Status: I try

I Just Want to Be Free.

2. “So… How old are you?”

”You have a weird accent” Austin giggled. We were going to the Starbucks, next to the airport. I stood on my skateboard and Austin pushed me forward. It was kind of hard to drag the suitcase behind, but this was fun so I didn’t really care. “Yeah, I know” I smiled. “How so?” Austin giggled. He was the first guy I ever heard giggling. “I’m half Mexican and half Finnish.” “So you speak Spanish, Finnish and English” He smiled. “Ummm, I speak, Spanish and English so well cause of my dad” I sighed and continued. “I speak Finnish because my mom was Finnish. And I speak Swedish because it’s it is a compulsory subject in Finnish schools” His jaw dropped. “Girl you are so teaching me languages” He said eagerly.

We got to the Starbucks and ordered our coffees. We sat on the corner table, because Austin said he liked to be as far as he could, from people. I thought that was weird, but who am I to judge. We talked about our mothers that had passed away when we both were young. We talked about our fathers. His was amazing, I was so jealous. Right when I started to speak about my father, my phone went off ‘Here in this world I'm awaked with mistakes. But it's love that keeps fueling me, fueling me. Pretty little lady with the swollen eyes, would you show them to me? I know I'm not that perfect, but just stay a while. Baby, then you will see...’ I loved my ringtone; it was one of my favorite songs ever. Austin started to laugh. “What?” I asked and answered the phone. “Jasmin” “¿dónde diablos estás perra” (where the hell are you bitch?) My father shouted so laud, even Austin heard it. His smile dropped. I guess he knew Spanish. Anyway. “en San Diego, imbécil. Estoy en casa ahora. Adiós.” (in San Diego, asshole, I’m home now, goodbye) I hand up. Austin noticed that I was starting to cry, so he moved closer to me and laughed. “It’s weird how sexy you sound when you are angry and speaking Spanish” I started to laugh loudly. I felt everyone’s eyes on my back, but I didn’t care. Huge smile spread on Austin’s face. “I love it when I make people laugh”

“You need a ride to… where are you going?” Austin asked me, standing in front of a black SUV. “I don’t know where I am going. I just came here” I awkwardly scratched the back of my head. “You can bunk with me and my friends?” He kind of asked me. I nodded and he smiled. “C’mon” He took my suitcase and put it into the trunk with his luggage, then h ran to open the door for me. “My lady” He laughed and jumped to the backseat with me. “Hey bro, had a nice flight? And who is this pretty bird” The guy from the drivers spot asked. He was a ginger, sassy looking one. It almost made me laugh but I kept it inside of my head. “Yeah, the flight was ‘fun’ aaaand this is Jasmin” Austin answered to the ginger. “Sup girl, I’m Alan” He said and started the engine. “Jasmin is bunking with us” Austin said to Alan who nodded. “Are you sure that Fuentes won’t mind?” Alan asked. Fuentes? Like Vic and Mike. They were the founders of one of my favorite band. Pierce the Veil was the only band I had ever checked from the internet. I knew almost everything about that band, and it annoyed me. I always made sure I never knew anything about the bands I listened, cause I think too many teens listen some bands just because the members are hot. I do know the names of the bands and all the songs they have, but I never really bothered to learn the names of the band members except Pierce the Veil’s.

“Why were you laughing when my phone ringed?” I asked right before Alan stopped the car. “You don’t really know who I am, do you?” He smiled and jumped out from the car. He opened my door and helped me out. “What do you mean?” And at the same second, I noticed a row of tour buses.

I sat on the couch, inside of the Fuentes home. I stared at the pack of guys sitting on the floor, playing war games and then Mario kart and then war games again. At the moment, they were playing Mario kart. Band vs. band. Austin had introduced all the guys to me, ruining the principle of knowing the names of my favorite band members.

Austin Carlile, the lead singer of Of Mice & Men. The rest of his band was sitting around him, Tino Arteaga, Phil Manansala, and the ginger princess Alan Ashby.

Then there was Pierce the Veil. Vic and Mike Fuentes, Tony Perry and Jaime Preciado. They were screaming to Mike who was steering the character in the game.

Sleeping With Sirens, Kellin Quinn, Justin Hills, Gabe Barham, Jesse Lawson, Jack Fowler. Kellin beat boxed the Super Mario tune and got a huge applauds from all the guys.

Then there was Asking Alexandria. Ben Bruce the one with long curly hair and no shirt, James Cassells the one who laughed at Camron who didn’t know how to play, Danny Worsnop the one who had a bottle of whiskey, Cameron Liddell the one playing the game with the other bands and Sam Bettley the one who tried to sabotage the other bands, so they would win.

This had to be a dream. I saw four bands, four of my fucking favorite bands in front of me.
“Hello princess” Ben sat next to me on the couch. “oh my god, say something again. I love British accents” I giggled and he laughed. “So… How old are you?” He asked and suddenly the whole room went quiet. All the guys turned their heads towards me and Ben. “C’mon mates, if any of you won’t I will” He laughed nervously. “Ben no” Austin said, followed by Danny “Ben Love, you don’t have to fuck every girl that moves, alright. Even though she’s pretty hot” Danny winked to me. Kellin took his shoe off and smacked Danny’s head with it. “No, bad Danny” “What the hell man” Danny started to laugh and so did everyone else. “But seriously Ben, no” Alan said seriously and everyone went back to what they were doing few minutes ago, even Ben who smirked at me seductively.
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kind of filler and the introduce chapter.