter at my reaction. George rolled his eyes.
“Calm down, it’s bosses orders.” He said, marching out of the room. “You’re going, end of.”
♠ ♠ ♠

I actually wrote a new plan for this story, cause I couldn't find the old on, but then I lost that too, but I found it again!!
Buuuuut, now I've decided to change the whole story!!! YASSS. So, please bear with me, cause I am so crap and I get bored of things easily so just keep with it if anyone is still waiting for an update.
I'll try, I promise!!!

if you read this chapter and you still have hope for my story, you'll know that my character is now stuck with her two faves ;) maybe we'll see what happens here, but it is already so different from the original plan. If you're still here, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH and thank you for not giving up on me!!

ILY GUYS! Comment if you're still here so I can love you on a first name basis ;)

Title Credit - Paramore - Ain't it Fun