Status: So cute!~ (。・ω・。)ノ♡

Ain't Love Grand?

The Plan

Aiden's P.O.V

Once I had woken up, I took a shower, got dressed, skipped breakfast, checked if my parents were home-- they are; for a change-- and ran out the door. On my run, the topic on Seth and Lucas kept badgering me. How do I get them to talk? What can I do? I can't force him... It would be wrong to do so.

Hmm... I gasped, I got it! I announced in my head, triumphantly

At school, I was waiting until lunch time, and when it was time, I searched for Lucas... I had devised a plan on how to get Seth to talk to him or at least try and communicate, so I wanted to share it with him since he had the main role of the plan. Oh, I hope it goes well.

I sat down and started fiddling with my fingers when I saw a person sit in front of me. I looked up to see Seth with his black hair in his face and his sexy, black snake bites. He looked at me confused and asked in an annoyed tone of voice, "What?"

I flatly answered him, "Nothing"

He reached over me and grabbed my hand lightly, "What's wrong? You don't seem like yourself"

"Well, me being myself wouldn't include being happy all the time," I relied while lowering my head behind both of my arms.

I could tell he was getting angry because he grumbled, "Well, then tell me what's wrong then"

Really, there's nothing wrong. I guess I'm just too tired. "Nothing, I'm just tired"

He then pulled my arms out of my face, and forced me to look at him. "I use that excuse a lot, so don't lie to me. Out of all people I've met, you shouldn't be like the rest. I let you take a hold of me last night and you're just going to say that? No!"

I heard he had a crack in his voice... I took a glance at my right and saw Lucas walking near our table. I stated that I had to go but will come back. He sighed and wavered his hand, signalling me to leave.

I walked over to Lucas, and when he saw me he smiled greatly, then hugged me. "Hey! So, will you tell me why you had to leave last night?"

"Not right now, but I will tell you at some point. Now, I have to tell you something"

His smile disappeared then nodded

We both walked outside and sat down, near a wall

"Now what?" he demanded

"I have a plan to get Seth to talk to you," I squealed

His smile reappeared and shouted, "Oh, my, yes! Tell me!"

"Ha ha, um... Okay, I'm not going to come to school for at least a week, then when Seth is alone, you go ahead and talk to him. At first, he'll ignore you and when he's had enough, he'll break. But when he tries to walk away, grab him and try to soften him up"

He grinned, and nodded in agreement

I went back to my table, only to find Seth basically glaring at Lucas while he walks over to his table. I gave him a questionable look.

"What?" he asked

"What's wrong with you lately?" I blurted out. When I did, I covered my mouth, and Seth had an emotionless face

"What's wrong with me?" he repeated

"Yeah... You've been sort of caring lately more than usual"

"Oh, well sorry if me being worried for my friend is making things 'unusual'. I'll just go back to when we were first strangers," he insisted while he stood up

"No!" I yelped. "I didn't mean it that way, I swear! All I was saying is how you've been for emotional. You're usually like a robot or something..."

He sighed, then walked away. I looked down at the table, and waited for our class to be called in so then we could learn. Ugh.

Hours passed by, and it was already over. Yes! I said in my head, now I can go home and stay there for a whole week! I smiled brightly in my train of thought that I didn't realize that a person was coming my way until we both bumped into each other. I sort of got pushed back, but regained balance and apologized. Only to realize that the person I had bumped into was the one and only Seth. His face showed nothing... As usual. I tried to say something else, but then he left. I shrugged and pushed the double-doors open to reveal the sunshine... Of which I hate, ha ha. I saw Lucas out front the gate and I dashed my way towards him. I kissed him softly, and I felt his hand on my cheek. We stayed there for a while until we finally decided that we were just about ready to go home.

On the way to my house, we could not shut up about the plan. It's like we were school girls gossiping about boys and junk. To me, it's sickening, but it felt like it. Lucas was enjoying this especially-- he loves to make friends. he fits in the 'nice' crowd, like me. but, instead, he's the follower, which is surprising. When we're alone, I'd always be the bottom, and he'd be on top (... Not referring to any sexual experiences, much more like a 'follower' and a 'leader' type of thing).

Anyhow, when we were at my doorstep, we kissed goodbye, which took awhile, unlocked the door, and then crashed.

Wow... I'm on vacation... What do I do now?
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Haii! :DD I'm sorry to keep you waiting! D: if you must know, I was going through some troubles, but I solved them c: anyhow, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, an hopefully I'll get back to it sooner. In the meantime, I've been working on some other stories, like: 'The Runaways BxB' and 'The Sinister Urges'. Check them out if you can :) bye bye! <3