Status: For Caleb Carter <3

The Orphanage (A Love Story)

The Orphanage

Holding her close Caleb squeezed Miya harder then ever before, and Miya squeezed back probably ten times harder. They stood at the front doors of the St. Peter's Orphanage, both prepared to go visit the orphans like they have done many times before, But this time was different. After over two years of contemplating having a child together, they had decided to have one...only to find out Miya was unable to have children. Miya's hand clasped around Caleb's, intwining her fingers with his. He couldn't help but sheepishly smile and kiss her on the cheek, whispering in her ear
"Calm down Darling...we're just going to hang out with the kids today...we're not picking yet...shh"
Miya's knees almost buckled under her guilt of not being able to have there own kid for Caleb, disappointing all the kids but one of ever having a home, and the fear of not being a good mother. Knowing her fears Caleb would try to console her, and she would him. Miya never had a happy childhood. And Caleb never had a childhood. Caleb's life was wake up, eat, work, clean, cook, work, shower, sleep. He never had time to do anything. He was forced to grow up fast. And he didn't want that for there child. He wanted there kid to have the freedom and fun childhood he never got. Miya had such a sad childhood. Her father abandoned her for his new wife, they abused her emotionally, physically and mentally, she wasn't allowed to have friends and she was alone, disowned, and lost in her destroyed heart. And she refused to have her child unhappy and sad like her. It was her goal to give there child the life she and Caleb never had. A happy fun one.
Miya took another deep breathe as they both walked to the door, well trembling might be a better world for it! There welcomed by a tall woman with grey and white curled hair. She worse a huge fur jacket with tights and tall winter boots. As if she was ready to leave. He voice defiantly had the tone of angry, irritated, and frustratedly snobby. Miya starts to move her body to behind Caleb's. Shes normally out going and not shy what so ever, but today was a big day for them. So it's understandable to be scared. The old woman asked annoyed
"What are YOU here for?"
Caleb gulped down the lump in his throat
"Uh..we're here to see-"
The old woman took out a clip bored from behind the door and it made a loud smack and she put it back.
"Mr. & Mrs. Carter?"
"Yes but we aren't-"
"Follow me, the little monsters are waiting in there room, they still have three hours of cleaning and working before breakfast."
Miya peaked her head over from Caleb's broad shoulder to his watch she had gotten him about seven or nine months ago. That was one of Caleb's favourite things from her, well it was in his top twenty five anyways.
"But it's already 1:45? They missed lunch and breakfast?"
Miya says in a little voice, Caleb sensed her completely uncomfortable and hugs her tight. Caleb could read her like a book, one that she wrote, he knew her better then she knew herself. One of the other reasons she loved and needed him. It helped her find her sanity and keep her from going crazy. And he was happy doing it. The woman snapped back with a glare of disgust
"We feed the monsters when we feed them. Monsters don't get feed more then once a day! Twice if they behave good."
The woman continued walking, faster and faster. Making Miya and Caleb almost have to jog to keep up, nothing for Caleb and his fit body, but not something Miya was so fond of, even tho everyone told her she had a great body to. She knew she was still a bit chubby on the belly and legs. Caleb would call then curves. He always said she was curvy and that it was hard to find girls with good ones like her, and how he found them super attractive. Always making her feel a little better inside. As she approached a tall door with the words "Sleeping Quarters" loosely printed on. The old woman spoke loudly.
"You may call me Miss Valmite. I am the head master at this Orphanage. The MONSTERS call me Mistress. If you ever so need something or wish to talk to me, I'll be in my office...If those little monsters act up, don't be afraid to swat them. Lil beasts..."
As Miss Valmite walked away, Caleb and Miya walked into the long hallway, full of old beds and green stained windows and floors and walls. Unhappy sad little faces sat on the ends of the painful and uncomfortable looking box spring beds. There mattresses stained and old and there blankets worn out and filled with holes. Some of the children looked up at us. For a second they all saw a tiny glimpse of hope. But then they went back to looking down at there bruised shoeless feet. But that all changed when the door slammed shut behind them. The kids got up and all stood in front of Caleb and Miya like troops to a general. It took them by surprise to see them so happy from being so sad just a second ago. They all start to chatter and whisper and smile and grin at us. Miya gets behind Caleb, making him smile and pulling her to the front. They both grin and look over all the little children. After a few hours Miss Valmite comes in and the kids automatically turn to silent, sad, and frowning children. They sit on there bed
"Come now monsters!! Go eat. Mr. Carter, you and your wife can wait here while they eat. They have only thirty minutes. It won't be long"
Before Caleb can finish his sentence the big doors slam shut. They both go sit down, Caleb pulls Miya into his lap and she smiles back at him.
"Damn...those children really want a home..."
" makes me feel bad....What are we gonna do? They all try to hard....there being fake for us, I know they want a home but..."
Miya sighs and leans her head into Caleb's chest. He runs his hands threw her hair.
"I know sweetie..."
She turns around and pushes him onto the bed. Climbing up onto him and laying down.
"I love you Caleb...."
"I love you Miya....."
Kissing him on the lips Miya grins and hugs him, Caleb hugs and kisses her back.
"You know what else I love?" He asks with a smile
"Our little boy or girl..."
" to..."
There's a rustle in the corner, They shoot up like fire works to see a little boy hiding away in the dark corner of the room. the boy looks up at them, with a longing and sad face. As if he wanted them to come over, but did not say, as if he was afraid. Miya's eyes lit up at him. And Caleb's noticed how excited he was to see the sad little boy. Alone and without a friend. They both get up and walk over to him.
"Uh..Hello there!"
Miya says. Caleb takes note of the wide almost crying grin on her face. The little boy smiles at her.
"Why aren't you eating with all the other kids?"
"....they don't like I just stay here...."
Miya and Caleb walk over and sit down next to him.
"I'm sure they like you!!! Maybe they don't show it vary...."
The little boy looked into her eyes with a frown.
"They hate me...I promise you that...."
"...I don't know...."
The little boy frowns and looks back at his paper. Pulling another marker from the box.
"What are you up to?"
"...just drawing..."
Miya leans over to look at his drawings, Caleb rubs her leg and smiles
"There vary good drawings...your a good little artist!"
He blushes
"Your beautiful..."
Caleb laughs and grins, Miya does the same and pets the boys head. He had soft, long black hair, crystal blue eyes and pale skin. He was skinny, almost skin and bones with dark black rims under his eyes. He had small black marks, deep bruises, on his stick arms. But his smile was bright and real. Rows of shiny white, slightly pointed teeth. With her own smile Miya hugged him
"Aww..thank quiet handsome yourself!!"
The boy blushes hard. Turning red and pink. He shyly looked back away and Caleb moved to his other side
"Damn Miya, I have to compete with another guy?!?"
Caleb joked about how he was always in a contest for her. Because Miya never believed she was beautiful, no matter who told her. It would make her laugh and feel better whenever he joked about it, inside she knew she was. But at the same time couldn't see it. The little boys grin stretched across his face.
"What's your name?"
Miya asked happily. The little boy looked up at them.
"What's yours?"
This come back left a laughing smirk on Caleb's face.
"We'll, I'm Miya,"
"And I'm Caleb."
The boy smiled
"I'm 3567...or at least that's what I'm numbered here."
He turns his back to see the numbers on his back, like in prison.
"You don't have a name??"
"We'll I do, I just don't know it"
Exchanging worried glances at each other, Miya and Caleb shook there heads, hugged the boy and smiled
"We'll, what do you want us to call you? We can't just say numbers!"
Seeing her smile the boy set down his markers and hugged back
"Yea and I forgot them already!!"
Miya reached over and hit Caleb on the head, making the boy laugh loudly and happily. Miya smiled and even in Caleb's pain he couldn't help but smile and laugh back, seeing how happy the two were.
"I don't know...I don't have a name till my adoptive parents name me, if I ever get any..."
"What do you mean if you ever get any?!"
"...all the other kids force me into the darkness or under the beds. So I won't get picked. I know they all want a home, so if they hide me I won't get picked...they hate me.."
Caleb goes around and gives out a little sigh
"Why do you think they hat you so much?"
"Because I've been in and out of here and homes for three years..."
"How old are you?"
"I'm 6 and a half"
"So they hate you because you get picked?"
"No they hate me because I get SENT with the kid who got picked, and after a month they send us back, always blaming me...."
Miya grabbed Caleb's hand and the little boys.
"We will be right back ok?"
She ruffles his hair and makes him giggle. As Miya gets up he grabs her hand
"You promise you won't leave me like the rest?"
Fighting back tears Miya hugs him hard and Caleb kisses his head
"We promise, it will only be a few minutes"
He reluctantly lets go of Miya's hand and they walk out of the Sleeping Quarters. They both wrap there arms around each other and let out a few sobs and deep inhales.
"Oh Caleb...he's..."
"I know...but we should still get to know him better before we-"
"I just want to take him home!!"
"We have to wait darling...but I know how you feel..."
"Caleb, can't we take him out of the orphanage? Like for a day? One of those field trips I guess?"
Caleb scratches his head, still holding a smiling and nervous Miya in his arms.
"Yea I think so. We'll just have to ask Miss Valmite when she returns....I should already know the answer but how do you like him?"
"He's the right age, he's miserable beyond belief, and he's real and smart and...he's just what we make his already sad life a dream. But a dream in reality"
With that, Caleb brought Miya's lips to his and kisses her, long and hard, but still romantic. As they bulled apart, there eyes started to tear up and they hugged again.
"Shh...calm down...."
"...he likes us to right?"
"Haha! He called you beautiful didn't he? He laughed and was so open, he likes us!!"
"But we still gotta ask huh?"
"Yea...come on, time to get back to him"
As they walked into the room the little boy ran and head butted into them, wrapping his tiny arms around there legs
Almost falling back, Caleb catches the boys head in his hands and pets him. The young boy was crying and sobbing.
"You came back!!! You really did come back!!!"
He cried into them. With a happy smirk Caleb bent down and hugged him, Miya wiped her own tears and joined in
"Of course we came back...We were only gone a few minutes! And we promised you!! Why the tears???"
The boy looked up into Caleb's yellowish eyes with his bright blue ones.
"Because!!! People break there promises!!! And no one ever comes back!!!"
He smashed his head back into there legs and cried. Caleb takes him by the shoulders gently
"Aww...we don't break promises, I've kept each promise I've ever made-"
Miya coughs and coughs.
Caleb turned around and have her a irritated look
"Excuse me?"
" you want me to bring up the hundreds of missed Skype dates?!?! Promises you BROKE!"
She playfully said it a bit louder, the boy laughed and Caleb grew red.
Turning back to the boy he hugged him again
"We don't break promises...we don't just leave something if we don't like we will never break a promise...ever."
The little boy looked happy as can be. He pulled them by there hands to the table and took out a folder, it was old as torn and barley keeping together. He pulls out a worn out picture and places it on the table. It's a picture of a heart. There's a house and a family inside of it. Miya points to the black figure outside the heart.
"What's that?"
"That's me..."
"Why aren't you in the heart?"
He looks down and frowns.
"Because...No ones ever loved me to let me have a family or home..."
Reaching across the table Miya and Caleb grab both of his hands. They both smile at each other and then at him.
"Do you like us?"
With a large smile, showing off his white, pointed teeth.
"YES!!! Yes I do!!! I REALLY REALLY like you guys!!!"
His happiness and excitement almost made Miya puke. She felt her stomach turn and her eyes water. She wanted so desperately to take him home. But her and Caleb knew not to rush things. Even tho on the inside, they were already in love with this boy.
"We'll, do you think you would like a home?"
"If it's with you then yes!!!!"
Letting out a gasp, Miya covers her mouth and tears roll out, Caleb takes over, fighting back his own tears.
"And you would like to be apart of a family right?"
The little boy nods and can't speak, his own tears and happiness choking him. Giving Miya a quick kiss, Caleb wipes both there tears.
"Do you think that maybe, you'd like to be apart of ours?"
The huge door opens as the boy flings his arms around them and sobs yes over and over again into them. Miss Valmite comes up behind Miya and Caleb, unlatching the boys arms from there necks
"WHAT is going on HERE?!?"
All the other children sit on there beds with sadden faces, but when they catch sight of the little boy they hated so much in the arms of two smiling and happily crying begging-to-be parents, there sad faces turn to a evil and hating, annoyed and pissed off expression. They frown and glare. Caleb stands up and brushes himself off
"Miss Valmite, we would like to ask a request of you. Before we can finally adopt..."
Miss Valmite frowned and took the little boy and Miya by the hands.
"Fine. Come alone now Mrs. Carter, you too 3567...little monster..."
As they walked to her office, The boys smile faded, until Miya and or Caleb give him a smile. Patting him on the head and back. As they sit down Miss Valmite escorts the boy to the waiting room.
"We need to know if we can take him for..a field trip, out of the orphanage tomorrow?"
"Why would you want to do that?!?"
"Well, because we would like to spend some alone time with him before we make out final decision"
She sighed and handed us a packet of paper work.
"Sign up for tomarrow morning, ill see you then"
As Miya and Caleb fill out the work, it starts to get dark outside. Meaning it was time to leave. TE little boy walked them to the big doors and they bent down to hug him.
"Thank you for spending time with me...."
Miya moved his black hair from his eyes.
"We couldn't have spent our day any better....we're gonna have to name you..."
The boy hugged Miya tightly
"REALLY?!?! Your gonna give ME a NAME?!?"
Tears in eyes and choking on the lump in there throats, Miya and Caleb nodded.
"You know, when me and Miya first met, she always told me how she wanted a son, and that she would name him Leeroy. It's her favorite name today still...."
Miya was about to blow, and Caleb knew it. But he also saw how the boys face lit up like Christmas trees on Christmas during a light show.
"I think it would make Miya vary happy if we-"
He smashed into them again. Begging desperately and happily.
Caleb picked up his tiny, light weight body and held it close to him as the boy- As Leeroy sunk his teeth into Caleb's neck, begging him to not let go of him. With his other arm he pulled Miya in and she weakly hugged them, her energy drained. After a few long minutes Caleb set him down. Giving him one last hug as the started to walk out.
"Caleb, Miya!!!!"
They turned around to see the still crying Leeroy. Trying to fight the urge of running, picking him up and driving away as fast as possible.
"You will come back and see me right?"
With smiles they said:
"Tomorrow we will. We promise"
As they got in there car, a black 2013 Nissan Altima (like I said before, Caleb's job payed better then most, they never bought anything other then the essences. Sure they may have splurged on a few more outfits, Miya loved to find Caleb gifts and he would do the same, but they liked there money in one spot or growing. And it was always growing) Miya dug her nails into Caleb's leg...they both began to sob. It took a good twenty minutes before they could finally drive off the lot. Exhausted and happy. Getting home was a breath of fresh air. As they undressed and laid in bed, Miya curled up to Caleb's chest and he pulled her into a trap. Locking his arms and legs around her. She breathed heavily into Caleb's chest as he kissed and nuzzled her head. They were a couple to see. Happily together since she was 14 and he was 15. Caleb lived in Maryland but traveled between Maryland and Pennsylvania ever week or so. And Miya lived in small Spokane Washington. They lived on the other ends of the state. But they lasted together for two years before finally meeting and living together. And now, they still continue there happy lives. Ready to make someone else's happy to. With her fingers curled up to his chest, Miya sighed
"Caleb...are we really going to be parents?"
Placing another kiss on her head Caleb nodded
"If tomorrow goes well like I'm positive it will, we will be"
"Oh god..."
"Hey!" Caleb held Miya's chin in his hands, forcing it up to his face "leave him out of this!"
With a smile Miya playfully slapped him
"But there isn't a him to begin with!"
They both laughed and laid in silence for a few more minutes
"I love you Miya...From November 3rd, the first time I saw your picture I was in love. And with our messages and texts and our Skype, I knew I'd met the girl of my dreams...and I will always love you, even when Leeroy comes to live with us, I will always love you and him."
Caleb's smile was almost full of tears. But so was Miya's
"Caleb, I love you so much came in my life when I was about to end it....and I've been in love with you before I sent the request!!! I love you..and nothing I can say will match what you say, I may be a writer, but you have all the right words..."
Caleb grinned an brought Miya's face to his, kissing her soft lips for a long time as she kissed back. Holding his face in place with her hands, Miya's tears still ran.
"I love you Miya"
"I love you to Caleb"
He smiled
"I love Leeroy, Miya"
She smiled and they kissed one more time
"I love Leeroy to...Caleb"
♠ ♠ ♠
First Chapter <3 I love you Caleb!!!! Hahahaha!!!!