‹ Prequel: Going Bush

Going Bush 2: Suburbia


As the plane came in to land Taylor braced himself against the side of the cage. As careful as he was, he still managed to hit his head. Once the plane slowed on the tarmac enough for him to relax, he moaned as he leant his head against the side.
The master soon had the plane in park and climbed out. When he came to fetch Taylor from the back, Taylor looked up to see that he had the same black restraints in his hands that Charlie had pulled from the cupboard back at the base.
“Out,” he ordered once he had the cage unlocked.
Taylor took a deep breath before sliding forward, and just managing to get his legs over the edge and fall from the plane. No sooner had his feet touched the ground did the master slip on a blindfold. Catching his breath in his chest, Taylor waited patiently while trying not to make a sound. Once the blindfold was on, he also felt some kind of hood go over his head.
“Come,” he heard the instruction before the master took him by the arm.
He carefully followed, trusting the man enough to not lead him into a wall or a ditch or anything. They soon found a car and Taylor was pushed into the back seat. He felt someone – presumably the master – get in beside him, before the car started and pulled out.
The car ride took a long time, almost as long as the flight itself. Taylor had a moment of panic somewhere near the halfway mark as the hood set off his claustrophobia, but he managed to pull himself back purely from the fear that he could be in a much worse situation if the master had known what had set him off.
When the car finally came to a halt and he was pulled from the back seat, he felt a second pair of hands on his other arm to guide him. He wasn’t sure how far he was taken – up at least one set of stairs – before he heard the master’s voice telling him to kneel.
Obeying, he set to listen.
“Delivered, as promised. I trust you received the booklet?” he heard the master’s voice.
“I did,” he heard the voice of the woman in reply.
“For this one in particular, I’d like you to take extra care for the first few weeks. His training was very rushed, as you know, so he hasn’t completely assimilated emotionally yet. He is very skittish, so I would suggest keeping him restrained for minimum of the first week just until he gets used to his new surroundings.”
Taylor jumped as he felt someone attach something to the front of his collar, only realising it was a chain when the slack hit his chest. A moment later the hood was pulled off.
“If you have any problems at all, this is my direct line,” the master went on, “I’ve been dealing with him exclusively so you’ll need to talk to me only. These will help in the meantime.”
Taylor heard something being passed over that sounded dreadingly like the box from the sessions. He jumped again when he heard a phone ringing.
“Excuse me,” the master took a step back, “hello? … What?!”
“I didn’t buy a blue eyed American for him to be blindfolded, take it off,” Taylor heard the woman’s voice speaking over him.
He felt someone tug at it, before pulling it over his head. He blinked as his eyes adjusted, momentarily making eye contact with her before lowering his eyes to the floor.
“I apologise,” the master suddenly returned to the conversation, “something has come up and I need to return to Waco. If there are any issues, you need but call.”
“Thank you,” the woman nodded as he took his leave.