

“So I found an old camera at a thrift store in Texas.” Danni said as she took out the video camera from her bag that was on the back seat. “The man said it should play the tape. I told him if it wouldn’t that it won’t be the last time he hears from me.” Vic glanced at the electronic and smiled.

“You are so aggressive, woman. I won’t be surprised if you end up being arrested for domestic violence.”

“Am not. Just don’t mess with me and everything will be peachy.” She warned him as she played with the camcorder. Vic grabbed one of her CD albums from the side and rolled down his window. Danielle turned her head to the left to see what Vic was up to. He extended his hand out the window and she rose from her seat to stop him but the seatbelt locked. “I HAVE THAT ALBUM SIGNED!” She yelled while she unlocked her seatbelt. Vic just laughed as she tried grabbing the album. “I’m going to murder you!”

“I’m going to crash Scott.”

She punched his arm and plopped herself down on her seat. “I won’t ever talk to you again if you throw it out the window.” She murmured and crossed her arms. Vic brought his arm back in and pretended to throw the CD out the window. Danni’s heart jumped and she whipped her head to him.

“I’m just messing with you, Danny-L.” He placed the album back where it belongs and Danielle just punched him again.

“I prefer that album over you.” She muttered.

“Ouch. We had history. I knew who you were before they ever became famous.”

“Your point?”

“They don’t even know you exist.” He laughed.

“Yeah they do! Tyga winked at me at his concert and Lil Wayne sang while locking his eyes at me and guess what song he was playing?” She smacked his arm. “How to Love! They both fell in love with me but I told them not to fight over me because I wasn’t single during that time.” She moved her hands around.

“They don’t even know your full name, your date of birth, your favorite color, favorite TV show, favorite food dish, and all that other stuff.” Vic said to her.

“Like you know all that about me? Besides my name.”

“Danielle Alicia O’Brian. April 20th 1984. Yellow. Pokemon. Ravioli.” Danni remained quiet with a smile. Vic faced her, “You were saying?”

“I can do that. Victor Vincent Fuentes. February 10th, 1983. Black. Spanish soap operas. Tacos.”

“You only said tacos because I'm part Mexican.”

“Every Mexican likes tacos. It’s law.” She told him and he laughed.

“Anyways, when did you get the camcorder? I was with you the whole time in Texas.” Vic asked her with a smile.

“When you were getting ready and when I brought home Taco Bell.” She smiled then took out the tape they both made for the time capsule. “We can finally watch what we made.”

“We could have watched it before the wedding.”

“I thought the tape can wait. Should we watch it now or wait until we get home?” She asked the brown boy. Vic just pulled over to the side of the freeway and turned off the car. He then faced Danni with a big grin painted on his face.

“Let’s watch it now.”

Danni opened the tape’s box and took out the little black tape that was in there. She inserted it into the camera and the camera turned on. She gnawed her lower lip as she moved the screen out for Vic to get a good view. The tape started.

“I am Victor Fuentes and this is my gir—Danni what are you doing?” He looked away from the camcorder when his girlfriend left him.

“Pokémon is on.” She pouted as she pointed at the old television in Vic’s living room.

“We’re supposed to be making a video for us in the future.” He walked over to the living room and zoomed in on Danni’s face. She shut her eyes tightly and smiled.

“Hi future me!” She waved. Vic then zoomed out and recorded the theme song of Pokémon while they both sang along.

“We’ll just record when it’s over.” Vic stopped recording and the gray, black, and white dots were shown on the camera. Then the next recorded thing started. Vic was videotaping his room and giving a walkthrough of his house. He then spotted Danni outside playing barbies.

“Victor!” His mother shouted from the kitchen. “Clean up your toys!”

“I can’t right now! I’m recording!” He zoomed in on Danni again and she looked up at him with a smile. She sat up and went inside the house to get her juice. Vic went up to their tree house and set the camera on the flat surface so both he and Danielle can be recorded. He fixed the camera and smiled. “Now we wait for Danni.” He looked around his tree house until Danni returned and lied down next to him.

“Danni, say something to the future Mr. & Mrs. Fuentes.” Vic said confidently.

“Hi!” She waved. “Um,” she leaned closer to Vic and whispered, “What do I say?”

“Say anything. It’s going to be inside our time capsule.”

“I don’t know what to say,” she whispered to him again.

“Why are you whispering?”

She put her hands out and shrugged. She scratched her cheek and looked at Vic while resting her chin on her arm. Vic smiled at her and then to the camera.

“Do you like me?” He questioned her and she nodded quickly with a small smile.

“Do you like me?”

“No,” he paused. “Because I love you.” He kissed her cheek and she covered her mouth and opened her eyes widely. She faced him and removed her hands from her mouth.

“I love you too.” She smiled. “Are we still getting married tomorrow so I can find a dress to wear?” She kicked her feet in the air in excitement.

“Yes I have my ring pop ready. Do you like the cherry flavor?”

“Uh-huh,” she nodded. “I got you blue raspberry.” She handed him one of his coloring books and took out all the crayons out of the box and put them in the middle.

They started coloring and the video continued like that for the next five minutes then it cuts again. The next part Vic was handing the camera over to one of his friends so they can record the little wedding ceremony. Mike was standing on the root of the tree outside of Danni’s back yard. He was carrying a book.

“Danielle we’re ready!” Vic yelled and walked over to Mike. “Don’t mess up or I’ll scare you at night.” He threatened Mikey. Danni started walking out the door wearing one of her white dresses. She was carrying three roses that she cut out as she walked out the kitchen and to the tree. She smiled at Vic and he smiled at her.

“Where are the rings?” Michael asked the couple. Each one opened their bag of ring pop and slipped it on each other’s fingers. It fit them big but they didn’t care.

“Do you, Danielle, want to marry Vic?” Mike asked her.

“Uh-huh,” she responded.

“Do you, Victor, want to marry Danielle?”

“Uh-huh,” Vic said with a smile.

“I now pronounce you married. Vic you can kiss her.” Mikey closed the book and watched his older brother give Danielle a quick peck. Both Danni and Vic wiped their mouths with their hands and smiled at each other.

The video cuts for the last time and it showed Vic in front of his birthday cake. Everyone was singing happy birthday and he was smiling. Danni was next to him wanting to blow out the candles.

“Think of a wish and blow out the candles,” Vivian said to her oldest son. Vic closed his eyes and shortly after blew out the candles with the help of his little brother. Everyone clapped and the lights went back on.

“Bite the cake!” Everyone shouted. Vic shook his head but everyone started chanting and so was Danni. He lowered his head and took a small bite of the cake only for his brother to smash his face in it. Mike laughed out and walked away before Vic could punch him. Dan wiped some frosting off his face with her finger and licked it off. Vic faced her and smiled.

“Beso! Beso! Beso!” (Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!) Older Victor started to chant and his side of the family joined in. Vic Jr looked at Danielle and gave her a peck on the lips with the frosting all over his face. They both wiped their mouths afterwards with the back of their hands and the guests all laughed. The birthday boy wiped off the cake on his face with the help of Danni and her mother. Older Victor came out with a knife and handed it over to his son carefully. They both cut a slice of cake and placed it on the plate. Vic then grabbed the piece of cake and left the table.

“Vic, where are you going?” His mother asked as she followed him inside the house.

“Inside.” He answered honestly.

“You’re not going to serve your guests any cake?”

He shook his head. “Danni and I are sharing and we want to watch Pokémon.”

“Vic you forgot your fork!” Danni came running to him with a plastic fork in hand. “Here.”

“Aw, isn’t that sweet?” Vivian asked. “What do you say?”

“Thank you Danni.” Vic smiled and left to the living room with her.

The tape ends.

Danielle had her mouth covered with her hand and it looked like she was crying. Vic faced her with a questionable look on his face. “Did I really wipe my mouth after kissing you?”

Danni giggled as she wiped away her tears. “I did too. We were so adorable!” She turned off the camera and placed it back in her bag. “We actually did get married so we both completed that from our wish list.” She smiled and threw her head back on the car seat, facing Vic. He got her hand, interlocked his fingers with hers and kissed her hand.

“We can still be cute.” He said as he looked into her eyes. Her smile faded when he leaned forward. She did the same. His seatbelt tightened so he stopped just a centimeter away from kissing her lips. Danielle laughed and clapped her hands together in amusement.

“That. was. epic.” She said and continued laughing. Her phone went off and it was her cousin, Wendy. She answered the call while Vic removed his seatbelt to fix it. He then started the car and pulled back to the freeway when he figured she’d be on the phone for a bit. “We’re heading back home...I don’t know. We’re going straight home...they're on the medicine cabinet in the kitchen. It’s in a red bottle. It has her name in it...okay I’ll call you later...bye.”

“One of Wendy’s kids is sick?”

“Um, something like that. How much longer until we hit Arizona?”

“We’re just about to cross the border.”

“Are you gonna hop or are you gonna run?” She asked Vic. When it was quiet she glanced at him and he was laughing silently. “What?”

“You’re so racist.”

“I just asked if you were going to hop!” She defended herself.

“Then you’re stereotyping.”

“How is that stereotyping?” She faked an angry tone and took out her book.

“You’re just something.”

“Whatever, Vic. I’m going to read my porn book now. So if you don’t mind, turn down your annoying voice so I can concentrate.” She opened her book and read where she had left off. “What the fuck.” She says after a few minutes.


“The guy in the story...I’ll just read this part to you.” She clears her throat. “‘Ask me,’ he says softly.

I frown. Ask him what?

‘Ask me,’ his voice is slightly harder.

What? How was your water? What does he want?

‘Ask me, Anastasia. I won’t say it again.’ And there’s such a threat implicit in his words, and it dawns on me. He wants me to ask him to spank me.

Holy shit. He’s looking at me expectantly, his eyes growing colder. Shit.

‘Spank me, please… Sir,’ I whisper.

He closes his eyes momentarily, savoring my words. Reaching up, he grasps my left hand and he tugs me over his knees. I fall instantly, and he steadies me as I land in his lap.

My heart is in my mouth as his hand gently strokes my behind. I’m angled across his lap again so that my torso rests on the bed beside him. This time he doesn’t throw his leg over mine, but smoothes my hair out of my face and tucks it behind my ear. Once he’s done, he clasps my hair at the nape to hold me in place. He tugs gently and my head shifts back.

‘I want to see your face while I spank you, Anastasia,’ he murmurs, all the while softly rubbing my backside.

His hand moves down between the cheeks of my behind, and he pushes against my sex, and the full feeling is… I moan. Oh, the sensation is exquisite.

‘This is for pleasure, Anastasia, mine and yours,’ he whispers softly.

He lifts his hand and brings it down in a resounding slap against the junction of my thighs, my behind, and my sex. The balls are forced forward inside me, and I’m lost in a quagmire of sensation. The stinging across my behind, the fullness of the balls inside me, and the fact that he’s holding me down. I screw my face up as my faculties attempt to absorb all these foreign feelings.”

“Balls?” Vic made a face.

“Anal beads.” She simply said and Vic had a questionable look on his face.

“What the hell are you reading?”

“50 Shades of Grey. Wendy told me to read it. I’ve popped my reading porn cherry to this book.” She frowns and Vic laughed again.

“Is he supposedly the dominant and she's the submissive? I think I’ve heard about that book.”

“Yes but he’s bad. Not the bad boy kind of bad. He's not a very good dom.” She bookmarked her book as she spoke to the driver.

“You’ve actually been a sub?”

She turned her head and stood quiet. Vic’s eyes grew and he laughed again. “Well...” she licked her lips. “It’s not as bad as you think it is. I sort of like being tied or choked.” Her voice changed in the ending. She sounded like a spoiled little kid.

“So you like anal balls inside of you?”

“I’ve never used those. I'm more of a handcuff and whip person.” Her cheeks blushed and Vic found it all amusing.

“What happened to your innocence?”

“I left it in Cali. You’ve never role played or anything with Cara or any of your exes?” She asked.

“No,” he shook his head with a smile on his face. “Just plain sex. No toys or costumes.”

“You never thought of trying it?”

“You’re dirty. Don’t infest me with your submissive and dirty talk.” He pushed her aside and she laughed.

“Just try it once. What do you have to lose?”

“My dignity,” he replied. Danni and Vic switched seats when they grabbed some food. They soon acted like they were drunk because of the lack of sleep. They also acted like teenagers. She continued reading passages from the book and they both just laughed hysterically. They found everything ten times amusing.

As they crossed the border of Arizona into California, they were all high off of giggling and laughing. Coffee only seemed to make them crazier. In a few hours they arrived back in San Diego. It was a few minutes past two in the morning. Vic pulled up in front of her house and saw his car in the driveway.

They both stepped out of the car and into the cold night air. Vic went over to her side and walked her to the front mahogany door, with a smile on his face. He felt blissful inside, something he's longed for in years. The road trip was a wonderful idea. He was grateful for bringing Danielle along. She seemed to have made the trip more interesting. He didn't want the night to end; he wanted to see her more and spend one more night with her.

“Well, I had a great time this past week.” Vic said in a high pitched feminine voice, shoving his hands inside his pockets. Danni contained her laugh and shook her head. She then toughened up, putting her arms up and popped out her chest like she had muscles.

“Yeah," her voice was deep and she scratched her head, looking around the neighborhood. “I get that a lot. Girls tend to fall in love with me a lot, you know?”

They both stared at each other and erupted in laughter. She quickly shushed him by covering his mouth. She had forgotten that her roommates were sleeping and it was nighttime. She grabbed his hand and walked off the porch to see if any lights went on upstairs. Vic looked up and interlaced his fingers with hers then wrapped them around her waist while she still stared up. She finally lowered her head and saw how close Vic was to her, but being that close to him made her realize something; she noticed for the first time how inviting and luscious his lips were and how incredible his smile was.

He smiled down at her as she giggled but then it got quiet and their smiles went away. She saw how intense his eyes were and wondered what he was thinking and what was going to happen. Their foreheads rested against each other and he slowly cupped her head with one hand and pulled her closer to him, pressing his firm lips on hers. She reacted quickly and kissed him back, surprising herself. His other hand joined his and brought her closer to him, making the kiss deeper and passionate. She lost her ability to stand up and if it wasn’t for her arms around Vic’s torso she would have fell.

He loved the warmth of her lips and how passionate it has become. He never guessed that he would feel this way for any girl since Cara. He was content. He felt that kissing Danielle was always his objective. He never thought that they can be more than friends again after her departure from California. All their kisses back in elementary were sweet and innocent but this one in particular was different; it was burning and intimate. It made him forget how to breathe.

The kiss finally came to an end and their eyes were still closed as they tried to regain their breathing. Vic pursed his lips while letting it all process in his head. Did she feel the same way as he did? Was her heart racing like his? Or was it just a bad idea for him to kiss her after knowing how hurt she was from her past?

Their eyes finally opened and they gazed into each other’s stare.

“Good night, Victor.” She whispered softly with a small smile. The kiss seemed to calm them down. They pulled away from their warm embrace and she walked up the porch. She turned back and smiled at him. He waved goodbye and left back to his car. He sat there and just touched his lips that were swollen from the kiss.

“I kissed her,” he whispered to himself then his lips curled up. He started his car and drove back home. Once he arrived, he unlocked the door and went straight to his room.
♠ ♠ ♠
they finally kissed! :DD