Status: I try

I Just Want to Be Free.

6. "Jasmin!"

Ben was taking a shower. Asking Alexandria was a lucky punch of fuckers, they were only band from the four that had a shower in their bus."where did it go" I had lost my shirt. I looked everywhere, but didn't find it. fuck it. I went to Bens suitcases and took the first shirt that met my hand. It was a black, super big, AA band shirt. Ben had cut the sleeves off. "No pants today" I laughed after I had put the shirt on and threw my skinnies to Bens bunk. Shirt was long enough to cover my ass. I tied my hair up and put my black chucks on. "Done" I smiled to myself. The shirt had Bens scent, which made me happy, and I didn't know why was I happy about it. "oh, hello beautiful" Ben smiled. He stood at the bunk areas door, just a towel around his waistline. I blushed and tried to hide my face. He threw the towel away and walked next to me, kneeling down, to get clothes from his luggage.

He was almost fully dressed. "where is that fucking shirt" he mumbled to himself and threw his clothes all over the room. "don't tell me you are looking for this" I said blushing and he turned around. Huge smile grew to his face. "exactly that shirt" he nodded. I started to take it off but Ben stopped me. "it suites you" he pecked my cheek and just put a hoody to cover his upper body.

Clock was almost twelve when we finally got out of the bus. "finally you two are up" Tino and James high fived. I looked at the with a confused look and light a cigarette, which Ben just handed me. "Austin has been beating people with a spatula if you tried to eat breakfast before you two come" James said, holding his red-ish hand in front of our faces. I started to laugh really loudly. Ben started to laugh to me and Tino stared us "its not funny. It hurts"He said rubbing his cheek. "all the guys, except Tony has a red mark somewhere for trying to steal food" Tino laughed.

"please Austin" I heard Kellin cry. "we have to wait" Austin turned Kellin down. I looked at Ben, who was walking next to me, hand around my waist. "good morning guys" I yelled. "FUCK YEAH" they all yelled at the same time and ran to the kitchen to get their breakfast. I heard Austins adorable laughter, but it died as soon as me and Ben walked into the kitchen, Ben still holding me. "nice shirt" Sam smirked at me. I blushed. Austin stared the shirt like he would have tried to set it on fire with his sight. I sighed and stepped out from the Bens embrace. "damn girl, where's your pants" Alan whistled and hugged me. "good morning to you too, ginger princess" I hugged him back. "dat ass" Mike laughed. "tell me about it" Vic laughed and they did some weird brother thing, ending up spilling coffee to the floor. I heard compliments about my ass from all the guys before I even got to talk with Austin.

"Hey handsome" I pecked his cheek. "morning" he smiled back. "what do you think" he asked, pointing the table full of different foods. Eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, fruits, cereals, juices, coffee, even few cans of beer and cider. "its too fucking much dude" I mumbled. He just laughed his amazing laughter.

We all sat in the backyard, eating. There was a huge fight about the beers and ciders earlier. Ben had a beer, Austin and Alan had to share a cider, Danny brought his own bottle and didn't let anyone to touch it. Kellin got a beer and shared it with his whole band. Jaime had a cider, he first got a beer, but did a exchange with me, so now I had his beer. "are you sure that's all you are going to eat?" Austin asked and looked at my plate, which only had fruits and a cup of coffee on it. I nodded.

I was sitting with Jaime. We talked about Ben, Austin and how Austin had the whole last night mumbled something about killing Ben and shit. "No te preocupes tu cabecita con él" (don't worry your little head with it) Jaime told me. "Es simplemente tan duro. Me gustan los dos" (it is just so hard. I like them both) I sighed and stared at Ben. He was drinking his beer and making fun of Kellin who was talking to his fiance on the phone. Then I stared at Austin, who was talking with the rest of the Sleeping with Sirens. They both were gorgeous, fun, nice and all. "La cabeza me va a explotar" (my head will explode) I said and laid my head on Jaimes shoulder. "relax" he just simply said. "rakasta sitä joka tuntuu oikealta" (love who you feel right) Jaime tried to speak Finnish, which surprised me. "Hi-Me, I didn't know you knew Finnish" I smiled. He shook his head. "only few words" he smiled back.

Rest of the days before the show went quickly. I spent all the nights with Austin in our room, with Jaime in the living room or with Ben who had moved back to the house.

"our turn" Austin smiled, pecked my cheek and left to the stage. Asking Alexandria had just finished their show and it was Of Mice & Men's turn. I sat in the dressing room, which boys had to share. OM&M was the second last show. After them were only Pierce the Veil.

"Fucking awesome show" Danny screamed as he entered the dressing room, drunk as fuck. "You should have come and watch us play" Sam smiled at me. He was almost as drunk as Danny. "i told you guys i wouldn't watch any of the bands perform tonight" i said. Ben walked in, he was just little tipsy. Before the show he promised not to drink much cause he wanted to be sober enough to keep me company. "bloody hell" he laughed. "those kids were fucking crazy" oh god i loved his accent. "Jaz" he shouted and ran over the couch i was sitting on and set next to me, hugging me. "let go of me, dude you are sweaty" he just laughed. "well, then I take a shower" "good" all started to laugh to our conversation.

Ben vanished to the showers. I closed my eyes. Dreaming about the future with him. Like I did with Austin when they came back from the stage.

"let me down you assholes" I screamed and giggled as the four singers decided to carry me from my limbs. "nah, don't feel like it" Danny said. "same problem here" Kellin laughed. "lo que los dos dijeron" (what they both said) Vic nodded. "sorry princess" Austin said smiling. Rest of their band members followed us, laughing. "Ben, get your pretty little ass here and open the door" Danny laughed and Ben did what he was told. Ben went out first and light a cigarette, being followed with Mike, Alan and the rest of the smokers. "I want a smoke too" I whined. "so let me down" I pouted.

They finally let me stand with my own two feet. Alan offered me a cigarette and light it. We all stood in a huge circle in front of the buses. "Jasmin!" I heard a familiar sound. I noticed how Ben froze, then whispered something to Austin who whispered it to Alan etc. Guys started to tighten the circle, leaving me into the middle. It was good thing, cause I didn't want to face the man who was yelling me. " Jasmin, get your ass right here, we are going back" my father shouted angrily. I hated his Mexican accent. I was just about to answer to him when Ben started to talk. "she's not going with you? Was it too hard to understand through the phone?" wait. What? "I remember your voice. You are the one who answered her phone week ago" my dad said to Ben, then walked over him and hit him. "Deténgase" (stop) I said to my dad and tried to go over Ben, but the guys didn't let me go throughout them. "Did you fucking wanker just hit my best friend" Danny screamed. Mike, Danny, Austin, James, Sam, Jaime and Ben kept arguing with my father. "c'mon" Vic whispered and grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards their bus. Tony and Kellin followed us. We went in and Vic took me into Jaimes bunk. "stay here" he pecked my forehead and closed the curtain.

I had fell asleep into Jaime's bunk and I woke up at the couch in Fuentes house. Ben was on the other couch. He sat there, staring at me. Jaime was sleeping on the floor and Austin was sleeping in the armchair. "where's my dad?" I whispered to Ben. He lifted his shoulders. "he left somewhere after PTV bus started to move" he whispered. He had a huge bruise on his cheek. I quickly checked Jaime and Austin. Austin had a black eye and Jaime had dried blood under his nose. "how many got hits?" I panicked. "relax cupcake, just us three and Danny" he tried to smile.
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Wrote this in few hours, so it sucks, but yeah... Something hge is going to happen in the next three chapters :D