Status: Active

The Way I Love You

Chapter Thirteen: Truth or Dare

A/N: So.

The Way I Love You

~Chapter Thirteen~

The group hug lasted for a long time, and you could swear that you almost fell asleep in Zayn’s arms. Louis and Harry pull away, leading Niall and Liam to break off, and then finally you peel yourself off Zayn.
“That was a rather nice group hug.” He chuckles, falling back onto the couch.
“Yeah, we're all so cuddly.” Louis adds.
“I'm the cuddly one, not you.” You chortle back to Louis.
He laughs. “That's because you were all snuggled up with Zayny-boo boo.”
A rush of blood washes over your cheeks, and suddenly the room feels really hot.
“Geepers Louis, don't be mean to Steph, because who else will make spaghetti for us?” Liam pretends to scowl at Louis.
“Yeah Louis.” You mumble, shooting Louis a shame-on-your-face look.
He gasps, and pretends he was offended. Niall starts to cackle, and soon everyone is cackling too. It wasn't that funny, but Niall laughed, therefore the entire room laughs.
“Okay, okay guys... What are we planning to do tonight?” Liam says inbetween a chuckle.
“Yeah, what are we planning to do tonight?” Louis emphasizes the 'tonight' and adds an additional wink. The boys/Louis were immature alright, but that was just another factor which made you love them more.
“Eww Louis! Not ‘tonight’ tonight. Liam means tonight, as in, like, now. Not when you're in your room ‘tonight’.” You exclaim.
“Yeah, I meant what Steph said. So, what shall we do?” Liam continued, holding his hand out for suggestions.
“Movie night!”
“Monopoly even though Louis stepped on our old set and cracked it!”
“We don't have a karaoke machine.”
“Hang man!”
“Rap battles!”
“Strip poker!”
You immediately shoot Harry a disbelieving look at how far he could go with his perverted-ness, and he holds up both hands in front of him for defence.
“How about a deadly version of truth or dare, and everyone has to do what they're asked.” He says, pointing his finger up like it was a 'eureka!' moment.
“Yes!” Louis' eyes widen, and he leans forward to high-five Harry with both hands.
“I'm in!” Zayn grins.
“Same ‘ere'.” Niall raises his hand.
“Ok, me too but nothing too outrageous, okay?” Liam furrows his eyebrows.
“The game will be moderately appropriate.” Harry says with his fingers in an 'ok' sign.
“And that leaves you, Steph. Are you in or are you out?” Louis’ choice of words immediately remind you of a ‘We The Kings’ song called ‘Sleep With Me’ which has the line ‘So baby are you in or are you out now, tell me if you’re lonely in this crowd.’
“Of course I'm in!” you answer absentmindedly.
“Ok! Get in a circle and we will play!” Harry grins, and drags a cushion to the carpet to sit his bum on. You gather in a circle, and it was no coincidence that you find yourself seated inbetween Niall and Zayn.
“I dibs first!” Harry remarks, a smile spread widely across his face. “And I pick... Niall! Truth or dare Nialler?”
“Remember, you have to do what you're asked to do.” Liam seemed to be getting into the mood of the game.
“Uh...” Niall strokes his non-existent beard. “Truth.”
“You choose truth, Niall? Okay, what about Steph makes her hot?” Harry gleams at you evilly.
You face-palm.
Niall seemed stuck for something to say. His mouth was hanging in the air as if he couldn’t believed Harry had asked that either.
“Come on, Niall! What makes Steph hot? Her boobs? Her bum? Her legs?” Louis scans you and you frown at him. “Her frown?”
‘What if he doesn’t think anything about me, Styles?’ You think.
Harry chuckles and Liam's lips curl into a smile. Zayn taps his fingers on the floor like he wasn't interested, but you could see that his eyebrows were furrowed with concentration. You peer at Niall through your fingers, and his face was ketchup red.
“Niall! Get on with it, bro! What makes Steph hot?” Harry asks, winking at you and you return to him with a poke of your tongue. You’ve been sticking that thing out on quarter-hourly occasions because of the boys.
“Uh...” Niall stammers.
In your mind you are chanting some made-up prayer which sounded like a muffled “Please don’t say boobs or bum or anything like that because you didn’t walk into me in the shower the other day, right Niall? Right?”
“Her eyes.”
You had to clean your ears out to make sure you heard right. Your eyes? Your eyes make you hot?
All the mirrors you have used to study your reflection on for the past eighteen years must’ve been rather useless because surely a dull shade of green similar to the colour of an old leaf is certainly not enough to make someone’s eyes pretty, yet make someone hot! Has Niall gone nuts?
“Really, Niall? Not her boobs, not her bum? Not her legs?” Louis says seriously, placing his hand on Niall's shoulder. “Not her frown?”
“It's her eyes.” Niall nods, looking directly at Harry.
Honestly, you were on fire. Your cheeks were probably washed with red and you were sweating cold perspiration. You burned. The tank-top didn't let enough air in and you couldn’t help but imagining what it would be like to be dancing freely in your bra.
“Eyes it is then!” Harry smiles, winking to you.
You place an arm around Niall. “And your eyes are gorgeous too, Nialler.”
Niall blushes even a deeper shade of red than what you thought your face looked like. His cheeks radiated with heat. Liam, Louis and Harry shoot each other looks as if a mutual vibe passed between them. You decide play along.
A peck on Niall’s cheek made a few pair of eyes widen. He grins, and pecks you back.
“Okay, okay, no more PDA guys.” Liam says, putting his hand between you two.
You laugh and shuffle back to your own sitting position. Zayn takes your hand and squeezes it. You flash him a big smile, he chuckles back softly.
“Niall, it's your turn.” Louis announces, eyeing your hand suspiciously. You shoot him a funny look and he winks at you, mouthing ‘player’.
You frown at Louis after slipping your hand out of Zayn’s, bringing your ears back to the conversation.
“Ah... I pick Liam!” Niall remarks, his face looking less red.
“And I choose dare.” Liam says smoothly.
“Ya’ sure, bro? Ya’ sure?”
“Yes I'm very sure.” Liam nods, looking around the circle.
“Liam! I dare you to eat the bottle of mustard.” Niall says, grinning at Liam.
Liam was horrified, “You know last time I had mustard on my sausages and I choked.”
“Go on! It's a dare!” Harry says brightly at Liam.
Liam gulps, and walks into the kitchen, coming back with a half-filled squeezer bottle of the yellow gloop.
“All of it.” Niall says.
Liam gulps again, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. He flicks the lid of the bottle, and holds it upside down; ready to squeeze into his throat.
“Go!” Harry shouts, clapping his hands together.
“Go Liam! Go Liam! Go Liam! Go Liam! Go Liam! Go Liam!” You chant in unison, as you watch Liam squeeze the gloop into his mouth and swallowing it, scrunching his eyes together as he experienced the wrath of mustard. Squeeze. Swallow. Squeeze. Swallow. Squeeze. Swallow.
After a few painful minutes for Liam, the bottle was empty. He runs to the kitchen and turns the tap on full blast, his mouth open under the water.
“Liam'll probably be put off mustard for a while after this.” You chuckle and give a high five to Niall.
Liam comes back, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
“How was it Liam?” Louis asks.
“It was horrible. Horrible.” Liam shakes his head. “And the taste is still in my mouth.”
We break into hysterics, and Liam sits there frowning.
“Louis, truth or dare?” He looks at Louis, wasting no time is all. Time equals revenge.
“Me? Okay. Dare.” Louis grins proudly.
“Louis, I dare you... to lick marmalade off Steph.”
Louis gleams evilly.
You face-palm again. “I thought we were keeping this game appropriate.”
“It is appropriate!” Harry remarks, looking at you sceptically.
“Where, though? Her face? Her leg? Her arm?” Louis asks, already holding the jar of marmalade in his hand.
“Her face.” Harry and Liam say at the same time. They send each other winks, and then chuckle. These boys.
You lie vertically on the floor as instructed by Liam, and Louis comes with his spoon and marmalade. He grins as he scoops the cold slime onto your cheek.
“Hurry Loueh.”
Liam and Harry start to cackle, and Niall looks at you with an unreadable expression on his face. Unfortunately you acquired no sense of peripheral vision so you couldn’t see Zayn, but he was probably laughing along with the lads.
Louis bends down and sticks his tongue on your cheek. He guides it to the marmalade and licks off, leaving a trail of saliva.
“Mmm... Interesting.” He wets his lips.
Harry and Liam look at each other and start laughing again. Louis joins in.
You shake your head disapprovingly.
Niall's eyes wonder to your cheek. “Steph...”
His fingers brush softly across the part of your cheek where Louis licked. “Louis didn’t lick it all off.”
He shows you his finger, and there was indeed a bit of marmalade stuck to it. You smile.
“Thanks Niall.” And before your brain registered what you were doing, you had leant over to peck him.
He blushes, and grins down at his finger. How adorable.
“Louis, who do you choose?” Liam asks, obviously wanting to get on with the game.
“Ah... I choose Steph.” He shoots you a cheeky smile. “And truth or dare?”
Your brain must've been a bit clogged because you answered, “Dare.”
Louis' eyes widen and he grins madly. He leans over to whisper with Harry, and Harry nods excitedly, certainly in agreement with Louis’ brilliant idea. .
“Ok, Steph. Your dare is, tonight you are going to sleep in the lounge.”
You nod, that wasn’t much of a dare, was it?
“But here's the twist...” Harry sticks his finger up. Louis gleams at you.
“You have to pick one of us... to sleep with you.”

A/N: So, how is your life going along mine is fine except for the fact that it’s 3000 degrees outside and I have a sore back. Don’t you just love my cliffhangers?
Vote-Comment-Fan (((because I love you and you love me too right)))
Song Recommendation: ‘Over Again’ by One Direction