Status: Active

The Way I Love You

Chapter Fourteen: Sleeptalk

A/N: I love you, you love me, goodbye.

The Way I Love You

~Chapter Fourteen~

You have to pick one of us... to sleep with you. You have to pick one of us... to sleep with you. The words were ringing in your head.
“Hello? Anyone home? Have you gone to get pizza?” Harry says, waving his hand infront of your face.
“Ha? Yeah?” You snap out of your trance to see Harry looking at you evilly.
“Come on Steph... Who will it be?” Louis says, darting his eyes between Niall and Zayn.
“You have to do the dare Steph.” Harry reminds you, as if you hadn’t been told enough.
“Yeah but what do you mean by choosing one of you to sleep with me...? What does that mean?” You ask cautiously, in case there was some hidden meaning behind it. The chance that there was one would be quite high; especially since you were playing with a bunch of immature boys.
Harry and Louis silently agree over something.
“It means you have to sleep next to them.” Harry explains.
“Part two is completely up to you.” Louis winks, biting his lip in an attempt to be seductive. No thanks, Louis.
“So, Steph... Who is the unlucky one tonight? Having to sleep on the floor next to you?” Liam chuckles teasingly.
The dare wasn’t much of a dare, even with the sleeping with someone else part added in. You look around the circle, stroking your non-existent beard like Niall did earlier. Harry had his eyes flashing between you and Niall, seemingly having a suggestion for you.
It would just be a sleepover, who cares who you choose? “I've made my decision.”
Harry, Liam and Louis gasp. Zayn sits up from his hunched back and Niall gleams at you.
“Who is it?”
Zayn was a bit stunned. His eyes widened and his ears perked, but then his lips curled into a small smile. “I snore though.”
“I probably do as well, so no problem.”
You look at Niall, who was sitting next to you, and perhaps you shouldn’t have. The clenched jaw was a painful sight, but along with that there was also a squint of his eyes which honestly didn’t look extremely friendly.
Your arm automatically drapes over his hunched shoulder. “And I’m a selfish person so I’m also taking Niall.”
“Yeah sure, why not? Double the fun.” Harry sings, contributing to the awkward silence by giving kissy-faces to you.
Liam looks at his wristwatch and then out the window. It had gotten dark rather rapidly. The stars were a shower of glitter across the dark blue sky.
“Guys, its 10pm. We've been playing for ages.” Liam announces, springing onto his feet. “And I'm tired, so I'm going to bed. Night lads night Steph!” He turns his back on you to walk into the corridor. “And have fun sleeping in the lounge!” He calls before closing his door behind him.
“I guess I'm tired too.” Louis yawns although his acting was terrible. He winks at you and walks off to his room.
“Good night guys.” Harry says, flexing his arms in a very show-off manner.
“Night, I hope you have sexy dreams!” You call back. “I guess it’s just us then.”
“I’ve never slept in the lounge before.” Zayn shrugs, looking at the ground uncomfortably.
“I’m sorry… You can, you know, sneak off. I’m sure Harry won’t mind.” You reply sarcastically, rolling you eyes as Zayn smiles.
“He’ll make us do it again, that curl-head.”
“Come on; let’s get our stuff, unless you wanna’ sleep on the carpet.” Niall says before walking off to his room.
When you get to your room, the sheets come off and so does the duvet. You weren’t entirely sure if Liam would be too pleased with this, but it’ll be more worth it to get in trouble than spend a night hugging the carpet. Wrapping you arms around the load, and placing your pillow ontop, you hobble to the lounge and drop it in the middle. Zayn and Niall come out with their loads, just as large as yours.
You sigh. “I'm sorry I dragged you guys into this. I should’ve just chose curl-head or something.”
“If you did, you would wake up tomorrow morning with whipped cream in your shirt.” Zayn chuckles while unrolling his sheet.
You turn to Niall. “I'm sorry Niall... You can go back to your bed if you want because I don't think it's a tad bit comfortable sleeping on this.” You refer to the solid floor.
“I want to,” Niall flashes you a smile, and then unrolls his sheet on the ground, “this can be a little sleepover us.”
To be frankly honest, Niall seemed to be getting more and more insane, and in your sense, nuts.
You shudder as you unroll your sheet. “I'm the girl, so I'm in the middle.”
Zayn chuckles and shakes his head. “Gosh, sexist much?”
“Unless you want to be in the middle, I’m willing to swap.”
The fort is built; a layer of sheets on the bottom to soften the ground, a row of the three pillows at one end, and the duvets ontop.
You yawn, today had been a tiresome day although nothing much really happened. Just thinking about how you could’ve been at school today made you very grateful that the paparazzi were as dodgy as they were.
Turning off the light, you crawl into the middle, and Zayn and Niall crawl in next to your. It should’ve been common sense to you that three thin pieces of material wouldn’t be enough to cushion you from the rigidness of the carpet. Perhaps one day when you become richer, you’d buy a house with a spongy floor.
“Goodnight, sweet dreams.” Zayn says quietly and buries his head in his pillow. He must be really tired.
“Night.” You and Niall reply in unison.
It was a sandwich, as you all wanted to be close to each other. You roll to the side Niall was on. A mini heart attack strikes you when you see that his face was so close to yours.
“How are you?” He asks quietly, as if you two were having a casual conversation. See, you weren’t joking when you thought he was insane. “I’m great, what about you Ni?”
“I’m on top of the world.” He replies, grinning considerably. He wriggles until he finds a new position to lay in. “Can I cuddle with you?”
You smile and he moves closer to you, assuming it was a ‘yes’. He drapes an arm around your waist, and you curl into a fetus position. He moves closer, and your head is under his chin. You place your arm around his waist too. Zayn's gentle snoring plays as a peaceful background sound.
“Steph, what are you studying at school?”
“Well, I’m not keen on going to Uni, I mean… I might go audition for the X-Factor when it comes around, and maybe I might be put in a girl band with four other chicks, and we might come third and then our mentor might sign us and we might have an album out and we might become real famous and then maybe all the boys will swoon for me.” You say sarcastically, feeling the vibrations on Niall’s chest as he joins you in quiet laughter.
“You don’t need to be famous for all the guys to fall in love with you.” You feel his lips press against your forehead. “Some already have.”
“Oh really…”
“Okay let’s see, who was your first kiss?”
“Connor Fountain in sixth grade.”
“Sixth grade! What do you girls do?!”
“Oh, not much, we go around kissing boys during lunchtime.”
“How did it happen?”
“Cara dared me, he was the popular boy; the one all girls had a crush on at some point.”
“Even you?”
“You did, didn’t you?”
“I said maybe, besides, it was ages ago, I can’t remember that sort of stuff.”
“What’s he like?”
“Brown hair, green-blue eyes, he looks a bit like a sixth grade version of Matt Lanter, you know, Liam Court of Coronation Street?”
“So you like brown haired dudes?”
“I never said I liked him Niall.”
“How come you’ve never had a boyfriend? I mean, surely Connor Fountain or whatever is name is, would’ve liked you back…”
“What’s up with you Niall? Training for your television show host interviewer qualification?”
“Maybe,” He chuckles, “no, I just want to know more about you.”
“Well, there was this once I liked a guy, but he didn’t know me.”
“As in he doesn’t know you enough to like you? Or he doesn’t know you at all?”
“Second one.”
“Yeah, I only admired his looks though; turns out he was a full-on jerk.”
“Brown hair?”
“Blond, kinda’ like yours.”
“And he didn’t like you back?”
“Niall, he didn’t even know of my existence, how is that supposed to happen?”
“Oh. Right.”
“But, there was this once when a guy asked me out in eleventh grade…”
“Why didn’t you say yes?”
“How do you know I didn’t say yes?”
“Otherwise you would’ve had a boyfriend, you nut.”
“Actually, Niall, I did say yes.”
“It was a dare you nut.”
“Well.” you repeat after him.
“You must’ve liked him enough to say yes, who was it?”
“Matthew Hyler.”
“Niall even if I tell you tell names, there’s a high chance that you won’t know any of them.”
“I might, you never know.”
“Anyways, guess what happened after that?”
“He actually liked me as well, and later he came to ask me out properly, but I said no.”
“Why would you do that to him?”
“Because I foresaw the future that night, I knew I would meet someone like you; who would be better than him, and I decided I would wait.”
“Now that’s a good one.” He chuckles. “No, really, why?”
“I found out that he was a player. Been with 70% of Cara’s friends.”
“I know, he was rather pretty too.”
“Pretty? Is that how you compliment a guy’s looks?”
“Course; Harry’s pretty, Louis’ pretty, Liam’s pretty, Zayn’s pretty and…”
“You’re pretty too.” You tilt your head up and peck lightly at what seemed to be the bottom of his chin. He chuckles under his breath and you feel the vibration from his chest. “Night Niall.”
“Sleep tight Steph.”
Silence comes into play and the only sounds that were audible were Zayn's snoring and Niall's heartbeat. You take a deep breath. Niall smelt like fresh flowers.
He pulls you closer and until was no space inbetween you two. Despite that the heat under the blanket was bothering your sweat glands; you remain like that, not even moving a bit. You hear a faint snore come from Niall, notifying you that he was asleep. You close your eyes and dig deeper into his chest.

The carpet is not a comfortable place to sleep on, but when you're cuddled up with someone like Niall, it isn't too bad.

A/N: I feel bad for Zayn, but then again Steph is just confused. Tell me what you think because I actually love comments despite how cold I may seem.
-KebabWoman (((KebabWoman is an official word on my Word)))
Song Recommendation: ‘All At Once’ by The Fray