‹ Prequel: Going Bush

Going Bush 2: Suburbia


Straining his neck, Zac was able to reach one of the knives still in the drawer. Precariously holding the blade between his teeth he twisted his body as far as he could so that he could drop it into his hands. When he missed the knife hit the cupboard with a clatter, and his head shot up when he heard the argument outside cease.
Hearing footsteps he quickly closed the drawer with his head and collected the knife into his left fist.
“And what do you think you’re doing?” Nate asked condescendingly.
“Going for a moonlit stroll,” Zac offered.
Nate didn’t even twitch. The lack of reaction possibly more unnerving than the beating he’d been sure he was going to get.
A noise from outside seemed to snap Nate out of his trance, and he suddenly grabbed Zac by the shirt. He dragged him back to the bed, but couldn’t lift him onto it. Grunting to himself he went back to the kitchen and opened the top drawer. He immediately glared at Zac.
“Where is it?” he demanded.
“Where’s what?” Zac frowned.
“The KNIFE!” Nate yelled, turning to grab the one that had been left on the table and storming over to Zac.
Zac grimaced as he grabbed him by the hair and held the knife to his throat.
“Tell me right now or I’ll gut you where you lay,” Nate’s voice sounded almost demonic.
“It’s in my hand,” Zac admitted straight away.
Nate let him go and pushed him down onto his stomach, soon retrieving the knife from where Zac held it. He threw one up onto the sink before using the other to cut his ankles free. Zac looked up at this point to see Trent re-enter the trailer.
“What?!” Nate demanded, not bothering to turn around as he pulled Zac to his feet and threw him back onto the bed.
Zac cursed as his head hit one of the boards on the window and he slumped down onto his wrists.
“Don’t hate me for saying this, but I think you need some help,” Trent suggested, “maybe we could go back and visit that doctor guy-“
“I don’t need HELP!” Nate was yelling now as he pushed Zac back onto his stomach and began tying his ankles again, “I need Taylor back.”
“Holy crap,” Zac breathed, not realising before now the extent to the trouble his brother had been in.
“Fine, whatever,” Trent brushed off before leaving the trailer again.
Zac heard his footsteps disappear into the distance, and couldn’t help but worry that there was no one else for Nate to focus on now.
“I need you to stay here while I go look for your brother,” he said suddenly in a normal voice.
“Whatever you say,” Zac agreed, hoping it meant Nate would leave him alone.
He flinched as Nate completed the hogtie again, before fetching more cable ties from the second drawer in the kitchen. Zac looked up to watch as he began forming a sort of rope with them which he threaded through a rivet in the wall at the opposite end of the bed to where the hole was. Zac knew in that moment that Taylor had to have been restrained in a similar way and had gone to the length of ripping the wall out to get away.
Once the tie rope was fastened around one of Zac’s arms, Nate left the trailer.