Status: Complete like the fresh brownies i just made :D

Once Upon a Time...Fairy Tales Happened in Real Life. Not Now.

No one ever cared about you anyway!

I got out of bed, I'd like to of been able to say that I woke up in time for school. But, I never actually went to sleep last night. I couldn't get over him... Frank. He's so perfect. But he hates me, what did I do wrong? I was only trying to help him... He's the one that flipped his shit on me. Started shouting at me, and telling me that I didn't deserve to know. I love him. I guess I did kind of deserve it, I did go back to the very people that threatened to hurt Frankie in the first place but how was I to choose? Lindsey or Frank...

I slowly get dressed, not really caring about my appearance anymore, the only person I want to impress doesn't even care about me anymore. He wouldn't even cry if i died. That's an idea... End it all, Frankie doesn't care. I'm sure Lindsey is only with me for my money. Life's just to fucked up at the moment. Maybe I could try to persuade Frank with money though, buy him nice and fancy things? Nah! Frank isn't a goldigger.

I walk past the bathroom mirror, I glance into it as I walk by. My eyeliner from yesterday is smudged down my cheeks, my hair is all greasy and is sticking up at every possible angle. My eyes are red and puffy from all the crying I did last night. Wow... I look amazing, not.

I walk upstairs, back towards civilisation...

'Are you okay, Gerard?' Mikey asks,

'Do, I look okay!' I scream before leaving the house and heading off to school. I feel bad for shouting at Mikey but he asked a stupid question. Oh course I'm not okay! I want to fucking die. I knew we never should of moved to Jersey. I told mom, I warned her. Said that everything will go wrong, she didn't believe me though. I've made my decision tonight, tonight I will die.


I'm walking down the hallways, it's first lesson. Well, it's meant to be, I've ditched. I've got Maths with the assholes that I call my friends, the jocks that were going to hurt my Frankie... Well he isn't even my Frankie any more. He never was.

Before I even know what's happening a small blurry figure charges round the corner and crashes into me.

Sorry sorry," The person say, looking up. I look down, its Frank. I smile at him, opening my mouth to talk. but Frank walks away before i get the chance to.

'Frank! Please wait Frank!" I yell down the corridor, but Frank keeps going.

'Frank please stop wait!" I say again.

"I'm sorry!" I state. He stops and turns around, glaring at me.

"No need," He replies, my eyes go wide. Shit.

"Frank I can explain!" I yell but he keeps walking. I chase after him.

'Frank!" I grab his arm.

"What?!" he yells.

"I need to explain why I did that," I says and begin to explain


'-- I really didn't mean to hurt you. I promise!' I finish, Frank kept quiet through the whole explanation but I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or not. Frank takes a deep breathe.

'Didnt mean to hurt me? Well you did hurt me! You never even apologised... You picked them over me!!' Frank screamed at me, I wanted to cry.

'Im, sorry.' I whimper

'Your only apologising now because I said that you hadn't! You can't do anything yourself.' Frank replies, that's it I can't take it anymore. I begin to cry, tears running down my face I turn and run. Never looking back. I see Mikey on my way out of the school, he asks me what's wrong but I just barge past him. I can't deal with this right now!


Okay I'm ready. I place the barrel of the gun to my temple. I place my finger on the trigger almost ready to pull it. To end my sorry excuse for a life. I looking round the room, my note to Frank is on the side next to the note for my family. Perfect.

'Gerard!' A voice shouts through the door, it's Mikey.

'Go, away!' I scream back. This is my suicide and he isn't going to ruin it.

'Gerard, you have three seconds and then I'm going to unlock the door I have the keys okay! Frank is here with me.' Mikeys voice comes again. I panic, I only have three seconds. This isn't how it's meant to be. I place the gun to my temple again as Frank and Mikey burst through the door into my room...
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about the fact it isn't very long but this is kinda a filler sort of thingy... Like the main event happens in the next chapter.

Me and my Co-Author had a small problem with the plot but it has been resolved :)

Courtney x