‹ Prequel: Going Bush

Going Bush 2: Suburbia


The next morning, Isaac awoke to the sound of his cell phone vibrating on the dresser. As if to prove that his instincts were back on overdrive, he had the phone to his ear in seconds.
“Yeah?” he blinked tiredly.
“Hey Isaac, it’s Davison,” the voice came through, “just wanted to give you an update. We’ve pulled court orders for two of the buildings so far that are across the street from the butcher’s, but none of the rear alley ones. We’re heading over to pick up the footage this morning and we’ll be bringing it all back to the department for viewing.”
Isaac groaned, knowing he wouldn’t be able to see it once it crossed the station lines.
“We’re hoping in the meantime that some of the rear footage will come through for us. If we come up with anything from it we’ll let you know. Otherwise I’ll call again this afternoon when I know more.”
“Thanks Davison,” Isaac said before they said their goodbyes.
Once he’d hung up, he called Rick straight away.
“Davison call you?” was the answer.
“Yeah… did he call you first?”
“Nope, just figured that was why you were calling. What’d he say?”
“They’re very slowly getting the warrants they need,” Isaac sighed, “they have two so far, but they’re for buildings across the street and not behind. So that depends on what direction they went as to whether we’ll actually see anything. They’re heading over to get the footage now and then taking it back to the station to watch.”
“Yeah. He’s hoping they’ll get some more warrants through before the morning’s out though. Preferably for the alley.”
“That’s what we need,” Rick stated the obvious, “otherwise we won’t even know what kind of vehicle they’re in. And they had to at least be in some kind of car or van or truck.”
“Right,” Isaac rubbed his eyes tiredly.
“So what’s the plan?”
“I don’t know,” Isaac shook his head, “I mean… if it all comes together, and we do get this footage, we can pretty much follow them to wherever they took them, right?”
“Theoretically, all the way,” Rick replied, “traffic cams, satellites, there’s always a way. If we can work out what they were in, we should be able to follow it to wherever they are. The bitch is going to be the time it takes to get all the footage we need, not to mention the permissions to get it.”
“Nothing’s ever easy,” Isaac smirked.
“Of course not,” Rick agreed, “but it’s a trail, right?”
“It’s the only thing letting me get any sleep,” Isaac admitted.
“Do you need anything?” Rick sounded a little worried.
“I need my brothers back,” Isaac said simply.
“Yeah, well… we’ll find them. I know we will. And Nate is definitely going down for it this time.”
“I admire your confidence,” Isaac couldn’t help but smile.
“Just stating facts. Hey I’ve got to get the kids off to school, you’ll call me if anything changes right?”
“Will do,” Isaac promised.
“Thanks Isaac. And good luck.”
“Thanks Rick.”