Status: So cute!~ (。・ω・。)ノ♡

Ain't Love Grand?

Hey, There, Little Fella

Lucas's P.O.V

I went to my house, dressed myself up, and trudged my way to school. I hate school without my Aiden... It's so boring and dull, but I have to survive until the rest of the week is over. At least I can see him when school's finished...

Seth's P.O.V

I texted Aiden why didn't he come to school, and all he said was that he's sick. I asked if I could come over, but he said no. I'm getting really worried... Even though that it's been a day, I really want to see him. I also asked him when he'd be coming back, he guessed it would be about a week. I literally felt my stomach feel queasy. I calmed myself down, and went to my mom's room. She was still in bed... With nobody else in it.... Good, it's so awkward when she brings one of her 'clients' home. Anyhow, I knocked lightly on her door an she groaned when shifting herself to see me.

"Mm, Seth?" she said


"What is it, honey?"

"I don't feel so good, can I stay home?"

"Sure, baby"

"Thanks, mom," I weakly smiled, and walked to the living room. I sat myself down on the white couch and tried to relax, but all I could think of was Aiden.

Lucas's P.O.V

Lunch time, I said in my head. I stared at the table Seth sat in yesterday, but he wasn't there. I decided to go to my table and wait for him to come by. But after fifteen minutes, I convinced myself that he wasn't coming. He must have skipped lunch... Or maybe just skipped school altogether.

Aiden's P.O.V

You know what? I just remembered Lucas's and I's personal, secret pace. I grabbed something to dry myself with, swimming trunks, a change of clothes, my phone, and my house key. I went out and took a glimpse of each thing that passed by me.

When I reached the park, I changed into my black swim trunks and set myself down into the steamy water. My muscles relaxed as I closed my eyes in comfort. But when I was just about to fall asleep, I heard some crushed twigs near me. My eyes fluttered open, and I jolted my head to where the noise was coming from. I adjusted my weary eyes, and saw a cute, little, white kitten coming my way.

"Awe!" I exclaimed

The little kitty came close to me and rubbed it's tiny body near my head

"Oh, my God! I am so taking you home with me," and when I said that, it meowed. That's it, we're going home, now, I can't wait any longer to pet it and to cuddle it. Besides, it might run away from me. This may be the ONLY chance I'd get to keep this little cutie.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lucas's P.O.V

It's almost time to go, and I'm anxiously packing my stuff into my backpack, while the clock ticked it's way to 2:30. I bit my bottom lip to give a hint of being nervous, and right before I could react, the bell rung. I ran to the front gate, being the first one out... Only to find no one near the gate. I was so disappointed... I began walking to Aiden's to ask why didn't he wait for me. He's always there near the gate. Well... This is just a one-time thing, he'll come by again tomorrow, I know it. My disappointment cleared up with a smile, and I continued to walk to Aiden's

Aiden's P.O.V

I couldn't help but fanboy over the fact that I have the most adorable kitten I have ever seen in my entire life next to me, meowing. I felt the need to cry over such adorableness, but a knock on the door filled the room with an echo. I carried the kitten in my arms while I carefully nipped over to the door, and when I opened it, Lucas automatically said aloud, "Where were y-" he stopped and gasped, then awed. I invited him inside, closed the door, and then sat on the floor, on the white carpet.

Lucas sat next to me, and asked if he could hold the kitten. I nodded my head, smiling, and gently handed it over to him. He looked into it's face and awe'd.

"Have you given it a name?" he asked, looking at me with a beam of happiness

"No, I don't even know if it's a boy or girl," I somewhat joked

He held it up to see if it had a little wee-wee or a split whisker

"It's a girl!" he called out, "So, do you have anything in mind?"

"Hmm... How about Snow White?"

"Oh, my gosh! Fuck yes!" he gently let Snow White go and it scampered off into the living room, then Lucas tackled me with a hug. I chuckled heartily and when we let go of each other, we shared a simple kiss, but then Lucas wanted more. He started lifting my shirt with his hand, and started rubbing my scrawny upper body. I couldn't help but get hard. Every time he does this kind of thing, I can't stop becoming so damn horny. I pressed myself against him so that our chests were touching, and I wrapped my right arm around his waist. He pulled back and gave me a peck on the cheek. He looked down and saw what he did to me and started blushing.

"Do you mind if I go and take care of it?" I pleaded

He nodded his head, and started laughing his cute ass off. I ran towards the bathroom to relieve myself from the urges I have.

(... Note: If you aren't comfortable with these explicit scenes, I suggest you skip until further notice xD)

I quickly took out my bulge that was growing longer, and started pumping it. I moaned rather loudly, and I bet Lucas heard me because he mocked me by laughing more harder for me to hear. My cheeks turned rosy, I yelled out, "Shut up, Lucas! You made me do this!" but that only made him laugh even longer/harder. I moved my hand up and down at an alarming rate, I felt my breaths getting quicker, the room was getting hotter, and I was almost at the edge of release.

One final pump, and I exploded on the light blue wall. I exhaled and felt all the pressure go away.

(... Note: You can look now! XD pretty saucy scene, though. I don't WHY you people would skip such an intense scene :T oh, well...)

Lucas knocked on the door, "Are ya done, babe? You sound like you're going to die of horni-ness," I could tell that he was still finding this amusing.

"Oh, come on! Grow up, will ya?!" I scolded, This isn't really funny... I'm so fucking horny right now, and I SHOULD get some pleasure... But we can't do it until we're married...

He sighed, "I'm sorry"

My boner soon went down a bit, and I got my lower half dressed. I opened the door and found Lucas sitting on the couch with Snow White in his lap, stoking her head ever so calmly. I sat next to him and rubbed his leg, "I'm sorry for snapping at you"

"You shouldn't apologize, I should. It must be hard to deal with me, a religious boy who's forced to be abstinent, who teases you, and then doesn't give him the relief he needs"

Wow... He actually admitted it... Then said sorry about it. I grabbed Snow with care and placed her on the rug, then wrapped my arms around Lucas's neck to feel his warm, thin lips against mine. I pulled back, and grabbed Snow in my arms

"Apology accepted," I said with a smile

All he did was show a sign of shock as I petted Snow lightly
♠ ♠ ♠
Herro! :3 Man, I am on a winning streak, huh? I'm almost done with this story! :DD Anyhow, not get any of you sad, I'm sorry if I flipped form one P.O.V to another... I just wanted to make a more character feel for you, readers. If I didn't do that, sorry. But for the rest of you who say yes, YAYS!!! :DD anyhow, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Don't forget! Subscribe, comment, or recommend! BYE! :DD