Status: Three Updates Today (26-28) FINISHED!

Symphonies of the Damned

Burst Into Flames

“Are…we really going to let him do that?” I asked.
“He just kicked Jake out of the band!” I pointed out, exasperated. “He can’t do that!”
“Uh, yes he can…” CC spoke up.
“It’s not right!” I continued. “He shouldn’t kick out Jake because he was being an asshole.”
“True…” Jinxx trailed off, thoughtfully. “He deserved that though. He was being a complete cunt.”
“Ashley, just calm down.” Jinxx shrugged it off. “Andy was just pissed, and I don’t blame him.”
“I don’t blame him either, but-”
“Stop!” Jinxx interrupted. “Let them both cool down. I’m sure Jake will realize it’s not worth being kicked out, and they’ll both apologize to each other, alright?”
“I guess…”
“Everything will be back to normal.” Jinxx promised.
“I hope so.” I muttered.
“Hey, guys!” CC grinned. “Have you seen what Eloise can do?”
Christian sounded so damn proud, over something a little fluff-ball could do in his lap.
“Watch her!”
He put his hand out, making a little cooing noise. After a second, Eloise put her paw on his hand.
“See?” Christian laughed. “She’s giving a high-five!”
“That’s cute.”
There was a knock on the front door, and we eyed it warily. “If it’s Jake…” I began.
“We’re not opening it.” Jinxx concluded.
Shaking my head, I opened the door and peered out cautiously. Kayla was standing in the door step.
“Hey, Ash!” she smiled.
“Oh, hey!”
When the door was fully opened, she stepped in and smiled at everyone before glancing at CC.
“You look nice today.” I complimented.
She had switched from her usual skinny jeans and band tees to a pretty floral-printed dress.
Her hair was carefully curled, too.
She looked cute without trying to hard; it just looked…natural. Not like the girls wearing piles of make-up.
“Thanks, CC said we were going to dinner tonight.”
“Aw…” I cooed. “Have fun, babe.”
Christian still wasn’t paying attention, distracted by his high-fiving kitten who kept mewing softly.
“Christian!” I yelled.
“I swear, you care more about that cat than you do about me!” Kayla laughed, clearly joking.
“No, I don’t – oh, hey babe!” CC grinned, handing Eloise off to Jinxx who instantly started petting her.
“Finally.” I muttered.
“Whoa, you look fucking hot babe.” CC muttered, kissing her forehead and smiled.
“Let me just finish getting ready, and we’ll go.” He promised, kissing her lips and running to his bunk.
“You two are adorable.” Jinxx commented, handing me the cat. “I’m going to head off.”
“Where are you going?” I asked.
“I don’t know, I think I’m going to hang out with Caleb and Robbie for a little while.”
“Oh, okay.”
“Let me see my baby!” Kayla pleaded, taking Eloise off my hands and cuddling her.
“Okay, seriously.” I muttered. “What’s so great about the cat? Yes, she’s cute…but what’s the big deal?”
“Have you seen how adorable she is?!” Kayla demanded, shoving her in my face.
“I can’t tell, when I’m practically tasting fur.”
“Sorry.” She giggled.
“Stop being so adorable.” I laughed, tickling her side.
“Are you hitting on my girlfriend?” CC shouted, pretending to look furious and failing.
“Yes.” I answered seriously. “We’re running away and planning on getting married in Vegas.”
“We are in Vegas…” CC pointed out.
“We are?” I asked. “Oh, well then. Save the date!”
“He’s just joking, Christian.” Kayla blushed. “He couldn’t compare to you and your kitten.”
“Wait, you only like me because of Eloise?” CC pouted.
“Yep!” I interjected.
“Shut up, Ashley.” Kay laughed, kissing CC’s cheek. “Come on, babe. Let’s go eat.”
“What about Eloise?”
“I’ll watch her.” I volunteered, rolling my eyes.
“Are you sure?” CC asked. “She likes to be brushed after naps, and she needs to be held or she can’t sleep. Um, dinner…well, you know what she eats. It’s in the fridge.”
“You keep cat food in the fridge?” Kay wrinkled her nose.
“No, she eats people food.” CC muttered absentmindedly, pulling on a black denim jacket.
“Uh, fruits and vegetables, lean turkey, and scrambled eggs.”
“Christian’s freaking spoiled the cat.” I muttered, scratching between Eloise’s ears. “Classic rock star kitty.”
“I know…” I rolled my eyes again. “Come on, leave. You have a date to get you.”
“See ya.” I muttered.
When they had finally left, I let out a sigh of relief.
The front of the bus was empty, and the forced socializing had met its end. I didn’t have to talk.
Heading into the kitchen, I rummaged through the cabinets.
I was looking for the whiskey, when I remembered Andy had taken it into the backroom.
He was going to end up blitzed if I didn’t stop him.
If I distracted him, he wouldn’t drink so much, right? Then, I could have some time with him.
If Christian and Kay were on a date, Jinxx was hanging with friends, and Jake was being an asshole somewhere, I was allowed some fun.
“Andy?” I called out.
Finding a package of microwave popcorn, I decided what we could do. It was limited work.
Sticking a bag in the microwave, I let the buttered kernels pop while I made some mock tails.
I’m pretty sure Andy had drunk enough by now; he didn’t need any more alcohol.
He was going to be a bitch during tomorrow’s show as it was, with the inevitable hangover.
“Uh, raspberries, Sprite, lime juice, ice, and a shot of whiskey for me.” I decided, pouring the drinks.
Hey, I could have a little.
Hooking up the laptop to the TV screen, I found The Dark Knight Rises saved on his files (of course) and pressed pause.
We could cuddle while we watched his second favorite movie.
We had already watched the original Batman yesterday, so we were on part two now.
“Andy?” I called out again.
He didn’t reply, so I was forced to knock on the backdoor and call his name again.
“Are you even alive?” I asked, half-joking. “You didn’t like, climb out the window, right?”
It seemed unlikely.
The window was really small, but Andy was really thin…
He didn’t answer, again.
Sighing, I found the key in a drawer full of miscellaneous things and unlocked the door.
It was dim, the silence eerie.
“Andy?” I questioned, flipping on the light.
He was sprawled on the floor, his shirt thrown behind the couch somewhere. He was only wearing pants.
“What the fuck do you want?” he groaned, his hand covering his eyes.
The other hand was clutching the nearly empty bottle of alcohol, but he was still taking slow sips.
“Come on, let’s cuddle and watch Batman.” I suggested, ignoring his rude demeanor.
“Fuck off.”
“Don’t be like that.” I cooed, taking the bottle away from him. “You’ve had enough to drink.”
He sat up, staring at me bleary-eyed.
“I made popcorn…” I hinted, pointing out the buttery smell wafting through the bus.
“You can cuddle with the popcorn.”
“Andy, come on.” I prodded, helping him up off the floor. “It’s The Dark Night Rises.”
“What part of ‘fuck off’ don’t you understand?” Andy demanded. “I’m fucking done, Ashley.”
“Babe -”
“Don’t you ‘babe’ me!” Andy yelled, standing up. “Fucking hell, everything is a load of bullshit. I can’t handle a relationship right now!”
“Fuck off!” Andy slurred, swaying a lot. “I don’t want to be with you if it’s only going to cause problems!”
“You don’t mean it…” I whispered, looking down.
“Oh, believe it ‘babe’.” Andy laughed, sarcastically. “We’re fucking through, okay?”
“Andy…” I stuttered. “You don’t mean it, you’re drunk. You’re just angry and drunk.”
Yeah, that was it.
He wasn’t thinking straight; his thoughts were all over the place and stopped making sense.
He pushed past me, in an attempt to leave the bus.
“Andy, no!” I pleaded.
He wasn’t about to leave the bus this wasted. Look what happened last time he left!
“Don’t tell me what to do. We’re done.”
“I don’t care if we’re over!” I yelled. It was heart-breaking saying those words. “I’m not going to let you leave when you’re fucking wasted as fuck! I care about you, okay?!”
“Let me go!” Andy struggled.
“Fuck you.” Andy protested, pushing me.
He shoved hard, causing me to lose my balance and fall against the wall. He shook his head, walking off.
“Don’t…” I pleaded, grabbing his hand.”
“Don’t fucking touch me!” Andy yelled, slapping me. The noise resounded against the walls, and I could feel my face flare up.
“Andy!” I cried out, hurt.
“You fucking deserved that.” Andy shook his head, latching onto my hair as he whispered in my face. “You don’t tell me what to do, Purdy. Remember that in the future.”
The scent of alcohol was dizzying.
I nodded, feeling my skin burn as he let go of me and I slumped against the wall.
It’s okay.
He was just drunk and angry.
He wouldn’t ever do that sober. He wouldn’t ever do that again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Props & Mayhem; Pierce the Veil

Am I really going to make Andy an asshole too?
Yeah, I probably am.