Status: Active

The Way I Love You

Chapter Eleven: Coolpack

A/N: You’re welcome.

The Way I Love You

~Chapter Eleven~

When the car pulls up the driveway of the apartment complex, Kieran jumps out and starts to unload your gear. The boys help you carry the suitcases into the apartment.
“So, Steph... We have a spare room for you... It's across Zayn's.” Liam says, giving you a silver key.
“Alright, Li.”
“So, your room is across Zayn’s, next to Niall's, diagonal from Louis', and mine and Harry's are at the end.” Liam instructs, pointing to the doors down the corridor.
You nod and get the boys to drag the suitcases into your room; for the next three months. A gasp escapes your mouth when you enter.
It was rather large, probably larger than your room at home by a half.
In the corner was a little wooden desk with a white lamp sitting on it. The king-sized bed was presented in the middle, along with a small wooden bedside table on each side. The closet was a little walk-in one with heaps of racks and cubbies to hold clothes. There was a small TV mounted on the wall across the bed, and a beanbag strewn ontop of a fluffy white rug. The theme of the room was white, with the wooden furniture. It felt very 'homely'.
“It's nice, isn't it?” Harry said, watching you marvel at the room.
You nod delightfully, turning around for another 360 degree view of the room.
“My room's nicer.” Niall muttered, though you weren’t sure you were supposed to hear it.


About an hour later, you finish unpacking everything; which included placing your Harry Potter collection along your desk. You decide it’s time for shower, seeing as you haven’t had one since yesterday morning before you left for swimming.
The sun was out, and the sky was bright blue. You pick out a white tank top and some black shorts. You do like to stay casual; there was no need to dress too flamboyantly.
You navigate to the bathroom, which happened to be upstairs. Walking in, and closing the door, you strip off the smelly white top and green boxers you were still wearing. And the bikini, phew! It smelt even worse than you thought.
Stepping into the shower, you had no trouble figuring out how to work it and within minutes, you had the hot water on, letting it burn your body. It felt refreshing.
There were a few bottles of shampoo, conditioner and body wash on the shower rack. You borrow some of it, making a mental note to buy some for yourself later.
The glass shower walls have fogged up, and you draw weird shapes on it, becoming a self-inspired artist in the shower.
The doorknob twitches, and the door flings open. Did you not lock it Steph?!

Using your hand you wipe a thick patch of the condensation from the glass to peer through. Niall had his hand on the doorknob, eyes on you and mouth agape.
Immediately, you turn to face the other side; begging that the condensation reforms and the clear glass becomes misted again.
“Sorry Steph...” He mutters.
“It's okay, Niall... Just... Can you close the door, please?” You call over the sound of the water bullets hitting the sides of the shower.
“Yeah... I'm so sorry.” He mutters again, and closes the door.


All clean and refreshed, you step out of the bathroom in the new set of clothes you picked out earlier. Your hair had dried and was left in its natural waves.
You focus your mind away from what happened earlier. The fog would've been enough to 'pixelate' your body, wouldn’t it? Niall didn't see anything; of course Niall didn't see anything.
You find Harry sitting by himself in the lounge, tapping away on his phone.
“Where's the other lads, Harrehchu?” you ask, finding your attempt of Pokémon reference rather hilarious.
“Well, Liam and Louis went somewhere... And Niall's in his room... And Zayn's in the gym, I think.” He says, eyes trained on his phone screen.
“Geez, Harreh. At least you can make eye contact when you talk to me.”
Harry looks up and frowns. “Have you talked to Cara lately?”
Thanks to Harry’s reminder, you realize you haven’t actually talked to her for a long time. “I'll call her tonight.” You reply and walk off.
“Oh yeah Steph, nice legs by the way.” Harry says, and then looks back at his phone, smirking.
You poke your tongue at him, even though he wasn't looking, and continue down the hallway.


Huffing and puffing sounds coming from the gym made you stop by the door; which was left open just slightly. You peek through a gap in the door to see Zayn lifting dumbbells with both arms; shirtless. His biceps would bulge every time he flexed his arm. Slowly, you push back the door softly and walk in, trying your best to not make any sound.
Huff. Puff. Sweat bead rolls down his forehead. Zayn looks up and see's me. You smile gingerly, but astonishingly, he smiles back with enthusiasm. He looks at you, expecting you to say something.
What was there to say?
“Can I watch...?” The words just skip out of your mouth on their own accord, and you silently bash yourself for not having more self control.
“Why not.” He replies in between a huff and puff. Huff. Puff. Huff. Puff. Sweat bead.
The stiff cushion seat of a random weight machine you sat on was not comforting at all; it was rather horrific to imagine doing workouts with your bum on something as hard as that. Your eyes wonder to Zayn’s stomach, and naturally, the abdominal muscles. What is would feel like to run your fingers over them? To have them press against your body?
“Yeah?” You snap out of the unhealthy fantasy you were having.
“Do you wanna, try the dumbbells?” He chuckles, offering his green dumbbell to you.
“Sure.” You take the dumbbell carelessly in your right hand. You almost fall to the floor. “It's so heavy!”
Zayn chuckles, his teeth showing. His smile was beautiful.
“I'll help you.” He stands up and comes behind you. His arm reaches out next to yours, placing his hand ontop of yours to help you lift the weight.
Up. Down. Up. Down. It was easy; with Zayn helping you, or rather, him using his strength and you just standing there, enjoying his presence.
The ‘workout’ lasts for so long, you lose count of time. It felt rather habitual, not at all like some action done to tone the muscles.
“Can I ask you something?”
“I’m open.”
He wastes no time at all. “You know how yesterday, you said... that you didn't like Niall?”
Your heart starts to thump. Nod.
“Do you... I mean, have you... changed your mind since then?”
His arm moves slower and the dumbbell seemed heavier than it was a minute ago.
You felt like the answer was stuck in your throat, but that wasn’t something you could say, because; you had no answer.
Your eyes fall to the floor, and it was one of those times when you wished for the ground to open up and suck you in. Zayn moves his body closer to yours and leans forward. He kisses your cheek.
“Either way... I'm always here...” He mumbles before pulling away from you and dropping his hand off yours. He walks out of the room, and it was difficult to deduce what his emotion was because he made no effort in showing any.
You stand there, puzzled, lifting the dumbbell with one hand. It didn't seem too heavy now.
The only thing heavy was your mind. What is ‘I'm always here’ supposed to mean?


You walk out of the gym, after putting away the dumbbell, lost amongst a whirlwind of your thoughts. Your head hit something hard. You look up to see what you hit or rather; who you hit.
Niall stood before you, rubbing his forehead. Niall didn't see anything; of course Niall didn't see anything.
“I'm sorry!” You apologize frantically and study his forehead. There was a little red bump where he was rubbing it.
“It's okay Steph.” Niall tries to give you a smile but then ends up wincing.
“No, it's not! Oh my God I'm sorry Niall... Let me put some ice on it.” And before he could argue, you drag him to the kitchen.
Assuming that the boys had some first aid implements, you pull open the freezer, and satisfyingly take out a hard coolpack. You gently place the block on Niall’s forehead, but it must’ve really hurt because he grimaces, and spontaneously grabs your hand.
“Oh, toughen up Niall.” You chuckle, finding your face inches from his, where you could analyze it perfectly.
You can feel his breath on your face, as he stared back at you, no longer worrying for the throbbing pain on his forehead. You move closer to each other, as if it were even possible, your hand remains pressed on the coolpack.
“Steph, you are gorgeous...” It was barely louder than a whisper, but it caused your heart to start bashing violently against your chest.
He rests his long fingers under your jaw line and tilts your head up, bringing his lips closer and closer. They press onto yours, like two hands intertwining with each other. You respond back, setting off the fireworks inside you.
The coolpack comes off his head, as it was nothing but a barrier, and you stick that slightly moistened hand into his quiff, tugging him closer to him till' there was no space between you two.

“Ahem.” A cough cuts through the air unexpectedly. You break away from each other's hold, your lungs desperately searching for air.
Harry was standing in the doorway, a cheeky smile playing on his lips. Niall cusses under his breath and runs a hand through his hair; which you messed up.
You shoot Harry an 'I-Will-Get-You-Back' look, and he walks away, proud to have been a nuisance. Niall smiles at you after Harry's gone.
You place the coolpack back on his forehead, a big smile singing on your face.
Niall, he tasted like... peppermint.

A/N: My sister keeps on spying on me, trying to piece together what exactly I do every day behind the computer on Word which is editing.
I will see you soon my frans.
Song Recommendation: ‘Bleed’ by Hot Chelle Rae