Status: So cute!~ (。・ω・。)ノ♡

Ain't Love Grand?

The Other Plan; Haunting Memories

Aiden's P.O.V

After a week or so, I've been close to Seth more than ever. But yet I'm still wondering what's with Seth and Devon when they would hear each other's name and suddenly freak out. What's with that? Well, I'm going to find that out today. I came up with another one of my ingenious plans. The plan was to reunite Seth and Devon. If I can get them together, then I could find a way to understand what the tention is between the two of them.

I walked with Devon to the park after school, while both texting Seth and Lucas. I texted Seth, saying that he should meet me here. I told Lucas that I'd make it up to him tomorrow because of this plan, and he seemed fine with it. But something seemed odd about him. Every time I'd be with him and I would text Seth, he'd sigh hugely. As to say that he's annoyed with this. I gave him an apology for those times, along with a present and a hug. But now... I think our relationship is getting a little bumpy.

Devon caught my attention by grabbing my left shoulder with his right hand, "Are you okay?" he inquired

"Ha ha, yeah, just having another conversation with my boyfriend"

"Oh... 'Cause you look like you were going to cry or something. Oh, well"

We resumed walking through the park until we decided to sit down on a bench, far away from the people that were here. The place was moist and damp. The trees were filled with rich, green leaves that dangled over our heads. The grass was up to our ankles and was sort of wet. It tickled, but was kind of getting annoying.

"So, what do you want to do now?" he asked

"Hmm... Well, I just want you to meet somebody," I told him, giving a hint to who's coming

"What's his name?"

"I can't tell you," I joked

He thought soon in his head and then jumped right off the bench, "Seth?! I can't meet him now!"

My eyes shot open and I tried as much as I could to console him, but he was just so damn frustrated

"Calm down!" I cried out

I gripped both of his hands to his sides, and he heavily breathed out

"Okay... Now, what's the deal with you and Seth?"

"I can't tell you," Devon choked out

"Shh... I'll figure this out once he gets here"

"I'm not ready to see him," he breathed out

"Everything's going to be okay... Trust me," I looked into his chocolate eyes and gave him a kiss on his forehead

I turned my back around to watch out if Seth's here.... He isn't, yet. After about a half an hour, I finally gazed at Seth as he passed by the other people. I signaled Devon to hide so that I can surprise Seth.

He stood in front of me and asked we what was up

I showed him over to Devon's hiding place and gave his hand a squeeze

"Ready to see who I want to show you?"


I sighed and called out for Devon to come out, "Okay! You can come out now!"

Devon came out shaking, "H-H-Hi... S-S-Se-e-eth," he stuttered

Seth's face turned even more pale than usual and I noticed his breathes getting shorter

"Seth?" I said, "Come on, tell me what's wrong!"

He shook his head, at first it was lightly, but then it became more violent each time he did. Then, the grip I had on him was overpowered by his. I was beginning to hurt. I grunted in pain

His expression hardened, "I never want to see your face again. I came here because I wanted to get away from all the bullshit you gave me," he growled. "I finally got over you and you come back?!" he snapped, "No! You've put me through so much pain, that I basically lost my mind over it, and you come crawling back?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" he screeched

I tried to hold on to him, but he ran away, "Please, Seth!" Devon called out, but Seth sprinted out to the forest. I went over to Devon and questioned why he overreacted.

"I can't tell you... I did some... Things that were unforgivable... It'll be better if you hear it from Seth"

I exhaled and dashed to wherever Seth was

Eventually, I found him near a lake... Sulking. My heart ached seeing him like this. I minced to him and sat beside him. Then, he buried his face in my shirt and sobbed quietly. I stroked his smooth, delicate, black hair.

He lifted his head up and sniffled, "So... You wanna know what's up with me and Devon?"

I nodded my head with a weak smile, "Yes, please"

He sighed, sat up, and turned his head so that he could see me. He wiped his eyes and sighed, "Last year, I was in a relationship with Devon, and he..." he trailed off, looked to the shimmering lake, and choked out some tears that were left.

I came over to him to, once again, rub his back. "Sh, it's okay. Please, continue"

"He would... L-Lie t-to me... Cheat on m-me... A-Ab-buse me... And..."

"Yes?" I whispered... I too was beginning to cry

"He raped me, Aiden!" he shouted, then tackled me into a tight squeeze. Tears began strolling down and I couldn't help it any longer, I cried a long with him.

I wiped the tears that were blasting out and let go of Seth

"Every day... He'd come to my house and would beat me senseless and, a few minutes later, he would come in and sexually force himself on me. I couldn't help but let him do it... Because I loved him. He never told me that he did, but I was just too much of a retard that I assumed that he was a "closet-gay". But I was wrong. Some days, I'd catch him with another guy... Making out, right in the hallway. And each time I saw, he'd give out loud moans, then he would give me a glint of hatred"

I heard Devon call us and Seth cowered in his spot, "Please, don't make me go with him!"

"Don't worry, we'll get out of here, come on," I tip-toed my way to the left until I was at the entrance, but there was a gate, so I climbed over, then waited for Seth to. Once we both were out, we dashed away to my home.

We were at my house, on my bed, and I insisted Seth tell me what the Hell brought them together

"This one is clearly my fault," he joked a bit. I wasn't laughing at all, I was going to cut him off, but he took the floor instead, "One day, I was on my way to class and I was late, as usual. I wasn't too much of a fan of staying in class after I was already missing out, so I skipped to go to the bathroom. So, I sat there for a couple of minutes, and Devon came in and noticed me." Seth started blushing, "He bent down and whispered that he knew that I liked him. Then, he gave me a kiss... But then it went to a simple kiss, to making out. He broke off and told me that he loved me as well"

I rubbed his leg softly, "What happened? What did he do to make you move away?"

He sighed, then began explaining


Seth's P.O.V

I cowered in my bed as I shakily reached for my mediation that was meant for my depression and anxiety. He's coming here, just like how he does every day. Run out while you still can! I hopped off my bed, frantically put on my shoes, snatched my jacket, and bolted straight out the door. I was actually in my clothes that I wore during the day because I foresaw this exact situation.

Just as I was running away from my neighborhood, I felt somebody pound on my back, cause me to fall to my knees.

"You little piece of shit," Devon spat, "Get up!" he growled

I anxiously stood up, and waited for the next hits that were coming to me

"Turn around," he ordered

I did so, but was very frightened what the consequences were going to be

Just then, an unbearable pain shot through my body. I felt Devon behind me, rubbing his arm on my cold, flat chest. I dared myself to look down... Only to see blood trickling down my body. I lightly gasped a bit, and Devon held me closer. But as I was about to pass out because of the blood flowing out, I realized that I had just been stabbed... By... Devon.

"Why?" I cried

"Because... I hate you, of course," he replied, then dropped me to the floor, in my own pool of blood.

I didn't even try to get up... I just stayed there; waiting for me to die. But then, a midnight jogger was running towards me... And that's all I can see before blacking out.

~ End of Flashback ~

Aiden's P.O.V

As Seth told me this, I couldn't even imagine the pain he's endured. I don't even know what to say about all of this... He could've... Died... All because of Devon. I couldn't believe it at all... I mean, Devon is too small to hurt someone as tough as Seth. Well, at least I definitely know now not to judge a person by the looks of them.

Seth had tears in his eyes that were begging to come out, but instead, he wiped them. I didn't know what to do, other than to hug him with all the strength in me.

"Please," Seth strained, "you're kind of hurting me"

"Oh... Sorry," I let go of him, and he lied down on my bed, as I did the same
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey! D: Long time no see, eh? Sorry about the wait! :c I'm moving and had to pack and such... But I WAS working on the story when I had a little bit of free time to do so. Anyhow, I hope you loved it as much as me... But it's kind of impossible to :3 Oh! And before I forget, I accidentally started the other chapter before this one (... Don't ask how, I am a dumbass xD) so chapter 12 (... Or 13? O.e") will be updated shortly :3

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