Status: Finished, but beware - the sequel is three times in length :)

Going Bush


“Are you sure?” Nate asked warily as Taylor’s eyes darted.
“It’s no problem,” Trent insisted, “as I said, I have some friends who’d like to meet him. They’ll take good care of him, don’t worry.”
“We’ll be making way by early morning,” Bernard laid down, “don’t get him too comfortable.”
“I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that,” Trent almost smirked, his other hand now on Taylor’s shoulder.
“If you need anything, find Max. Big black guy, sometimes works as our bouncer but he should be off tonight. He should be hanging around. But everything you need should be in that room.”
“Thanks Trent,” Nate saluted, before disappearing into it.
Bernard eyed Taylor off for a moment.
“Don’t worry about him, he’s not going anywhere,” Trent assured.
“Let me know where he’ll be,” Bernard ordered, “just so I can… check on him now and again.”
“Ok I will. There’s no need to, but I will,” Trent agreed.
Bernard made his way into the room and closed the door, before Trent pulled Taylor further along the hallway. Not having any idea of what was in store for him, Taylor was beginning to venture beyond paranoid.
He almost felt as if he was walking the green mile and he was sure it was just as long. He’d wished he could have covered his ears at least three times before they finally came to a door that Trent simply knocked on.
“Just a minute!” came a woman’s voice, and Taylor couldn’t help but frown in confusion.
Footsteps were heard before the door opened and Taylor couldn’t help but take a few steps back before Trent grabbed hold of him again.
“Yes?” the blonde asked with raised eyebrows and a hand on her hip.
“I’ve brought you a plaything,” Trent replied, pulling Taylor into his side and almost making him fall over.
The blonde eyed him off for a moment, and Taylor did his best to keep his eyes off her.
“He’s a bit dirty.”
“You can clean him up or do whatever you want with him,” Trent shrugged, pulling a key from his pocket and handing it to her, “just don’t let him out. He belongs to Bernard Holmes and they’re only staying the night. Enjoy it while you can.”
Taylor was already beginning to feel sick as she began to nod.
“Ok,” she agreed, reaching out for him.
She grabbed him by the hair and pulled him forward, not without causing a muffled yelp.
“What time do you need him back?”
“He said early, but I don’t know exactly when. I’ll let you know in advance.”
“Thanks,” she smiled, before giving him a peck on the cheek and pulling Taylor into the room.
She let him go for a moment as she locked the door behind them, and he took the chance to look around. There wasn’t much to the room. Indeed, the double bed had no mattress even. But his eyes couldn’t help but tear up when he saw the chains at either end.
“Carlie will be joining us soon. She’s just finishing up with someone,” came the woman’s voice from behind him, before he realized she was just standing there and sizing him up.
He must have jumped two inches when he felt her nails dig into the knot on his gag.