The Creature


I was so enticed by looking at the water, that I didn't hear their yells. His foot steps were another world away as I stared, terrified, at the body of water in front of me. It looked as if it would jump, so i stepped aside. Luck was on my side, not only did I avoid the sting of the creature’s throwing quills, but I also escaped the terrible fate of a foot being smashed into my scull. The man righted himself and, having quickly dodged the quills, was unharmed. He looked at me menacingly; I paled; I was not prepared for this. I flinched as he raised his hand to strike me. However, he paused just long enough to say, "Survive this!" He hit me in the jaw before I had time to brace myself. I flew into the water, not far from where the creature threw its quills. The icy water that now surrounded me stole my breath, as did the sight of IT. My muscles locked up, whether from cold or fear I don't know. But I did know one thing, I couldn't move and it was swimming right at me! My vision started to fade; I panicked and accidentally inhaled a gulp of water. My throat burned as my consciousness faded into nothing.