Status: So cute!~ (。・ω・。)ノ♡

Ain't Love Grand?

Read This, Please

I lost four of my friends right now, and I am very gloomy...

Two of them had an abusive dad but he left them since the police was going to arrest him, but is planning on coming back to kill them. The third one is in a relationship with one of them. They secretly had a Facebook account and a Mibba account, and so that was the only way that I could ever find them. So, just today, I got a message from the three of them saying that their deleting their accounts, Facebook and Mibba. They're father is apparently a 'master' of the internet, so he could easily find them, no problem. But, one of their friend's mom found out that they had the accounts, so she told their mother, who then made them delete 'em and now they're moving.

I am now so sick of every person in my life leaving me because of some sick bastard/bitch

Now, for the last one, his name is... Adam. I love him with everything I have to give. He's on here, but I'm not sure if he is... He hasn't messaged me since Valentine's Day. No, we're not together, he CLEARLY loves someone else, and I'm fine with it. But then... He said bye to me... And hasn't messaged me since. I've tried sending THOUSANDS of messages, but he just won't answer me. I'm so, very worried for all of them. I'm so broken, I don't know what to do. I'm still not over Adam, and just now, THIS had to happen to me. I have friends to talk to, but I don't think that it's just enough.

I'm sorry if this wasn't part of what you people want to read, since it wasn't part of the story, but I just had to clear some things out, and sort of vent off of my problems out in the open.