Status: Active

The Way I Love You

Chapter Ten: Thank you paps...?

A/N: I love you all.

The Way I Love You

~ Chapter Ten~

You burst through the door, preparing yourself for the worse. Your mum and dad were on the couch, sipping a beverage which looked alot like hot tea. Their many suitcases and bags were piled hastily in a corner of the room. This was unusual, but that didn’t mean anything. One second they’re calm and collected and the next, they’re jumping off their seats and pouncing at you with their words.
But your worst nightmare doesn’t come true.

Your mother puts her cup on the table, stands up from her seat and walks over to you.
“You're finally back.” she says, placing a hand on your shoulder.
Frozen on the spot, thousands of thoughts are flying around in your mind. Was the road trip they went on a life changing one?
“Where have you been?” you dad asks in no threatening tone at all.
Your heart is thumping to a beat similar to a hammer at a nail.
“I-I- was with... With my friends.” You mumble, stuttering like a fool. You stare at floor, hoping that it would open up and suck you in so you wouldn’t have to face the wrath of your parents.
“These friends?” your mum waves a newspaper in your face, the front cover bearing a picture of the boys, and surprisingly you. The picture was an aerial-shot over the open roof of the apartment pool. Something told you that photographers have been using their sneaky tactics to get photos like that, and surely it was a breach of privacy because they boys in were in their own home!
‘One Direction takes girl into their apartment; could it be that a new romance has sparked?’ Never had it occurred to you that your mum read gossip newspapers, but of course, the newspaper was her usual one which meant this piece of news was going viral. You shiver. Steph Wembley? Viral?
You steal a flying glance at your parents and shockingly, their faces bore no sign of anger whatsoever.
“We came home this morning, expecting you to be here, but instead we were greeted with a newspaper in the letterbox with you on the front cover.” Your mum says, sighing briefly before sinking back on the couch.
“Sorry.” You mumble apologetically, eyes on the creamy white carpet.
“The school called this morning, and they said that you should stay at home for a while, until the rumours die and the paparazzi aren't lounging outside the school anymore.” You dad says, taking a loud sip of his tea.
This was rather a comforting shock for you, seeing as you had spent the whole of the holidays dreading the idea of going back to school, and now it seemed, you didn’t have to go…?
“So... I'm not having school for a week?”
“Steph, not for just a week... The school said since it was ‘international superstars’’ you were seen mingling with, it'll probably take a few months, although I doubt it won’t it cease by next week as the world doesn’t only care about this boy band, but, however, the school said a few months, so it’s a few months. They shall be sending you homework and lesson information so you don’t miss out on that much because the exams are undoubtedly important for your future. I suppose you’d be back at school by the time exams are on.” Your dad stops for a breather, and some tea, before continuing. “And, that’s not all. It was certainly not a lovely surprise to come home from a road trip over the weekend, to find your own daughter on the front cover of the newspaper, but at least it wasn’t anything worse. However, during our road trip, your mother and I decided that it was time we took a proper break, and because we knew you had school coming up, or at least that was what we planned, we only booked two people for our three month tour of Asia, of course, assuming that you’d have school and all that stuff coming up so it wasn’t wise to take you away with us. The only trouble was, we didn’t know if it was safe to keep you at home alone for three months, and now that you have landed us this game turner where you have to actually stay at home for three months…”
Your mum takes over, putting down her empty cup on the coffee table, now with two wet rings where the cups had been. “We've left you some money... And since you won't be attending school for a while... We were wondering if it would be better for you to stay with your one of your friends instead of being alone at home quarter of a year.”
“You mean the friends on that newspaper?” you ask frantically. All the information that had been blasted at you during the past five minutes was taking its own time to sink it.
“Yeah... Or Cara.” Your dad suggests.
“When are you leaving?”
Your parents share a nervous look between themselves. “Today.” They say at the same time.
“The flight's at 2pm.” your mum adds, rubbing her hand against her thigh, as if she were sweating because she fretted to tell you this. You look at the clock. 12pm.
“We've packed already.” your dad says, motioning to the suitcases.
“You'd better go then.” You say, sighing dramatically to look like it was a great burden for you to live by yourself.
“Yeah... The credit card’s on the table and the keys are here. If you need us, I left a piece of paper on the fridge with our international numbers. Just call it, okay?” Your mum nods, standing up and dragging her rolling suitcase to the door.
You smile half-heartedly.
“Be careful, okay?” your dad says, pulling you in for a hug. You inhale a large whiff of his cologne.
“You too.”
They smile and walk down the path, their luggage thumping behind them. After all the luggage was loaded into the trunk of the red Volkswagen (you wondered what in those weighty bags but then you realized they would be gone for three months) you give them each a kiss before they climb into the car.
“So, are you going to stay with your friends?” asks your dad.
“I'll work something out... Don't worry about me, have fun!”
He chuckles and turns the ignition on.
You wave goodbye as the car rolls off the driveway and vanishes around the corner of the street.


The first thing you do when you get back into the house, was pace the lounge, wondering what step to take next. Surely it would be the best idea to call Cara and consult with her, but because she was still in school, you were pushed towards calling Niall instead.
“Hello? Steph?”
“Yes it's Steph, Niall oh my God, guess what?!”
“What? Wait, Steph? Aren't ya' supposed to be at school? Are you calling me during maths class or something?”
“No, Niall... I don't have school.”
“Don't have school?! I thought you left this morning in such a stress because you were late...?”
“Yeah... But the paps got a photo of me with you guys yesterday... And it's all over the front page of the newspaper and probably the internet as well, so they're not letting me go to school for a few months.”
There was a silence before you heard Niall mumble on the other end. “I'm sorry Steph...”
“No! Don't apologize; it's not your fault at all... It's the paps.”
Niall chuckles softly and you can imagine him smiling on the other end of the phone.
“So, what are your plans? Are your parents mad?”
“Nah, they don't really mind.”
“Don't really mind? I thought they'd go nuts!”
“Actually, they're probably glad because they just left for a three month vacation to Asia or whatever... So they actually don't care that much.”
There was some shuffling on the other end.
“Three month vacation, eh? Does that mean you'll be alone for the next three months at home without school?”
You take a deep breath. “Yes, but I was wondering if I could, you know... Stay with you lads for the three months.”
There was a deafening scream.
“Yes yes yes! Of course! Why not?! Yes!” cries Niall, probably fist-pumping the air.
“We love you too!” Louis screams into the phone.
You cock your head back to rub your ears; Louis is surely exuberant.
“Ok then! I'll start packing.”
“Yes, hurry! We're coming to pick you up, now!” Harry shouts.
The call ends, and you chuckle, which turns into a sort of evil laugh, cackling can also be an accurate term.
This is too good, isn’t it, Steph Wembley?


The doorbell rings and you literally fly down the stairs to open the door. The boys are standing outside; you grin and invite them in.
“Have you finished packing Steph? Packed enough for three months?” Louis asks as he flexes his arms.
“No...” you sigh, “I might need some help.”
“I'll help!” Niall volunteers immediately.
“Ok then, you guys can go in the kitchen in the meantime, and finish off the food and whatnot I left in there, otherwise I’ll come back to be greeted by rotting cakes in three months time.”
And with that, you lead Niall to your room where you had begun the process of packing. There were three suitcases lying open on the floor; one was full, with your tops, jumpers and shoes. The second one, you put in some jeans, shorts and underwear. Your clothes take up a majority of the space. The third one, you threw in some toiletries, make-up, accessories, an entire collection of Harry Potter books, your laptop, a hair straightener, and some other bits and pieces that you reckoned would be useful in the next three months. Of course, there’s always the credit card if you need anything.
“Niall... I'm assuming that I'll be given a room in the apartment?” you ask, your back facing him as you fold up the remaining tank tops that required packing.
He comes closer, and wraps his arms around your waist. He buries his face into your hair; which you doubted was clean. “You can always share with me.”
Oh God. There goes the trapped bird in your heart again.
“Sure.” You wanted to say, but it came out as nothing but a squeak.
Your back against his chest, and his head behind yours, you softly sway side to side. He hums the tune of 'A Team' by Ed Sheeran. It was like a lullaby, so gentle and beautiful. You close your eyes and let the harmonious sound fill your ears.
You open your eyes, and start laughing as if Louis was really funny. Niall stops humming and laughs too. When you stop, he leans in and kisses you spontaneously on the cheek. You kiss back, and then turn around to stuff the tank tops inside the suitcase. So much for ‘needing help’.
Niall zips them up aggressively as they were a bit stuffed, and he helps you carry it downstairs.
“Fi-na-lly!” Harry frowns.
“Harry and Louis ate everything.” Liam sighs.
You chuckle. “That’s good I don’t want mouldy cheese in my refrigerator.”
Louis flashes you a smile and Harry grins like an idiot. Zayn doesn't say anything.
You smile, handing Liam, Harry and Louis a suitcase each.
“Let's go!” you exclaim, holding Zayn and Niall's hand, dragging them outside, to the Mazda driven by Kieran.
Zayn's fingers were wrapped around yours tightly. You smile at him, looking once more at the beautiful eyes behind the pretty eyelashes, and he smiles back.
“Have you packed everything?” Liam asks.
You make a mental checklist and tick them off as you remember what you packed.
“Yeah, I'm fine.”
“I've locked the door!” Harry says proudly, as he throws the ring of keys to you.
Keys? Check.
“Ok then! Here we go!” Louis exclaims and pushes you into the car.
Louis? Check.
Liam? Check.
Harry? Check.
Zayn? Check.
Niall? Check.
Three Months with One Direction? Check.

A/N: Thank you for reading up to here, and I promise I will work hard to make the story better. It would be lovely if you checked out ‘Boys Don’t Cry’ which is a short story I wrote ages ago. It contains themes which may not suit you, but if you have an open mind, you should be able to cope.
Song Recommendation: ‘Lost’ by Six60