Status: Active

The Way I Love You

Chapter One: Crème Donuts and One Direction

A/N: Hai people! This is my first fanfic so be kind.
The main girl is called Steph and it’s a Niall fanfic so yeah.

The Way I Love You

~Chapter One~

The sun beams strongly through the windows, giving your room a warm glow. Monday Morning. Thin light rays penetrate your eyelids.
No alarm? You were expecting a familiar “I’m at a payphone, trying to call home, all of my change i spent on you” to play from your iPhone, but then to no one’s surprise, you realize that you forgot to set an alarm last night because you were so absorbed in reading ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’.
You yawn, like you always do, and hop off your bed. It was rather springy. You sit back down and hop for a bit more. You had to admit, even though you were eighteen, you would never let an opportunity to have fun slip away.
You check the clock on your white wall, and it reads 8.05am. Great, you think, work starts at 9pm. And you have to leave at 8.45am to catch the morning bus.
You step into the bathroom for a quick shower. Step in, step out. Not much of a wash, but that’s what you get for not setting an alarm. Next, you make your way over to the vanity, in a towel, and blow-dry your long brown hair, letting it fall over your shoulders. You apply some light make-up, only a few brushes, but you don’t overdo it because you don’t want to look too dramatic. Sometimes staying natural can pay off really well.
You wear a simple black dress and take out the black high-top chucks from your closet to put on. Black for work. Unplugging your iPhone from the wall charger, you slip it in your black bow clutch and hurry downstairs. 8.40am.

You are greeted by your mom. She had cooked a deluxe breakfast consisting of bacon, eggs, mushrooms, sausages and baked beans.
“Morning hun.” she says, pouring hot coffee into three porcelain mugs.
“Morning Mom!” you chirp exuberantly. Food is all set out on the wooden dinner table. Your dad is reading the newspaper while buttering his toast.
“Morning Dad” you say, sitting yourself down on the chair beside your dad.
“Morning to you, Steph.” He replies, briefly looking up from the newspaper to smile at you. You look at the clock. 8.43am. It never occurred to you that time could fly by so quickly. You cram some scrambled eggs in your mouth, careful not to mess up the raspberry lip gloss. 8.45am.
“Bye Mom, bye Dad, love you!” You call before hurrying outside to catch the bus.


You arrive to work just on time, feeling terribly hungry because you didn’t eat anything apart from a minimal spoon of scrambled eggs, which you are quite sure had already dissolved completely in your stomach, and had been replaced with an empty feeling.
It’s the holidays, and you’re working at the Donut Shop while your friends are in Paris. It was a wise decision after all because you really needed some extra money to pay for the concert tickets you were planning to get.
DoDo’s Donuts is the only donut shop in the area so it gets alot of business. You work as the cashier so you don’t have to handle the kitchen. Brendon, the owner, makes the donuts and it was respectable to say that he was a Donut Chef, but he preferred being called a baker.
“Good morning, Steph.” Brendon pokes his head through the kitchen door. He had flour dusted all over his black apron.
“Morning.” you grin, trying to be enthusiastic, but unfortunately the horrible feeling of hunger had gotten the better of you.
“Nice dress.” he says, eyeing the black apparel you were wearing.
You chuckle, “Really, you like it?”
He wiggles his eyebrows at you and slips back into the kitchen. You stand there, having one of your confused moments, before slipping behind the counter to serve the soon-coming customers.
“You don’t look too bad either.” you say loudly to him. You hear him laugh from the kitchen. You peer at the shelves and they were already filled with newly made donuts. It hurt you to think about how much work Brendon would have to do every morning to get those donuts ready before you arrived, but then again, a baker like Brendon is familiar with this sort of lifestyle.
You turn the radio on, twisting the knob until it was at your favourite station. “If I’m louder, would you see me? Would you lay down, in my arms and rescue me?”
Nice music nice tune, you think, although the problem was you had no idea who it was by. You would like to consider yourself a total social networker, but then again, you couldn’t remember the last time you bothered to check your Facebook or Twitter, if you hadn’t deactivated it already. You never had the sort of patience to be catching up with the latest popular music that all the girls at your school were swooning over.
Your music consists mostly of The Script, The Fray, Maroon 5, Westlife, Backstreet Boys, We The Kings, and Ed Sheeran. Bands were at the top of your list, but once in a while, there’s always a solo artist who leaves their imprint.
9.05am. There was not a single customer, but it wasn’t too big a deal because they usually start coming at around 10.30am. You never understood why Brendon hires you to come so early, although occasionally there would be an early bird customer to tend to.
You could almost swear that the crème donuts were calling your name. You stare at them, clenching you jaw as a way of restraining yourself.
“Excuse me?”
Looking up from the crème donuts, you catch intense blue eyes staring right back at you. You melt, not physically of course, but rather an internal wave of cuteness swept over you. It was guy; he looked about your age, eighteen, maybe older, with glorious blond hair and a white t-shirt underneath a turquoise jumper and white khakis. A green snapback on his head.
“Yes?” you reply, playing back the two words in your head to notice that he had an Irish accent.
“I asked for your attention several times, but you were staring at the crème donuts.” He smiles, in a funny way. You feel a blush creep up your cheeks. What a way to ruin your first impression.
He had a sort of expectant look generating towards you.
“Sorry, um, welcome to DoDo’s Donuts and how can I help you today?” you smile awkwardly, flashing the pearly whites and all. He laughs. You were unsure whether it was at you, or your awkward welcome. He scans the display shelf, looking back and forth and back and forth. He seemed to be taking his time, or maybe choosing donuts was a serious decision for him.
You stare out the front shop windows and notice a massive black bus parked outside the shop. The windows were tinted black.
“Well, I would like this and this and two of these and some of this and oooh, three of these...”
“Wait.” You snap back from your trance and look at the guy in the eyes. “What would you like again?” you ask politely, this time armed with a DoDo’s Donuts paper bag.
“One of these.” He says, pointing at the glass to the high pile of Jelly Donuts.
“And, this.” It was a strawberry donut this time.
“Two of these.” He points at the chocolate donuts.
“Three of these.” Crème Donuts. You let out a quiet sigh, remembering how much you wanted them earlier on.
“And.... some of these.” He was referring to the sprinkle donuts. A majority of the time, parents would buy these for their kids. A sudden thought struck you; maybe this guy had a child. You shake your head slightly, reminding yourself that it wasn’t the time to be worrying about other people’s lives.
You grab a handful of the mini kid donuts and put them in the bag. Overall, five bags.
“It’s not all mine, but I do eat most of it,’ He says out of the blue as if he read your thoughts, “and I don’t have kids.” You were almost knocked off your feet. Was it possible that you were talking to yourself and he heard you? No, last time you checked, you had no mental illness. You nod and smile awkwardly, prodding buttons on the calculator.
“Twenty three, please.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a $50 note. His hand brushes yours when he passes it to you. It was warm.
“Hurry the fuck up Niall!” a voice yells from outside. Your closest theory was that it came from the big black bus, seeing as there was not a single person on the path or a single car on the road apart from the bus.
“Shit.” he cusses. So his name is Niall. You pretend that you didn’t hear him, but it wasn’t a complete lie to say that you found his cussing very attractive. Once again, you shake your head. Now is not the right time to be having little crushes on customers. You hand him his change and his donuts.
“Thanks.” He says, smiling gratefully when he got his hands on the bag of donuts.
“I hope you enjoy them.” You smile back. He turns around to leave, and you watch him, somehow not wanting him to go. You longed to see those eyes one more time.
To your surprise, he turns back around to face you. He makes his way slowly back to the counter.
“By the way, my name is Niall.” He says, looking intently into your eyes. You drown in a lustrous sea of blue.
You had already figured that his name was Niall, but instead of pointing that out to him, you respond with “My name’s Steph.”
He grins. Somehow it was mischievous.

“Have you heard of ‘One Direction’?”

A/N: So, how was it? I don’t even know what to say so bye :)
Till next chapter
- KebabWoman
Song Recommendation: ‘Friday is Forever’ by We The Kings