Status: So cute!~ (。・ω・。)ノ♡

Ain't Love Grand?

Open Up

Aiden's P.O.V

After a night of cuddling and kissing, I went to sleep and woke up with the sound of a shower running. I browsed around my room to find my dresser, and when I found it, I went straight towards it.

When I was dressed, Lucas came out with everything but a shirt. I couldn't help but stare at him

He chuckled, "Like what you see?"

My cheeks burned from being embarrassed, "Uh... Yeah"

He walked to me, grabbed both of my cheeks and leaned in. I just wanted to pull him in this space that needed to be closed. Just when he was about to kiss me, he only made our lips touch, but not as much as how I wanted it to be. He just stayed like that, then he backed away. I gave a pissed-off expression. He laughed and properly kissed me, then I lit up. He joined in on smiling and found his way downstairs, and I followed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lunch time... I sighed. I didn't want to be here, but I had to be here for Seth's sake. I still need to make him open up for me.

I plodded my way to our table, and I found him sitting by himself. Poor Seth. I sat down and once he saw me sit down, I could have sworn his cheeks turned red.

I struck up the conversation, "So, what'd you do while I was gone?"

He scoffed, "I basically counted the seconds, minutes, hours, and days you've been gone"

I flashed a smile at him, "So, you missed me?"

His face went blank, stared at me for a while, his cheeks looked flushed, then looked away. "U-uh... N-No... W-Why would y-you b-be ask-king t-that?" he stuttered a whole lot and I guffawed at his attempt to be "inconspicuous". While I was laughing my ass off, he was stuck there, blushing as ever. "I only missed you because I was alone!" he blurted out

My mocking faded away into a smile and I awe'd at him, making him turn red even more.

After a while of just sitting down, I had questions run through my mind about him. Sigh, I still don't know anything about him! I need to become more closer to him. But when I tried to ask something about him, we had to leave to go to our class.

While in class, we found ourselves no teacher, but a substitute. I feel so bad for substitutes. Not having respect from the kids. Trying to get them to quiet down. Make them to do work? Fuck, that's never going to happen; especially with a bunch of teenagers.

The lady, Ms. Kingsely, tried to simmer down the noise level, but nothing worked. Yet she had enough when a boy touched her butt, so she sent him to the principal's office. Some of the kids snickered in their seats, some cowered and tried to do their work, while others, like me, were staring off into space. I assumed Seth didn't want to do what the sub had asked us to do, because he went over to the front of my desk and put his head down.

I sighed, "What? I'm trying to do work?"

"Nothing... I was just bored. I was figuring I'd talk to you"

"Huh? About what?" my attention was drawn to him. Anything that distresses one of my friends, I'm always there to be with them.

"I just wanna talk"

"Oh. Okay"

"But it has to be in private. I don't want anything to leak out that's personal to another person whom I hate"

I felt my heart beat faster, my pulse becoming shorter, he's going to share something personal? Holy fuck! It's like he read my mind or something!

We didn't even have to raise our hands, we just walked outside to the hallway since the substitute was being bombarded with student's harassment and was basically just trying to zone out.

Once we were out of the classroom, we both sat down, and I was kind of getting antsy.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I replied. "It's just that this is going to be the first time you're going to open up to me, and I guess that I'm exited for this moment"

He nodded his head. "So... What would you like to know about me?"

I started asking random questions and he answered them with no problem. But these were just questions that were common, like: What's your favorite color? When's your birthday? Red, October 31st, ect. But one question was buzzing through my mind that kept on bugging me.

"Do you know Devon Ease?" I inquired

When I asked that, he was breathing inwards, but then I heard him gasp a little, trying to find air. His breathing turned to normal, but then looked at me and began to start wheezing. I tried to shush him and calmed him, but it wasn't doing anything.

I pulled him close to me and whispered that he doesn't have to answer it. Then he calmed down and refrain his breaths slowly.

"Thank you"

"Anything to make you feel better"

"It's just... It's a really personal matter that I'm not willing to say yet, and it has to deal with why I'm here and such"

I nodded, and we sat in silence until I came up with another question, "Do you still feel like leaving?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. Honestly, I was going to stay here... Until you mentioned his name to me"

"I promise, I'm not going to ask you until you're ready, but I just want you to know that I'm worried for you and I want to know what happened to either of you so that I can patch things up. Just not now"

He puffed some air and ran his hand through his black hair. He lifted himself off of the floor, "Well, I think that's about it for today. Was it good enough that I shared a bit of my life with you?"

I nodded, happily. "Yes, it's very impressive"

He grinned, opened the door to only hear the sheer cries of the animals inside the class, and we both accepted our fate in the Hell we had to say in.

Lucas's P.O.V

I'm so sick of Aiden hanging around Seth all the time. They call each other up, they text each other, they hang around with each other-- it's maddening! I know what he's trying to do, and I won't let it! He's dragging him away from me and I can't do anything to stop it! I know that Aiden's only trying to help, and doesn't see what's going on, but I know it and he's going to fall for him any time soon!

(Note: This has been going on for a week or so)

I swear, I'm going to break
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Heyo! :DD I hope you enjoyed this chapter :3 tell me what you think!

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