The Ghost

That Was When I Realized Life Hated Me

The sun was barely over the buildings when I walked back outside. Brut was still standing in the spot I left him in. I could feel his eyes on the back of my neck as I got in my car and I couldn’t shake the feeling until I turned the corner and was out of sight. My body relaxed and only then did I realize how tense I had been in Liam’s presence.

I wasn’t supposed to like Liam. I couldn’t help it. He was hansom and he was the ultimate bad boy, tanned and dangerous. The perfect example of the type of guy I would date. That whole dangerous thing was what kept me from doing anything. He was extremely dangerous. He was a drug lord. I had to be careful around him. If I made a wrong move he would almost certainly kill me or have me killed. I had been down that road once before with my ex boyfriend, Jace McKinney and it had almost cost me my life.

Jace was a very prominent member of the Irish Mafia. His territory stopped right where Liam’s began. Jace and Liam ignored each other mostly until someone crosses the territory line. Then all hell breaks loose for a couple weeks. That is unless they make an agreement on what to do with whoever broke the last agreement. When these wars broke out I usually took a vacation to my apartment and hid so Jace wouldn’t know where I had gone. Liam didn’t mind too much. If I was killed he would have to find someone to replace me and he wouldn’t want to work that much.

The streets were starting to get crowded as everyone woke up and started their days. I knew I should go home and get some sleep, but I had to make a stop first. I pulled up to the curb in front of a stretch of glass fronted buildings. I climbed out of my black 69 Chevelle and walked towards the store. The bell above the door chimed as I walked in. The lady at the desk looked up and I saw my own face staring back at me.

“Cass, what are you doing here?” My twin, Lesi, asked placing a long slender finger on the book she was reading, “You said you were going to get some sleep.”

“Liam called me about 20 minutes after I fell asleep.” I said leaning on the counter.

“Then why are you not at home sleeping now?” Lesi asked putting her finger on my nose. I tried to bite her finger as she quickly pulled her hand away.

Lesi was my identical twin, but the better half. She didn’t smoke. She had a steady, legal, paying job. She would never hurt a fly without a very, very good reason. I, on the other hand, worked for a drug lord. I didn’t know if I was going to be able to eat from one day to the next and hurt people as part of my job. Lesi didn’t like that I worked for one of the biggest drug lord in the country. She would try and convince me every chance she got to quit and come work with her.

The only thing was I couldn’t quit. This was a life that I had dug myself to deep into to be able to get out of. Liam owned me just like he owned everyone else who worked for him. Even if I tried to quit Liam would either drag me back or have me eliminated. Liam even owned the police. He paid them to stay in the rich part of town. They only came into his territory if someone called and only if they had his permission first. No one ever called though.

Even though we were total opposites, we were a lot alike to, and not just our looks. We were both witches, powerful ones at that. Lesi ran a magical supplies shop. We both had deep roots in the community, but in different ways. No one ever messed with Lesi because of who her sister was, or how she helped people. No one messed with me because of who my boss was.

“Cass, is everything alright?” Lesi asked. I nodded my head and yawned.

“Why don’t you go get some sleep?” She said patting my arm. I leaned over the counter and gave her a loving peck on the cheek as she returned it. I smiled at her and walked back to the Chevelle.

I woke up as the sun was beginning to set. I rolled over and looked at my phone. I only had one new message. It was from Brut asking when he should swing by my place so we could get started. I knew Liam had ordered him to stay by me while I questioned his hookers. I set my phone back down on the table and got up walking to the bathroom. My phone vibrated on the bedside table. I strolled over and picked up the phone and looked at the screen on it. It was Brut. I picked up the phone.

“Hello?” I said picking up the phone.

“You ready?” Brut said his voice a little rougher than normal.

“Uh huh.” I answered

“Be there soon.” He said then the line went dead. I sighed looking at the phone. I flipped it closed and quickly got dressed.

Twenty minutes later there was pounding at my door. I opened it to see Brut standing there, filling the hallway. I motioned for him to come in.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed my magical bag off the table and walked out. He looked at me and I nodded. We walked out of my apartment building and out to the street.

“We need to make a stop first.” I said heading towards my sister’s shop.
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