
we fly balloons on this fuel called

For months this was my routine. My insomnia kept kicking in every day and I would just stand up, brush my teeth and head to Ancheleire’s Café or like I call it; Nick’s coffee shop. I learned that he is nineteen and is attending San José State University. He loves coffee and almost everyone there loves coffee so he decided to make a coffee shop.

The day I told him about my dad, he simply stood up and hugged me really tight. I cried onto his shoulder for hours on end. I felt embarrassed but it was Nick; I really didn’t need to be that preoccupied. Today, I went earlier to the coffee shop. I told my mom I was going to the movies even though that was a lie. I don’t like lying to mom, really. I couldn’t tell her I’ve been seeing a university guy though.

Nick was sitting down in our usual table, the café empty as fuck. When he heard the door bells chime, he automatically looked up, our eyes locking. I smiled softly and walked up to him, sitting down.

“How’re you, Britney?”

I sigh. “I’m okay. I just miss him. I miss the balloons.” He shakes his head and looks down. I watch as his left hand moves slowly to hold mine. “Hey,” he started. “We’ve never gone anywhere else since we met, seven months ago, and I thought maybe you would like to go with me to the March Electric Concert.”

My head shot up and I look at him weirdly. Why would he want me, fucked up sixteen year old Britney to go with him to an electric music concert?

“Are you asking me?”

He chuckles as he nods, exactly how he did the first day we met. “No, the man behind you.” I rapidly turn around to find no one behind me. “Oh,” I reply.

“So? Would you?” he asks. I look down and think about what would dad want me to do. Nick is a really nice guy and I honestly don’t know if after all these months, he sees me as anything else. I could just say yes and ask my mom later or tell her I was going to the movies again.

I sigh again. “Sure, why not?”

He grins.