Status: So cute!~ (。・ω・。)ノ♡

Ain't Love Grand?

Who Are You?

Aiden's P.O.V

While walking to my house with Lucas, I turned my head to the right, and blinked at a sheet of paper that was stapled to a wooden pole. I was curious because it kind of looked like it was a kitten... And it may be Snow... I pulled my hand away from his and went to check it out.

Oh, fuck, I groaned. It was Snow, and she's a lost pet. Great, just when we were having a good time, this had to happen.

I snatched the paper from the pole and gave it to Lucas. He glimpsed at it, and met my eyes with his. His expression is obviously sad. His hand went down to his side, and I hugged him in comfort.

"You know that we have to give her to the owner, right?" I whispered in his ear

"I know," he agreed

I let go off him and gave him a warm smile. He smiled back, then gazed back at the paper.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

An hour passed by... Being alone. Lucas ordered me to stay home, while he goes to the address of the owner of "Snow". I sat on the couch, texting Seth. While I was alone, I remembered to ask him about the little event that happened the day before... He admitted to the fact that he doesn't like Lucas at all. He also told me that he didn't mean to lash out, but later he did feel pretty bad about it.

When I was just about done with the following text I was sending him, I heard a knock on the door. It's probably the one-and-only, Lucas.

I lifted myself up off the couch, and scuffed my way to the door, only to find a cute, adorable boy who had luscious, short brown hair. He had black-colored shark bites. He smiled widely, showing braces that were colored rainbows.Can this boy not get so attractive?

"H-Hello," he stuttered, awe!

I couldn't help but giggle, and he blushed, "Hi"

"Have you seen this kitty? I think she's in this area..." he looked sorrowfully down to the ground

I frowned, "Oh! you're the owner of Snow!"

He looked at me, confused, "Her name's Mira"

"Oh, well I thought that she was just a stray," I admitted to him

"Do you have her here?"

"Sorry, my boyfriend, Lucas, was going to your house to give her to you," I said, simply. But then, I realized that I just said that Lucas was my boyfriend... And this is a complete stranger!

I was waiting for a little snide comment, like 'fag', or something. But no, he just smiled wider. "I'm gay, too. t's great that you weren't afraid to say that to a person you don't know"

"Oh, uh... I just blurted that out, ha ha. I didn't even realize it until now," I joked

He giggled a bit, and we both stood in an awkward silence

"Do you want to come inside when Lucas comes back?" I asked

"Sure," he softly answered, "I don't really have anything to do right now," he mumbled. I think he didn't really want to let me hear what he said just now. Oh, well.

He walked inside, and sat on one of the couches. I lied down on another, just across from him.

"So, how did you lose Mira?"

He sighed, rubbing his eyes. Probably tired. "Well, I came home, and she was just... Gone- with the window opened. I'm not sure how she got out, but I'm sure that my father had something to do with it. He-" he stopped himself, and slumped down. He must be hiding something, I just know it

"Can... Can you tell me about your father?" I murmured

His eyes shot out, "N-No! My father is caring, charming, strong! He...! He...!" I saw tears in his eyes, and was about to cry. I quickly stepped over to him, as he hid his face for me to not see.

I wrapped my arms around him, and let him sob quietly. "He abuses you, doesn't he?"

He nodded his head, "He hates me!"

I gasped, and started to recapture the even of what Lucas said to me.

I sh'd him and rocked him back and forth, "It's okay," I cooed, "I'm here, I'll always be here"

He sniffled, "I just want someone to love me!"

"Calm down, please. I can't handle it when people yell at me," I warned. "I get bad panic attacks"

"Oh... I'm sorry," he pulled away from me and I just had to ask what his name was since I wanted to get to know him more. "Devon... Devon Ease"

I gave him a friendly grin, "I'm Aiden Hawk." I wiped the leftover tears and kissed his forehead, making him form a quivering smile. "Hey, what school do you go to? I haven't seen you around"

"I probably go to a different school"

"Oh, yeah? What school?"

"Velmer's High"

I frowned, "I go to Helmer's High"

"Well, I mean, they're pretty close... Right?"

I shrugged, "I guess. So, what's been going on there?"

"Absolutely nothing. Just the fact that I'm getting bullied for being me. They don't do it to my face, but they say awful things being my back. I don't even know if I'd prefer getting the living shit beaten out of me, or get called horrid names"

Throughout his response, I was found dumb-founded. I couldn't say anything, nor can I find anything to say at all. But something came up, something I could ask him.

"Do you blame yourself?"

He shook his head, "Surprisingly, no, I don't. I'm me. If they don't like it, then they could go and fuck themselves. I'm used to this kind of treatment, but do I care? Yeah, I do because I'm basically showing who I truly am and they're shunning me away. I'd rather be who I am rather than be someone I'm not"

I was so impressed by what I heard. Usually, people would go on and on about how they wish that they could be this person, how they self-loathed themselves... This kid could really revolutionize teenagers thoughts about judgement.

My mouth opened wide, and he noticed the look I gave him, and he chuckled, "What?"

"It's just that you sound so mature from the others... The fact that you don't hate yourself astonishes me in a great way. Tons of people would say something completely different, but you... You're more realistic"

His cheeks turned into a deep shade of red and couldn't stop smiling

"What about you? How's your school life been going?"

"I don't know," I replied

"What? How could you not know?"

"It's a fine line between okay and confusing"

"Oh? And why's that?"

I sighed, "My boyfriend and my friend are colliding each other with hatred and I'm in the middle of it"

"So, who's this friend of yours?"

"Ugh, his name's Seth Hatcher," when I told him that, his expression turned into a shocking look. I continued on, "He's... Confusing... I can't seem to understand his emotions. I know not to touch him, ask him too many questions, get too personal with him... Uh, his emotions are usually angry, and depressed"

He titled his head to face the floor... I was about to ask him what's wrong but I heard a knock on the door. I recalled in my mind that the door was unlocked so I shouted out, "Come in!"

I heard the door open and close, then the sound of stepping.

"Hi, person," Lucas said in a joking manner

I laughed and went up to kiss him. When I pulled back, I introduced Lucas to Devon, "This is Devon, Mira's owner"

He tried to break out a smile, but he couldn't. He gave Snow Mira to Devon and sat down. I rested myself down on Lucas and he wrapped his arms around my waist. Devon stared at us and blushed a whole lot.

"You two look so cute together!" he exclaimed

We both started laughing hard, with our faces turning red.

Then, he made a curious request, "Can I see you two, um... Make out?" he asked with his face turning crimson

Lucas and I both had embarrassed faces, looked at each other, seeing our faces turn more redder than ever, then back at Devon. He started squirming in his seat, so we gave him what he wanted.

I whispered if he wanted to, and he nodded lightly. We both started leaning into the space that was left between us, and Devon started leaning in to see what he wanted. Our lips touched and we started moving in sync. He pushed my back on the couch, and pinned my hands above my head. I felt his tongue on my bottom lip, signalling me to let him in. When I did, his tongue went across every part of my mouth with no hesitations. I did the same, but didn't get to do as much because Lucas started tackling my tongue. He moaned in my mouth and I drank the moan inside.

And just then, something poked against me... I instantly pulled away, pushed Lucas away from me, and teased, "You have a boner!" over and over until his face was completely red from embarrassment.

Devon laughed, "Shut up! So do you!" Lucas pointed to my crotch, I laughed at his accusation

"Please! Every time make out with you I'm horny!"

We kept going back and forth with this argument while Devon was just sitting across, laughing his ass off. We both turned to him, and we saw something poking out

Lucas looked at me, and I looked at him with a devious smile. He didn't see us staring at him because he had his eyes closed, so we had the opportunity to call out, " You have a boner!" both of us pointed, then he opened his eyes, peered down at his area, and stopped laughing. Now, it was our turn to shame him.

After about 5 minutes, we grew tired and Devon had to leave. I gave him my phone number and Lucas' so that he could call/text us any time of day.

When I said goodbye to Devon, Lucas swooped me up off the ground and carried me upstairs to my bedroom
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello, guys, I made it out, ha ha... I'm still pretty bummed out, but I tried to keep my promise to give you what you wanted, so... Here c:

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