Status: Active

The Way I Love You

Chapter Sixteen: Cheeky Chap

A/N: Hai my minions. You guys are unbeatable.

The Way I Love You

~Chapter Sixteen~

“Niall, Steph, stop touching each other and come into the lounge.” Louis calls.
“Gosh Lou.” Niall mutters. He leads you to the lounge where they were all piled on the couch, except for Zayn, who you supposed was in his room.
“How did recording go today?” you ask, propping down on the loveseat.
“It was ok, we recorded some new songs for the album, and Nialler got to play his guitar.” Liam shoots a smile towards Niall. “But Zayn was a bit moody.” He shrugs, flicking his fingers.
“Yeah, why is Zayn so blue today? What did you do to him last night, Steph?” Harry winks, a smirk playing on his lips.
“Nothing.” Niall answers for you
Harry's eyes shoot to Niall. “I was asking Steph bro.”
Niall shrugs, and looks to you.
“Yeah, nothing happened last night.” You say to Harry, twiddling your thumbs.
“If you say...” Harry chuckles lightly.
You stick your tongue at him, but then straight away you regret it because it brought you back to what happened when you stuck your tongue at Niall.
You bite the sides of your cheek when you hear the ringing of Zayn slamming the door, in your head. The tears are coming, and you feel your chin wobble uncontrollably.
“Excuse me...” You mumble as you hurry off to your room with your head facing the floor so the boys don't witness an emotional breakdown. Tears fall on the carpet, and create dark spots that spread a little bit before stopping to its full size.
“Steph! Where are you going?” Louis calls after you.
“She's fine Lou...” You hear Niall's voice faintly, trying to steer Louis away from what happened.
You walk into a wall. A soft wall?
You look up, with fresh tears to pixelate your view, and you see a dark blurry shape.
You blink, so the tears slide down your cheeks instead of staying on the rim of your eye.
Your heart jumped a little.
“Sorry.” He mumbles, and his shoulder slightly brushes yours when he continued down the hall.
Steph, here is your queue.
“Wait...!” you call, the word just barely climbing out of your throat.
To your surprise, he stopped, and briefly turned around.
“Can I, maybe, talk to you for a few minutes...?”
He studies your eyes for a moment, and it brought you back to that time when you kissed in his room.
“Yeah, okay.” He shrugged.
You feel small smile tug at your lips. “Can we go to my room...?”
He nods, and you turn around to lead the way.


“So what did you want to say?” Zayn leans against the wall, hands tucked in his pockets, and his eyebrows scrunched with concentration. His eyes weren't as cold and dark as they were before.
You take a breath and sit on the edge of the bed. Inhale.
“I just wanted to say... that what you saw this morning... me and Niall... It wasn't what it looked like.”
You say, choosing your words carefully.
Zayn chuckles dryly. “You expect me to believe that it wasn't what it looked like...?”
You pinch the corners of your duvet, twisting it hard.
“We were just playing.”
“Playing?! So is having sex is called playing now?”
“But, Zayn... We weren't doing anything...”
“Well then, what were you doing? Pretending to do it? About to do it?” He pauses, hesitating for moment. “What would you call straddling a guy with your hands pinned on his chest and your shirt rolled so high up it looked like he was touching you in the wrong places? What do you call that? Playing?” He snapped, running a hand through his hair while the other was clenched in a tight fist.
Your heart jumped higher than it ever has in your whole entire life. What he just said was taking it way too far.
“You know Niall won’t do that.” You straighten up. “And we weren’t having sex, in case you didn’t notice, my pants were on.”
Zayn looks up.
“And Niall’s pants were on too. Last time I checked two people can’t have sex with their genitals under their pants.”
Your sass-ness was being unleashed. Zayn leans back on the wall, looking up at the ceiling.
“Why do you care anyway?” The question jumps out of your mouth. You clasp your hand over it, cursing yourself for thinking so loud.
“Pardon?” Zayn asks, eyebrows curved in.
“Nothing...” You mumble, pulling harder on the duvet edge.
There was a very long awkward silence, which you wish you could kill, but you couldn't think of anything to say.
Finally, Zayn shuffles his feet and looks right into your eyes. “I care because I do.”
He walks out.


A knock on the door about five minutes later fishes you out of your thoughts.
“Come in.” you call, falling back onto your bed and lying down with your arms stretched out.
Niall steps in with a small smile. “Are you okay?”
You roll over so there’s space for Niall, and you motion for him to join you in your misery. “I talked to Zayn.”
“About what?”
“This morning.”
“What did you say...?”
“I said it was a misunderstanding, pretty much.”
“And did he believe you?”
“I don't know, Niall. He didn't look like he really believed it... He thought we were... You know...”
“But we weren’t.”
“Yeah, I told him that, but, I don't know.”
“Ah... Zayn will get over it soon... Don't worry too much. What else did you say?”
“Nothing.” you reply, which was a lie again. A pang of guilt hits you, but telling Niall about what Zayn said didn't seem right.
“Well, don't worry Steph; Zayn will probably be over it by tomorrow.” Niall suggests, letting out a small sigh at the end.
You copy him and sigh too.
He turns his head so he's facing you and you smile when you see the grin on his face.
“You know, Steph...” He says as his eyes wonder to yours. You were captivated.
“Yes, Niall.”
“I want to tell you something...”
“What is it...?” your ears perk.
“Come closer...”
“Why can't you tell me now...?”
“Because. Just come closer.”
You move closer, bracing yourself for something life-changing.
“Steph...” His breath tickles your face.
“What?” You whisper back, staring into his eyes.
He leans closer, so close that you thought he was coming in for a kiss. You soften your gaze and take a deep breath.
He winks, and then instead of bringing his lips onto yours, he sticks his tongue out to lick your nose. He shoots up from the bed and cackles before running out of the room. Cheeky.
You chuckle, and leap up to chase after him down the hallway.

A/N: Zayn is so philosophical.
Song Recommendation: ‘Munich’ by The Fray