Status: Complete like the fresh brownies i just made :D

Once Upon a Time...Fairy Tales Happened in Real Life. Not Now.

Frank Iero is gay, the school bullies have nick-named him Princess. And then, one day Gerard comes along... Has Frank met Prince Charming?

Warning: The authors of this story are completely insane... Expect everything except sanity.

I got my co-author!! XD

Gerard: M_Courtney_R
Frank: NaturalBornKiller
  1. Fresh Start..maybe
    Gerard's POV
  2. Beautiful
    Frank's Pov
  3. Breathless
    Gerard's POV
  4. Anger an Apathy
    Frank's Pov
  5. Lust Struck
    Gerard's POV
  6. Drowning Lessons
    Frank's Pov
  7. Im sorry Frankie...
    Gerard's POV
  8. Bury Me In Black
    Franks Pov
  9. Your Friends are Full of Shit
    Franks Pov still....
  10. No one ever cared about you anyway!
    Gerard's POV
  11. Please?
    Franks Pov
  12. Insufficient Causes
    Gerard's POV
  13. I ***ing Love me
    Franks Pov
  14. Word vomit
    Gerard's POV
    Frank's Pov
  16. My mom is.....AWESOME!
    Gerards POV
  17. *** my life...twice
    Gerard's POV
  18. Everyone hates me...I hate all of you....
    Franks Pov
  19. Sunsets are for Muggings
    Frank's Pov
  20. Chapter 20
    Gerard's POV
  21. Red Tape
    Title by: Circle Jerks and Franks Pov
  22. Chapter 22
  23. The Light Behind Your Eyes
    Frank's Pov