The Consequence for the Ashamed

You ***ing sit there and think about what you've done.

Finding herself in the split section of the forest, she turned to her right, seeing a bricked mass fifty meters ahead of her, letting out a sigh of relief she begins to hoble towards her split-second safe haven. She pants heavily as she leans against a tree, taking a second to look at her new permanant residence. As she observes the high arches,the gloom of the colors, the positioning of each wing, she soon realized this is one of the many old county prisons that had seemed to show up overnight in the twentieth century when the crimes were ghastly. It was almost perfect for what crime she had committed only hours ago, shaking her head she willed herself to move, limping to the halfway open door. Measling her way past the door, hissing as her shirt gets caught on a broken piece of glass,ripping the cloth slightly, making the sound seem magnified in the humoungous building, wincing lightly she exits the room into another, looking for a first-aid room. As she progresses throughout the rooms she thinks to herself how she got to this position, the beginning of what seemed to be a healthy relationship,and the escape from her the people who sought out to make her life a living hell AKA her family, Everything seemed fine. At first. "Key word.Seemed." She thought to herself bitterly as she passed another room quickly, her relationship with him was a blessing in disguise from the start it seemed, He did countless things to convince her family of his position.He got along with every member of her family, especially the ones who seemed attenitive to torture her about her existance. But she soon realized what she TRULY was, she was the one woman who he had draped on his arm to show off his current catch,just a gorgeous little thing, unknowing to his little games, he was amazing at upholding his reputation as a a user, and yup you guessed it, abuser. a month or so after she moved in,his true colors began to show, drunken stupors led to unwilling romps, and bruises that seemed to be a layer of clothing for her. She also soon realized, he didn't even love her, he was in a deal with her family. shaking her head, she scowled," He's what got me into this mess, he's the one who led me to me decision." She spoke aloud. Stopping abruptly to check whether the passed room was the Aiding room. A split second passes as the churning of her stomache made itself known before she keeled over coughing violently before realizing the sudden movent was too much for her body as she falls to her knees, holding her stomache before vomiting intensely, the strong stench of stomache acid and the pungent smell of blood laced within eachother filtrated the air making her turn her head in disgust. After a few minutes of gathering her senses together, she began to get up only to collapse to her knees again. Breathing deeply she looked up at the door infront of her to see that it was crooked open slightly, still on her knees she reaches her arm out to push the door open enough to crawl forward into the room. As she does so her suspicions are proven right, this room was the first aid room. Carrier tables that once held medical devices, and gauze turned over and the medical table that once gleamed as a shiny silver now is shroaden in rust from years of un-use. min-aggling her way to an overturned chair she leans into a sitting position as she moves the chair against the wall propping herself before she can fall again. Surveying the room for supplies of needle and thread, a syringe and some anysthetic to numb the wound, she soon catches sight of her needed treasures next to the overturned medical table, stretching as much as she can bring herself to be able to without bringing herself pain she snatches them up before resigning to her previous position. She couldn't believe that she was she in this shape. She had a feeling his reaction when he found out would be a rough one, but she never expected this out of him. It was as if every drunken burst of violence had combined and burst on her. She had contusions all over. And she had thoughts of internal damage, How else would she be throwing up blood? As she began to thread her needle and when that was finished she ripped open her shirt sodden with red stains that was blood. She looked down at the second worst wound she had. A slash to her stomache that he had made hoping to damage her and possibly kill her. She rips open the syringe and begins to fill it with the proper dosage as suggested on the bottle, flicking it to clear it of any air bubbles before injecting it into the area around her wound, massaging the numbing antigent around. She begins to stich her wound after she threads the needle, hissing lightly at the light pain that flashed through her,. Ending the crisscross formation she closes the wound and ties off the thread and throws the needle to the side. Standing up while breathing heavily a tear slides out of her left eye, EWiping it away she thinks to herself sorely"I shall not cry for sore truthes that i never saw. it was my fault that i got caught in this situation." Stalking off she begins to limp towards the cells that hold the ghosts of the prisoners of the past. Looking in each cell at it's state of diss-array, her face crumbles in disgust at the smell of decaying brick and carcuss of rotten flesh from the animals that had snuck in. Finding a somewhat suitable living quarters for the night she shivers as a cold breeze whisps around her as she walks into the cell shutting the door behind her. Laying on the bed she begins to observe her sourrounding four walls, The grime that has begun to climb in through the the upper corners that grew into vies and moss, the dripping sounds of the water from their recent storm richocheting off of the walls, the occasional creaking of the all-metal door reminding her of where she currently was. But the most daunting sounds of all was the overall sound of silence that accompanied the natural sounds of man-made items. That most of all reminded her of her situation.As it began to dawn on her,tears began to fall down her face. Sobbing to herself because she knew this would happen due to her inconsideration. The level of loneliness she was currently feeling she had never felt. And she knew it might last forever. She finally fell asleep crying.
She awoke the net morning to the sounds of birds chirping and the sound of someone dragging a stick across the cell bars. Panicking she sprung out the cell bed and looked around for a weapon, Dread dragged through her veins at the thought of not being able to defend herself. She stood still as she heard a voice calling out. Listening more attentively she hears who this person was calling for. Her. Slowly walking the cell door she peeks through opening catching sight of the man she has learned to despise stalking towards her with a sinister smile gracing his face as he cranks his neck. Shivering she opens the door as she regains her confidence to confront him.
"What are you doing here?" She asks
"I'm here to do something that I should've done a long time ago." He smirks as he takes a step towards her, She takes a step back in response to his action.
"What do you mean?"
"I'm here to end your life as you've done to the thing that could've held us together."
As he ends his statement she begins to back up in a fast pace before turning around and running as fast as she can while limping. She can hear his laughter ring out and hit the walls as he begins to stalk after her. She pants as she turns and twists certain corners to get him off her track, Laughter follows her around every corner as she runs past a bathroom with an all steel door. Wrenching open the door she rushes into the room and hides in a stall hoping the door shuts before he catches sight of her hiding place. Breathing heavily she runs her hand over her stiches to feel if any have opened. Sighing in relief as she finds none open but her relief is cut short as she hears him.
"Come out,come out where ever you are. you little wench!" Before he laughs as he kicks open the very door that lead to her hiding place. Kicking every stall door open, his eyes widen as he catches site of her cowering and breathing heavily in the last stall. Twisting his head to the side, he sighs happily before letting a smirk grace his face.
"There you are you little bitch," as he reaches out for her she begins to kick her legs rapidly and flail her hands hoping to derail him from his wishes. Screaming as to hope his ears will bleed and back up but to no avail none of this happens and he soon has her in his arms grabbing her and dragging her out of the stall, before throwing her to the floor and grabbing her by the hair forcing her to look at him with tears in her eyes.,
"So, you think you can get rid of me by running away? You think you won't fucking face any consequences facing your action.? he asks
Mustering her strength,she glares at him before spitting in his face, soon regrettinbg it as he slaps her across the face splitting her lip and laughing as blood begins to drip from the split.Reaching into backpocket and drawing out a knife he shows it to her as the light gleams onto it making it seem more sharp. Drawing it back he makes a slashing motion forward into her chest, leaving it in. Laughing at her gutteral scream of pain he stands back and watches as the blood from the wound drips down her chest once again staining her white tank.She falls forward and begins to gasp for air as he walks to a chair that was previously placed there for prison guards to watch over as prisoners went during free-time.Pulling a rope free from his backpocket he begins to climb onto the chair and make a noose and proceeds to put his head in the noose.
"IF you can watch OUR child die at YOUR hand then you can watch me die at MY hands you meaningless bitch!"
"i DIDN'T NEED TO BRING THAT CHILD INTO THIS FUCKED UP WORLD! That abortion save the child from a life full of fucking suffering! But you can't see that! You selfish prick!" She screamed at him in response."
He screamed at her as he begins to tighten the noose. Despite the amount of pain she was in, she begins to crawl towards the door hoping to get away from what would turn into a gruesome sight. As he realizes her actions he sighs and unloosens himself from his noose and jumps from the chair and slowly walks forward to her . Realizing he was behind her she begins to move faster before letting out a screech of pain as he grabs a handful of hair and wrenches the steel door open.
''You obviously want to die first? Did I say you could move?? Fuck NO! well congratulations you get your wish! Too bad you didn't die when you killed our kid!"
Wrenching the door open wider, he places her head in between the door frame and the door.Thinking to herself, "Is this the fate God planned for me?"
"No. NONONONO.! Please don't! Ple-!" Her screams are cut off as he brings the door forward slamming the door into her head multiple times.Laughing as he does it. Her screams are halted as he does one final harsh slam ending her life permanently and harshly. Stepping back and looking at his 'handi-work' he smiles as he observes the splatter of blood upon the wall. He steps toward the chair again and gets back to his previous actions and as he tightens the noose he looks at the dead corpse of his girlfriend and salutes her.
"Sayanora Bitch!"
And kicks the chair. Ending his life permanently.
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This story plays heavily on abortion, and religion. It may have a little snippet of God but I believe that abortion and god goes somewhat in the same bucket. I actually dreamed this mid october and decided to share it with all of you. If you have questions concering the dream or the story itself feel free to message me. the characters remained nameless Because, I decided that would be the best way. I'm sorry if I offended anyone. I didn't intend that religion or abortion wise.♥