Status: Active

The Way I Love You

Chapter Seventeen: Love is in the air

A/N: Holla my frans

The Way I Love You

~Chapter Seventeen~

“Try and catch me, Steph!” Niall calls, sticking his tongue out mischievously. He slinks around a corner and vanishes.
“I'm coming, and I'll catch you!” You turn the corner and enter the second lounge which you haven’t been in before. Niall was no where to be seen.
You peer behind the sofa, and all the places that were capable of hiding the Irishman, but he wasn’t there. Where could he be? The lounge was a dead end, meaning Niall had to be somewhere in here.
You peer behind the sofa one more time, in case your blindness caused you to miss him. Sighing in defeat, you cross your arms.
“Niall! Where are you?” You look up at the ceiling. ‘You aren’t climbing walls, are you?”
Out of nowhere pair of arms wrap tightly around your waist, pulling you back.
Your heart leaps a mile. You turn your head briefly around, to see Niall grinning madly.
“I'm right here.”
“Where did you come from? That was scary!”
“I have my own ways.”
You roll your eyes jokingly and lean back further into his chest. “Who wins now?”
“No, it's me Niall.”
“I caught you off-guard so it's me.”
“It’s not my fault you have supernatural powers, it’s me.”
“But I'm holding you now, so I win.”
“Yeah, but that's only because I'm letting you hold me.”
He chuckles, and you feel his soft lips graze against yours. “Now I win.”
“I lose, boo hoo,” You laugh and when it ceases, you stare at the vase in the corner off the lounge. “Niall.”
“I love you,” you smile, closing your eyes, “and the boys.”
“Mm hmm.”
“You guys are just amazing, amazing people and I just, I just love you boys, you guys are like my family.” You were astonished at yourself for finally admitting it.
You turn around, and he smiles, the smile not quite reaching his eyes. You move your body around so you were in a proper hug. He slowly places his hands around your waist.
“What's wrong?” you ask, looking deep into his eyes. They were distant, and possibly showing a trace of sadness.
He mumbles something under his breath, his eyes avoiding yours.
“Never mind.” He smiles grimly, and tilts your chin with his finger. He places a gently kiss on your forehead. You return the favour.
You rock slowly, side to side, enclosed in each others arms. You place your chin on his shoulder and press your cheeks against his neck. He buries his face into you hair.
Silence fills the room and it was the perfect time to study his heartbeat again.
You try to figure out what he said earlier, but the furthest you got was “Family members aren’t supposed to fall in love with each other.”


When you head back to the lounge with Niall, the unpleasant grumbling noises coming from your stomach gets the better of you.
“Are you hungry, Steph?” Liam asks, scrunching his eyebrows.
You nod sheepishly. “I’ll just fetch some biscuits.”
“No, don't!” Harry exclaims.
“Do you want me to starve to death Styles?”
“That’s so not cool, man.” Niall puts on his American accent to scowl at Harry.
“No, I mean don't eat too much because we're going out for dinner tonight, and we don't want you to get too full before it.” Harry explains, rolling his eyes.
“Out for dinner? Why didn't you tell me earlier?”
‘We just decided.” Louis replies with a ‘duh’ look.
“I'm going to get changed.” You declare, looking down at your current outfit which didn’t seem too stylish.
“Dress nicely! We're going in like, half an hour.” Harry informs.
Zayn sat on the loveseat, eyes pegged on his iPhone, not even bothering to look up.
“Ok.” you say quietly and then you make your way to the stairs. Footsteps come hurrying behind you.
“Hi Niall.’
“Hi Steph.”
“You’re such a creep, stop creeping up on me.”
“Can’t help it.” He smirks.
“You're going to get changed too?” you ask, scanning his outfit. There was nothing wrong with it.
“Yeah, I'm going to help you decide what to wear so you can help me decide what to wear.” He says, dabbing the tip of your nose.
“Sure, fashion consultant Niall.” You take his hand and lead him to your room. “Me first then.”
You open the closet door and marvel at how neatly your clothes were arranged. “Do I wear something formal tonight, Niall?”
No answer.
The speed of which his arms snaked around your waist belonged to someone who had been doing it way too many times.
“Stop doing that Niall!” You exclaim, clutching a hand over your heart. .
He chuckles. “I know you like it, don't lie.”
“Maybe I do. Anyways, do I wear something formal tonight?”
“No, don't have to.”
“Didn’t you want to pick for me? It has to be appropriate.”
“So it can't be pyjamas? Aww...’
“But you look good in anything Steph.”
“No pyjamas Niall or I will make you wear my bikini.”
“Okay okay.”
You take to pointing out some of the options that were available. “This one?” you point to a simple black dress with a brown belt across the waist.
“Or this one?” A sky blue tank top with a white star printed in the middle.
“Or this one?” A denim shirt which you liked to wear with a black bowtie.
“Or whatever you want.” You drop your hand, and slide out of the way.
He steps forward, and runs his hand through the clothes. He stops, lifting a coat-hanger off the rack. Suspending from it was a white singlet with a little Irish flag printed on the left breast pocket. Your dad got you that when he went to Ireland last year.
“This. I like this.” He says, holding it out for you.
“I wonder why...” you smirk, and take it off him. He chuckles. “And the bottom?”
He turns back to the closet and pulls out a pair denim shorts. “Here. My fashion tastes aren't that bad, eh?”
“Not bad at all.” You chuckle. “But you guys better not be going somewhere formal tonight, because these are not formal at all.”
“Promise, we aren't.” He winks.
You smile, “Alright, I’m changing now.”
Off goes the purple-white-orange singlet. It was fair to say that the lads were the closest thing to guy friends you have ever had, and because you were single and you assumed Niall was single, it was okay to be around him like this. It’s not like anything would happen anyway.
The thought of Niall being single made you realize that you had never bothered to ask him back about his love life last night when he questioned about yours.
You hear a gasp from Niall who had already turned to face the wall. “Gosh Steph! At least warn me before you strip infront of my face!”
“It doesn't bother me; it only seems to bother you.”
“Yeah, but it’s still not a good idea to start stripping infront of your boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend? Since when?”
“Since now.”
“Whatever.” You chuckle, peeling off your shorts to pull on the white pair Niall picked out. “Say, Niall. How’s your love life?”
“Why are you interested?”
“I just want to know more about you.” You reply, reciting Niall’s answer to a similar question you asked him last night.
“Alright. What do you want to know?”
“Who do you like?”
“Wow slow down! No I’m not telling you that!”
“Why not? Is it one of the lads? Are you homosexual?!”
“Then why not?”
“You tell me yours and I’ll tell you mine.”
The idea of confessing to Niall about your mixed emotions didn’t appeal to you very much. “Okay, maybe not then.”
Niall laughs, taking your hand to spin you around. “Oh Steph, aren’t you a stunner.”
“All thanks to your fantabulous fashion tastes, Mr. Horan.”
“Have you got another question?”
“I’ll ask you when we get to your room.”


Niall opens up his closet, and you gasp at the amount of shirts he had. He had several of every single colour and when you looked at his wardrobe from afar it looked more like a detailed rainbow than anything else.
Niall falls back onto his bed with his hands behind his head. “Go on, pick something.”
You scan his shirts, but the vibrant ones didn’t attract your attention, it was a white one with a black collar. “This one. I like this one.”
He sits up straight away and takes the hanger from your hand.
You pull out a pair of black jeans. “And wear this with it.”
He takes it with his other hand. “Are ya' sure?”
“Yes, you'll look very handsome in those.” You wink, falling back onto his bed over the spot he was on earlier.
“Okey dokey!” He chuckles and removes his t-shirt. You analyze the blank ceiling. Ruffling sounds could be heard when he put the polo on, and something drops to the ground, which indicated that he was changing pants.
“So Niall, the next question of mine is, when was your first?”
“First time?”
“No, I actually meant first kiss, but since you’re so keen on revealing details about your sex life to me, okay, alright. First time.”
“I’m pure. A clean slate.”
“Really?” You ask disbelievingly. “I thought you guys had millions of girls flinging themselves at you!”
“Well, I don’t believe it is right to go that far with someone you aren’t prepared to spend your life with.”
“Aw Niall, that’s the most genuine thing I have ever heard you say up until now.”
“That’s just what I think. Don’t know about the other guys.”
“Who cares about what the other guys think, sometimes it’s good to believe in what you believe.”
“Believe like the album.”
“Well Steph, I’m done, you can look now.”
You sit up, and immediately you wish you hadn’t.
The white polo was tight around him; wrapping his torso perfectly and presenting the biceps on his arm, making him look fitter than anything you had ever laid eyes on. The skinny black jeans added much class to his outfit, just like the black collar which sharpened his torso. You couldn’t peel your eyes away.
“Steph... Are you alright or do I look bad?”
“No no! Of course not, you’re fine.”
“Are you sure...?” He runs a hand through his hair, making the front bit stick up like a quiff. He bites his bottom lip. You walk forward, placing your fingers on his collar to fix it. “You always look good Niall.”
Wait, what?! You blush instantaneously, and you focus your eyes on the collar in attempt to avert his gaze.
“Thank you, Steph.” He lays his arms around your waist and pulls your closer. “And never look bad yourself.”


“Well! That took you long enough!” Harry exclaims as you two enter the lounge. The lads had all changed into some rather tempting attire. Harry was wearing a low cut grey t-shirt with a pair of white jeans. Liam wore a grey waist-coat over a white t-shirt. He also had a pair of grey pants on, making him look extremely formal. Louis wore his usual; blue stripes and red chinos. But Zayn was wearing something extremely attention catching this time. A red and green plaid shirt with some nude chinos. Something about it made you happy. You smile at him, hopeful that things were back to normal after the talk. He returns a small smile. Your heart swells with relief.
“What were you two doing...?” Louis asks with suspicion lingering in his eyes.
“Just changing, gosh Lou.” You reply, aware of how nosy Louis was.
“Hurry up people! I'm hungry!” Liam nags as he pushes you to the door.
You already had your black sandals on, Niall puts on his black Supras to match with the whole black and white theme that was going on. You were right; he looked very handsome tonight, like he did every night.
You hop into the car. Liam as front man, Harry taking passenger seat, Louis volunteered to sit at the back, so you were squashed in between Niall and Zayn.
Both your arms were touching theirs.
“Dinner, here we come!” Liam exclaims excitedly.
He turns the radio on, and 'Good Time' by Owl City and Carly Rae Jepsen is playing.
A little jam session begins.

A/N: This chapter was actually so fun to write I don’t know why but it was.
Song Recommendation: ‘Frick Park Market’ by Mac Miller