Status: Active

The Way I Love You

Chapter Fifteen: Share the Love

A/N: My mother thinks I’m insane because I want to spend all my money on Harry Potter books.

The Way I Love You

~Chapter Fifteen~

You awake to something soft caressing your cheek; the sensation was bizarre as it was tickling you, but at the same time it was rather soothing.
“Hey, you’re awake.” A beaming Niall brushes a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Your stomach juggles a million tennis balls.
Instead of saying anything, you smile back at him, noticing the freckles on his the side of his face and how there were three arranged in the shape of a triangle.
The sunlight glowed through the curtains. You were still curled up next to Niall, your arms around each other under the duvet. Zayn was snoring ever so quietly.
“Did you sleep well?”
“I had a great sleep.” You grin, snuggling into your pillow.
“Same.” He chuckles, moving his head onto a vacant part of your pillow. It was in the spur of the moment. You stick your tongue out and lick the tip of his nose; leaving a thin trail of saliva on his skin.
He was completely shocked, and you giggle at his priceless facial expression. Mouth opened to let the flies in?
He sticks his tongue out and licks the tip of your nose, proud to have gotten revenge.
You pretend to be disgusted, wiping it off as if it were full of ‘cooties’. You smear Niall’s saliva it back on his cheek and he gasps, leaning forward to get you again.
You sit up so he can’t reach your face and he smirks, and sits up too, hooking an arm around your back and pulling you closer. You wait till his wiggling tongue is about a centimetre away from you, before ducking under his arm, and placing both your hands on his chest to push him back on the ground. His head lands on the pillow, and he was shocked that you managed to catch him off guard. He smirks, and puts his hands around your waist to heave you ontop of him. He was strong, and with no effort at all, you were sitting on him, your legs splayed out on both sides.
'Hey!' you exclaim in a hushed voice, fully aware that Zayn was still dozing.
Niall grins cheekily. 'Who wins now?'
“Really?” Niall furrows his eyebrows, a smile curling on his lips.
“Yeah, I win.”
Never had it ever crossed your mind how beautiful Niall was from an aerial point of view. He tries to get up, but because you were sitting on him, he couldn't. You place your hands on his chest to pin him to the bed sheet.
“You are not getting up, Mr. Horan.” You smirk, causing his to hold up both hands in surrender.
Zayn suddenly twitches, and rolls over to face you. He opens his eyes, and within a second, they widen so big you thought they would’ve popped out.
You look down at Niall who was undoubtedly equally surprised as you.
Then, you realize how wrong your current position would look to anyone who wasn’t you or Niall.
You were straddling Niall on his loin, and to add on to the effect, your hands were on his chest. Somehow you tank top was rolled up to reveal some of your skin and your hair looked deranged. Completely the wrong look.
“What is going on?” There was no sleepiness in that voice, just plain confusion and maybe a trace of anger?
You gulp as you get off Niall, pulling your legs to your chest in a useless attempt to become a rock.
“Nothing,” You squeak, feeling the most useless you have ever felt in your life.
“How is that noth- whatever, suit yourself.” Zayn grunts, climbing out of the fort to storm back into his room. He slams the door, and you whimper as the sound rang through the house. Silence falls like thick net over a sick bear.
You bite your lip.
“'I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done that...”
Hot tears begin to prickle your eyes, pooling at the rim before it becomes too flooded and starts to cascade down your face. Miserable, the feeling was miserable. How- why did it affect you like it had? You pull your legs closer until you become a tight ball, and you crumble. Niall coils his arms around you, wrapping himself over you like a blanket.
“It's alright Steph... It's not your fault...”
You press your head harder onto his chest and cry until your throat stung, until you had no more tears to cry.
It has been a long time since you’ve cried so hard. Niall rubs your back, hoping that it’d make you feel better.
“It's alright Steph... He didn't let you explain...”
It only did occur to you how much of a mess you looked; your hair is clammy and all over the place, your shirt is completely soaked through and your face was a horror.
“I'm going for a shower.” It was almost inaudible because your throat was so parched.
“Okay,” Niall helps you up, “don’t do anything stupid.”
Although you weren’t suicidal to any extent, the impression that Niall cared about you was truly heart-warming.
“I wont, promise.”
Niall delivers you a small smile before you turn away to walk to the bathroom. The door closes behind you, the bitter marble tiles itching your feet as you try to remove your tank top.
You couldn’t. The buttons on the front were too much of a task for your numb fingers.
You open the door and to your surprise, Niall is leaning against the wall across you. A sheepish smile is given to you before he runs a hand through his a hair timidly.
You try to smile back, but your cheeks hurt so much.
“Niall, can you help me with something?” The voice you possessed was disgusting.
“Yes, of course. Anything.”
You avoid his eyes, subconsciously scared of what he’d think. “Can you unbutton my top for me?”
Transferring your gaze back on him, you see the confusion on his face. “Why?”
You hold up your fingers; which had turned a colour similar to one displayed by bruising.
He pauses for a moment, and you are about to walk back into the bathroom, but he stutters “Okay.”
“Do I just... unbutton it...?” He gestures to the line of black buttons on your tank top.
You nod meekly. He reaches for one of the buttons, freeing it with his face turned away. He unbuttons another four without looking at you or the tank top.
“You don't have to look away.”
He pauses. “Are you sure...?”
“I don't mind.”
His eyebrows furrow, and then he turns to face you. “If at any point you feel uncomfortable, just let me know and I’ll turn away as quick as a flash.”
You can’t help but smile at how considerate he was. True gentlemen do exist.
He unbuttons the rest quicker than before and you slip out of the damp singlet, leaving you in your bra. He looks away instantaneously.
“Can you also unbutton my...?” You gesture to your bottoms.
He nods without hesitation, turning back around to undo the large stubborn silver button of your denim shorts.
You are left standing in your lace black lingerie infront of Niall and at the moment it didn’t matter to you how insecure you felt, or how astounded Niall seemed.
“Okay, I'll leave now...” Niall mumbles after a moment and turns to the door.
“Wait!” you call, reaching your hand out as if it would summon him back.
He stops in his tracks.
“Would you mind... unhooking my bra...?”
He runs a hand through his hair. “Steph... but... I'm a guy, and you're a girl... and... it's really not that right...'
“Niall, I really don't mind, and my fingers are still numb.” He doesn’t say anything so you add in “Please?”
God that makes you sound so desperate
He lets out a sigh of defeat, and you smile gratefully, resisting all urge to hug him.
You turn around, and wait. His long, cold fingers gently move your hair away from your back. He takes a deep breath, and guides his fingertips to the hooks of your bra. He tugs at it, and releases the two parts from each other's grasp. The bra goes loose, and you cup it against your breasts.
“Thanks Niall.” You turn around to face him and he was beet red. Redder than you were when Zayn said you were pretty.
You stand on your tip toes, planting a kiss on his cheek. The strongest desire of yours for that moment was to hug Niall, and you seize the opportunity before you turn into a wimp and scamper away.
He seemed reluctant, only putting his arms around you after a moment of contemplating things in his head.
And then you felt it.
Something stiff and rocklike was protruding from his groin and jutting sharply into your hip. His erection. His stiffy. His member. His penis.
You were paralyzed with stupefaction. You gulp as you pull away from him, no longer cold or shivering.
Niall, most likely having no idea that you felt it, shifts his eyes to your panties. “I don’t have to help you with those, do I?”
“I think I can manage.” You chuckle lightly, feeling a shred bit awkward towards him.
He joins you in chuckling, the blush wearing away. “Okay, I'll go now.” He turns around to leave, closing the door behind him.


You were pretty sure you just had the longest shower in your life. For as long as you could remember you were doing nothing but standing under the nozzle, letting the bullets smack you hard on the skin. So much had happened in such little time. First there was Niall and what you suspect was his jealousy toward you and Zayn, and just as you and Zayn are back to normal again, the incident involving Zayn catching you and Niall in the wrong position in the wrong time occurs, and then there’s Niall’s erection. Bloody hell, you think. What is going on?! And that was a question that no one but you could answer. What is happening to you? For the whole of your life up until now, boys were never interested in you, with an exception of Matthew Hyler, and now suddenly there are two of the most gorgeous men to ever walk this earth interested in you and your ways…?! Well, you’re not completely sure about Zayn because the fans weren’t lying when they deemed him mysterious but Niall! An erection! A freaking erection!

You shudder as you turn the shower off, stepping out in a cloud of fog. You grope for a towel.
You open the door and walk into the kitchen, with a hand smoothing out your hair. It was dripping wet but you couldn’t care less.
“Morning Steph! Finally come out of the shower?” Harry chuckles, taking a bite of buttered toast while his bum was seated on a stool by the island.
“Morning Harrehchu.” You grin, pecking him under his navy blue beanie.
He smiles, and looks down at the towel. He furrows his eyebrows. “Why don't you go and put some clothes on…?”
“Says the one who likes being nude all the time.” You joke, sticking your finger in his coffee for a taster. “Mmm… needs more sugar Styles.”
He shrugs and takes another deep bite from his toast. You snort and walk into the lounge, where Louis, Liam and Niall were drinking tea on the couch. The sheets and duvets were nowhere to be seen and you assumed that the boys put them away.
“Morning Steph!” They beam in unison. Your lips break into a smile and you walk over quickly to give each of them a hug and a peck.
Because you were wearing a towel it was slightly hard to do so with both arms as you were afraid it would loosen.
Niall had changed into a white singlet with an eye in the middle, and some loose khaki shorts. When you look at his arms carefully, you realized that there were biceps which you never noticed, because you were always too mesmerized by Zayn’s. Blind.
“So Steph how was it? Sleeping in the lounge?” Liam asks sarcastically.
“Oh it was great, better than 5.5 star hotels.”
Liam and Louis chuckle, but Niall stares at you with a worried look on his face.
You send a small smile telling him that you were okay, and he grins. Eyes sparkling and cheeks puffed up.
Zayn was missing; probably in his room.

The boys left at 11.30am for the recording studio. They invite you along but you refuse, claiming that you had homework to catch up on.
Zayn avoided any chance of eye contact during your exchange of 'goodbyes'.
The car drives off and disappears in the distance. You wave as it leaves, coming back into the apartment. You check your iPhone.

From: Cara

Steph babe, I heard that you arent allowed at school for months coz of the 1D thing omg lucky bitch ;)
Im stuck at school ah what are you doing Txt me pls <3 xoxo

You read the text and you feel a pool of guilt in the bottom of your stomach for not bothering to make any contact with her.

To: Cara

Cara babe! Guess what? Im staying with the boys 0.0 Im sorry for not replying you earlier :'(
Call ya tonight <3 xoxo

You place your iPhone on the table, and hop to your room to get changed out of the towel. A purple-white-orange block singlet appealed to you, and you also decided on some white shirts because summer is summer after all.
Turning on the stereo you brought along, you put in The Fray by The Fray. It’s a brilliant album; you make a mental note to recommend it to Niall later.
The sun kisses your skin from outside the window. The sun's out, you have music on, and this is just the second day of the three months you’ll be here.
Maybe things won't be too bad after all.


“Steph! Are you home?!”
You peel your eyelids off your eyes. You feel asleep on your desk. The stereo was still pumping music, but it was just a mere background sound to your peaceful slumber.
You leap off the chair and dart to the front door, unbolting it as fast as your hands would let me.
“Gosh, Steph!” Harry exclaims as he walks in.
You ignore his comment and hug him. “Don’t you have keys?”
“Left them.” He grunts, and walks off.
Liam pulls you in for a hug, and then Louis gives you a bear hug.
Before you could, Niall attacks you with a bone-crusher and you grin madly, pushing away all the thoughts about the erection.
Zayn stands in the doorway, waiting impatiently to get in. You look at him, hopeful that you could share a hug with him, but he returns a cold stare. You bite your lip and move Niall gently to the side of the door, still embraced in a hug. Zayn mutters something and walks in, heading straight to his room.
Niall's thumb brushes a tear that had found its way out of your eye without your acknowledgement. You blink back at him, straight at his blue eyes.
“Why does Zayn hate me...?” you whimper, biting the inner part of your lip so hard that you could almost taste the blood seeping between your teeth.
He pulls you closer to him so your hug had no gaps. “I don't know, Steph.”
You rest your chin on his shoulder, pressing your cheek against the crook of his neck.
“I'm sorry Niall, for dragging you into this... I think Zayn got the wrong idea when he saw us this morning...”
“It's okay Steph, stop blaming yourself, it wasn’t you…”
You sigh, burying your face in his shoulder. “Niall, you are amazing and I am actually really, really thankful that I know you.”
He chuckles, and kisses the top of your head. “And I'm glad I went to that donut shop and met the girl who's standing infront of me now.”

A/N: aww I can’t stop aww
Vote-Comment-Fan for Stiall or Zeph or whatever you ship.
Movie Recommendation: The Breakfast Club (the one with a dude called Brian Johnson)